Translation of "assaulted" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Assaulted - translation :
Keywords : 暴行 襲撃 たぁ

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I was assaulted.
I was assaulted.
You assaulted a man.
あなたは 暴行したのよ
Lord Pershore assaulted a constable!
はい 先生 私はこれを消化
That girl assaulted my wife.
The King was assaulted by terrorists.
That's enough, chief. She assaulted me.
そうは思いません 私たちは サクラメントに戻ります
The guardsman was assaulted by a robber.
Yet he has not assaulted the steep
だがかれは 険しい道を取ろうとはしない
I said. He assaulted a constable, sir.
They came in here and they assaulted me.
彼らがここに来て 私を襲ったのよ
And later, they were assaulted by the revolutionary government.
襲撃されたんだった この絵が その様子だ
Beaten by husband, assault with bat, assaulted by bat
ダンナに殴られたぁ バットで殴っちゃったぁ バットで殴られちゃったぁ
Werth abducted a Navy medical officer, assaulted Federal agents.
彼は医師を誘拐し 捜査官を負傷させた
Whoever tried to escape assaulted one of my men.
脱獄しようとした奴は 警備隊のメンバーを襲った
And they had a gun and they assaulted me.
Why am I assaulted by a policeman in this fashion?
ファッション ああ that'sa別の問題 Jaffersは言った
And trackless region, though on every side Assaulted by voracious enemies,
クジラ サメ そしてモンスターは フロントまたは顎にarm'd
He describes that he was pressed down and assaulted by the police.
彼ら 後になるまで警察だとは気づかなかったが
(Kitt) They are the same men who assaulted the Graiman home last night.
昨夜 博士の屋敷を襲った人物と 同一人物だと思われます
Next up is Peter Breen. Assaulted his father's nurse with a broken glass.
次に ピーター ブリーンは割れたガラスで 父親の看護師を襲いました
I had nothing to do with that kid who died. Nothing. You assaulted us.
俺は あの死んだ子供とは何の関係も無い 全くな
During a televised debate a member of Golden Dawn assaulted a member of the Communist Party.
Members of a terrorist group, the Fifth Column... have brutally assaulted a member of my family.
テロリストのグループ フィフス カラムは 私の家族に残忍な暴行
One out of five women in America say that they have been sexually assaulted some time in their life.
性的暴行の被害者であると 報告しています 大衆娯楽が 理由だとは言いません
This is not a fight, there is a girl stuck inside this circle... the girl is being sexually assaulted.
あのサークルの中で詰まって女の子がいるんだ あの女の子は性的暴行されている 今 彼女のパンツの中で三つ又は四つの手があって
She was the CBS News correspondent who was brutally sexually assaulted in Egypt's Tahrir Square, right after this photo was taken.
この写真が撮影された直後 エジプトの タハリール広場でひどい性的暴行を受けました すぐに評論家は彼女を非難し このようなことを言いました
He's pissed because his best friend sexually assaulted three marine privates, and I'm the bad guy 'cause I put him away.
親友が起こした暴行事件の件で苛ついてるのよ 私も楯ついてダメ人間だけど
She was actually sexually assaulted in boot camp and went on to co organize a group called the Service Women's Action Network.
女性軍人活動ネットワーク というグループを 共同で立ち上げました わたしが 彼女達をはじめ 他の多くの人から学んだことは
Fighting in the sacred month is for aggression committed in the sacred month, and for all violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
聖月には聖月 また聖事には聖事 これが報復である 誰でも あなたがたに敵対する者には 同じように敵対しなさい だがアッラーを畏れなさい 本当にアッラーは 主を畏れる者と共におられることを知れ
There are many cases, some of which I talk about in the book, of people who have been slandered, called Nazis, physically assaulted, threatened with criminal prosecution for stumbling across or arguing about controversial findings.
議論を招く発見や主張をする人は 中傷を受けたり ナチスと呼ばれたり 暴力を受けたり 刑事訴追すると脅されたりする
But when he would have assaulted the man who was an enemy to them both, the man said, 'Moses, dost thou' desire to slay me, even as thou slewest a living 'soul yesterday? Thou only desirest to be a tyrant in the land thou desirest not to be of them that put things right.'
それでかれが 自分たちの敵である者に暴力を振おうと決心した時 相手は言った ムーサーよ あなたは昨日人を殺したように わたしをも殺そうとするのですか あなたは地上において 調和を計ることを望まない暴君になりたいのでしょう


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