Translation of "analogous" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Analogous - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

So it's completely analogous.
そして あなたは簡単に資産を見る事が出来ます
The last one is analogous.
雨からの1回だけの遷移が晴れへの遷移なので 1 1ですが
Your situation is analogous to mine.
The human heart is analogous to a pump.
Actually, this also is analogous to people networks.
ある情報が広まってほしくない時は 誰を抹殺するかを考えるのと同じです
That's analogous to imagine learning to ride a bicycle.
覚えるとしたらどうでしょう はじめに乗り方の説明をして
This is completely analogous to what I did up here.
Analogous restrictions as in the add header action apply here, too.
Chancellor of Germany is analogous to Prime Minister in other countries.
連立政権を統治していました 彼の政党ナチスは多数党ではありませんでしたが
lens of print design but the two are not that analogous.
サイトとグラフィックは同等のものではありません Webデザイナーは グラフィック以外に
This is analogous to increasing the temperature of the reaction mixture.
高くするのと同じことです より温度が高いと分子は より速く移動します
And let's reproduce them by a process of recombination analogous to sex.
それらを再生産しましょう 二つのプログラムのサブルーチンを交換して
It had the Council of 500, which is analogous to the U.S.
If i wanted to write an analogous thing for the scalar quantities ... ...
And that gives me sum of cross products. Analogous to sum of squares.
では見て行きましょう 相関係数はクロス積の和を
I mean, this is analogous to our interest in things that have big teeth.
興味を持つのと似ていますね ー 笑
Again, it might be useful to think about this as analogous to Unix unlink call.
ここでも UNIXの unlink コールと類似したものと考 えると便利です
Warner One of your advisers said to me It's analogous to Nixon going to China.
訪れられるのだ  と言いました
So it's analogous to anaphase in mitosis, but the key difference is you're pulling apart homologous pairs.
相同染色体対を 引き離してるからね 染色体を
So this is analogous of having a global environment a big marketplace where you could buy new keys.
つまり新しい鍵を買える市場です そして その上に入れ子になった環境が
This is analogous to having a power failure in an area of the brain, a regional power failure.
脳の領野における部分的な停電です アルツハイマー病の患者は
And then we'll see that there is something that maybe isn't exactly division, but it's analogous to it.
それに相似のものを示しましょう まず それを紹介する前に 単位行列のコンセプトを
And finally, the inverse of a matrix is analogous to taking the reciprocal or inverting a regular scaler number.
概念です だから例えば2の逆数は1 2
Analogous to the closed table, I make an expand table of exactly the same size but initialized it with 1.
1で初期化します 展開の数をカウントするcountを加えました
It starts to have a little bit of structure, and this is completely analogous to what happens in prophase in mitosis.
有糸分裂の 前期と まったく同じ この 並んだ相同染色体対に
And that, if you want to view it from a U.S. point of view, that was analogous to the U.S. Senate.
アメリカの上院と似ていると言える 総裁政府 5人の総裁の候補者は
Now it's going to enter metaphase Il, which is analogous to metaphase I, or metaphase in mitosis, where the chromosomes get lined up.
中期Ⅰと同じで 有糸分裂の中期とも同じ 染色体が 一列に並ぶ こう描こう
And at the end of the ten days, they measured their amygdala, and this exact same analogous part of the rat brain grew.
ネズミの脳の扁桃体が 大きくなっていたのです ヒトでは扁桃体の灰白質濃度が減少し げっ歯類では扁桃体が大きくなったわけです
So you have these points where analogous or I guess you could say homologous points on two of these chromosomes will cross over each other.
2本の染色体に 乗換え 交叉 が 起きる くわしく描くよ
And what we are is we're at a point in time which is analogous to when single celled organisms were turning into multi celled organisms.
多細胞生物に変わろうとしていたときと 同様な時点にいます つまり私達はアメーバであり
So what he's saying is that, we are mechanically doing the same thing that Japan did, we're increasing our balance sheet, which is analogous to printing money
日本は 同じことをやっていますが 紙幣を印刷し 貸借対照表を増加しています そして 日本の政策のように
That's analogous to imagine learning to ride a bicycle, and maybe I give you a lecture ahead of time, and I give you that bicycle for two weeks.
覚えるとしたらどうでしょう はじめに乗り方の説明をして それから2週間ほど自転車で実習させ
And what we've discovered is, by using a part of the mushroom you've probably never seen analogous to its root structure it's called mycelium we can actually grow materials with many of the same properties of conventional synthetics.
皆さんはおそらく見たこともないキノコの一部で 菌糸体と呼ばれる根茎に類似した構造を利用し 実際に従来の化学合成物質と
But diagnosing a brain disorder without actually looking at the brain is analogous to treating a patient with a heart problem based on their physical symptoms, without even doing an ECG or a chest X ray to look at the heart.
脳の障害を診断するのは 心臓に問題がある患者の心電図や 胸部のX線写真さえ撮らずに
I want to show you the rest of this photograph, because this photograph is analogous to what we do to the word compassion in our culture we clean it up and we diminish its depths and its grounding in life, which is messy.
皆さんにお見せしたいのです 何故ならこの写真は 私たちの文化で 思いやり という言葉に対してする事に 類似しているからです
Now, this idea of wandering around and then finding a plus 1 or a minus 1 is analogous to many forms of games, such as backgammon and here's an example backgammon is a stochastic game and at the end, you either win or lose.
バックギャモンのような 多くのゲームの形と似ています バックギャモンは確率的なゲームで 最後は勝つか負けるかです
In the last video, we took a look at what is probably the simplest possible economy, and it's not even clear that this economy is even possible this one person economy but to make it more analogous to the real world (where we have households and we have firms).
先のビデオでは おそらく 最も簡単な経済についてみました このような経済が可能か明確ではありません