Translation of "arbitration in accordance" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Accordance - translation : Arbitration - translation : Arbitration in accordance - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

With arbitration, judgement is usually passed in six months time.
In accordance with Starfleet orders this date,
You must act in accordance with the rules.
May be distributed in accordance with the GPL.
Everything was done in accordance with the rules.
In accordance with the greatness of Thy power.
We're Interpol. And in accordance with section 3
我々はインターポールだ そして第3節に従い
Everything should be done in accordance with the rules.
They built the ship in accordance with the plans.
I will sell the boat in accordance with your orders.
He arrived at nine in accordance with a prearranged plan.
In accordance with his advice, I called off the deal.
We played the game in accordance with the new rules.
We have finished the work in accordance with her instructions.
We have finished the work in accordance with her instructions.
私たちは彼女の指示に従って 作業を終了した
We get our food through farming in accordance with nature.
その上で 如何に喜びを深いものにするかどうかは
In accordance with your request, I enclose a picture of myself.
Pro speras, speras, hope in accordance with our hopes and expectations.
繁栄は我々の希望と期待に応じます 皮肉なことに
The sand runs in accordance with the quality of the conversation
会話の質により 砂の落下速度が変わる
These disputes between the two nations should be solved in accordance with international law.
こうした2国間の紛争は 国際法に従って解決されなければならない
I know that interest rates are fixed in accordance to the borrower's business risk.
金利は 債務者が負担する事業リスクに応じて定まるものと存じます
If I, in the process of resampling, randomly draw a particle in accordance to the normalized importance weights.
正規化した重要度重みに従って 粒子をランダムに選び出すとします P1からP5までの確率を計算して下さい
It is not in accordance with your wishes, nor in accordance with the wishes of the People of the Scripture. Whoever works evil will pay for it, and will not find for himself, besides God, any protector or savior.
これはあなたがたの妄想によるものではなく また啓典の民の妄想でもない 誰でも悪事を行う者は その報いを受けよう アッラーの外には 愛護し援助する者も見いだせない
Each will have a position in accordance with his deeds and no wrong will be done to them.
各人には その行ったことに応じて種々の段階がある これはかれが 行為に対して 完全に 報われるためで 決して不当に扱われることはない
The bundle had been abandoned in the pine woods beyond Bramblehurst, in accordance with a change in the plans of the Invisible Man.
透明人間の計画の変更を伴う 氏はマーベルはベンチに座って そして誰も彼のわずかな通知を取らなかったが
Surely your Lord will reward everyone in accordance with his deeds. He is certainly aware of all they do.
あなたの主はかれらの凡ての言動に対して 十分に報われる 本当にかれは かれらの行いを熟知なされる
For the divorced women there shall be a provision, in accordance with honourable norms an obligation on the Godwary.
離婚された女に対しては 妥当な贈り物をしなければならない これは主を畏れる者の負う務めである
It's a moment when people think about who they are, their place in society, and their role in the life cycle in accordance with Torajan cosmology.
社会の中で 自分の居場所はどこか トラジャの宇宙論が説く 生命のサイクルにおける 自分の役割は何か
If a medical error occurs, the patient or spouse agrees to a settlement for fair compensation by arbitration instead of going to court.
裁判所に行かなくても公正な調停補償金で 米国では何億ドルという 法的費用が節約されるでしょう
If someone wants the ceremony to be held in accordance with Japanese Shinto ritual, then that is possible at this church.
日本の神道の儀式に則って 挙式をしたいという方がおられれば この教会で出来ます
Yet there is a group among the people of Moses who guide with truth and act justly in accordance with it.
ムーサーの民の中で 真理によって 人びとを 導き またそれによって裁いた一団がある
The Local Government of Wen River County, Wen River County War Hero Cemetery in accordance with the recommendation of our leaders,
文河県民生局 文河県戦争英雄追悼施設 我々の指導者の推薦によって
(This) shall not be in accordance with your vain desires nor in accordance with the vain desires of the followers of the Book whoever does evil, he shall be requited with it, and besides Allah he will find for himself neither a guardian nor a helper.
これはあなたがたの妄想によるものではなく また啓典の民の妄想でもない 誰でも悪事を行う者は その報いを受けよう アッラーの外には 愛護し援助する者も見いだせない
Among the people of Moses is a section that shows the way to the truth, and deals justly in accordance with it.
ムーサーの民の中で 真理によって 人びとを 導き またそれによって裁いた一団がある
For everyone there are ranks in accordance with what they have done and your Lord is not oblivious of what they do.
各人にはその行ったことに応じて 種々の等級があろう あなたの主は かれらの行ったことを見逃しになさらない
God will efface their worst deeds from their record and give them their reward in accordance with the best of their actions.
それでアッラーは かれらの行いの最悪のものでも消滅なされ かれらの行った最善のものをとって報奨を与えられる
let the man of means spend in accordance with his means and let him whose resources are restricted, spend in accordance with what God has given him. God does not burden any person with more than He has given him. God will soon bring about ease after hardship.
裕福な者には その裕福さに応じて支払わせなさい また資力の乏しい者には アッラーがかれに与えたものの中から支払わせなさい アッラーは 誰にもかれが与えられた以上のものを課されない アッラーは 困難の後に安易を授けられる
By your Lord, they will not be true believers until they seek your arbitration in their disputes and find within themselves no doubt about what you decide and accept it wholeheartedly.
だがあなたがたの主に誓けてそうではないのである かれらは信しないであろう かれらの間の紛争に就いてあなたの裁定を仰ぎ あなたの判決したことに かれら自身不満を感じず 心から納得して信服するまでは
For all there will be degrees in accordance with that which they did, and thy Lord is not unaware of that which they do.
各人にはその行ったことに応じて 種々の等級があろう あなたの主は かれらの行ったことを見逃しになさらない
The Hour is coming. But I choose to keep it hidden, so that every human being may be recompensed in accordance with his labours.
確かに 終末の 時は来るのであるが それを秘めて置きたいのは 各人が努力したところに応じ 報いを受けさせるためである
Likewise, the divorced women should also be given something in accordance with the known fair standard. This is an obligation upon the God fearing people.
離婚された女に対しては 妥当な贈り物をしなければならない これは主を畏れる者の負う務めである
As you can see, these works are about family planning, election in accordance with the law and propaganda of the institution of the People's Congress.
家族計画や適法な選挙 人民代表大会制度の宣伝を 題材にしています この作品は 職場を離れた人 です
'Sorcerer' they said, 'pray to your Lord for us in accordance to the covenant He has made with you, and surely we shall be rightly guided'
その時かれらは言った 魔術師よ 主があなたと結ばれた約束によって わたしたちのために祈ってください わたしたちは本当に導きを受け入れるでしょう
Build the Ark under Our eyes and in accordance with Our revelation. Do not plead with Me concerning the evil doers. They shall certainly be drowned.
そしてわれの目の前で 啓示に従って方舟を造れ また不義を行う者のために この上 われに願い出てはならない かれらは溺れ死ぬであろう
In accordance with the principles of Doublethink , it does not matter if the war is not real, or, when it is, that victory is not possible.
二重思考の原理に従えば 戦争は真実でなくても 勝たなくても構わぬ


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