Translation of "biomass" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Biomass - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

We have more sharks, more biomass of snappers, more biomass of herbivores, too,
草食魚のバイオマスも大きくなります このブダイは海のヤギのようで
larger biomass inside the reserves.
Now what we see is huge biomass towards the poles and not much biomass in between.
その中間にはあまり見られません 私たちは極端な条件下でも生物を発見しました
This is what we call the biomass pyramid.
But you can imagine the biomass that represents.
And the biomass this is the most spectacular change 4.5 times greater biomass on average, just after five to seven years.
4.5倍に増加します 平均5年から7年の間にです 場所によっては保護区のバイオマス
And then we have a lower biomass of carnivores, and a lower biomass of top head, or the sharks, the large snappers, the large groupers.
頂点では さらに小さなバイオマスです そこにはサメや 大型のフエダイ類やハタ類が含まれます それがこうなります
Some people have estimated that the biomass tied up in these microbes
この微生物 海底やそのもっと下の 割れ目や小さな孔に棲んでいる
The plant biomass, the phytoplankton, the zooplankton, it's what feeds the fish.
動物プランクトン そんなものが餌さ 生態系が健康だから
What we did was we found what were the locally available sources of biomass.
インドには麦わらもありましたし 稲わらもみつかりました
Most of the biomass in the ocean is made out of creatures like this.
Most people don't realize it, because they're invisible, but microbes make up about a half of the Earth's biomass, whereas all animals only make up about one one thousandth of all the biomass.
微生物は地球上のバイオマスのおよそ半分を占めており 動物は全バイオマスの たった千分の一です
They reproduce very slowly they have a slow metabolism and, basically, they just maintain their biomass.
基本的にバイオマスを維持するだけです 下位の生物の余剰分で
The top head does account for most of the biomass, in some places up to 85 percent,
場所によっては85パーセントを占めます 現在保護されているキングマン礁で見られます
And if we think about the increase of biomass inside the reserves, this is like compound interest.
複利に似ています 2つの例を示します
First of all, your pyramid, your inverted pyramid, showing 85 percent biomass in the predators, that seems impossible.
バイオマスの85パーセントが肉食魚というのは あり得ないと感じるのですが 85パーセントの肉食魚が
But that doesn't help because there were very few species and volume of biomass there in the first place.
地域ばかりです 大きな問題なのです
land use change, rate of biodiversity loss, freshwater use, functions which regulate biomass on the planet, carbon sequestration, diversity.
地球上の生物量 炭素除去 多様性などを 調整しているシステムのことです そして 定量化ができない要因が二つあります
Most of the biomass is low on the food chain, the herbivores, the parrotfish, the surgeonfish that eat the algae.
藻を食べるブダイやクロハギ プランクトン食者の小さなスズメダイ
So, basically, the production surplus of these guys down there is enough to maintain this biomass that is not moving.
変動の小さなバイオマスを 維持するには十分です 蓄電器のような役割を果たします
It's basically a measure of how many tigers, toads, ticks or whatever on average of biomass of various species are around.
生物の多様性の 平均値を表します 緑色であれば
Then you go to Palmyra Atoll that has more biomass of herbivores, and the dead corals are clean, and the corals are coming back.
草食魚のバイオマスが大きく 死んだサンゴはきれいになり サンゴが回復しつつあります
A project that we've been working on very recently is to design a new biomass power station so a power station that uses organic waste material.
有機廃棄物を燃料とする バイオマス発電所のデザインです ニュースでは
living in the pours and the cracks of the sea floor and below rival the total amount of living biomass at the surface of the planet.
微生物のバイオマスは 地表に棲んでいる生物の バイオマス全体に匹敵するといいます
And all the components are there which are now in common parlance, in our vocabulary, you know, 30 odd years later wind energy, recycling, biomass, solar cells.
30年ほど経った今 一般的に使われ なじみ深い単語になっています 風力発電 リサイクル バイオマス 太陽電池
We were taking their biomass, storing them in the basement, growing plants, going around, around, around, trying to take all of that carbon out of the atmosphere.
また植物を育て それを何度も繰り返しました 大気から炭素を除去しようとしたのです 炭素が大気に放出されるのを防ごうとしました
A combination of biomass, aquifers, burning vegetable oil a process that, quite interestingly, was developed in Eastern Germany, at the time of its dependence on the Soviet Bloc.
このプロセスは興味深いことに まだソ連に依存していた頃の 東ドイツで開発されました
That means that in terms of biomass, insects are more abundant than we are, and we're not on a planet of men, but we're on a planet of insects.
虫は我々よりずっと豊富だということです この星は人間のものではなく 虫の惑星ということなのです
And more than in Haiti, this produces really smoky fires, and this is where you see the health impacts of cooking with cow dung and biomass as a fuel.
牛の糞やバイオマスを燃料 として調理をすることで 深刻な健康被害がでることに ご理解いただけると思います 特に 子供や女性が 影響を受けやすいです
If you were to suck all the water out of the ocean, this is what you'd be left behind with, and that's the biomass of life on the sea floor.
残るものは 海床にある生物のバイオマスです この巨大なバイオマスは 南極と北極の近くに多く見られますが
It actually takes things we would consider waste things like seed husks or woody biomass and can transform them into a chitinous polymer, which you can form into almost any shape.
種子殻や木質のバイオマスなどを キチン質の高分子化合物に変えて 大体どんな形にでも形成することができます
Biomass to get 16 lightbulbs per person, you'd need a land area something like three and a half Wales' worth, either in our country, or in someone else's country, possibly Ireland, possibly somewhere else.
ウェールズ地方の 3.5倍の土地が必要となります 国内のどこかか国外のどこかにに アイルランドかどこかほかのところでしょうか 笑
So the column actually had another very nice feature, and that is the algae settle in the column, and this allowed us to accumulate the algal biomass in a context where we could easily harvest it.
増えた藻類がコラムに沈殿し 藻類バイオマスが集めやすくなるので 収穫が容易に行えるのです
And just watch the change in colors in India, China, Europe, sub Saharan Africa as we move on and consume global biomass at a rate which is actually not going to be able to sustain us.
インド 中国 ヨーロッパ サハラ以南のアフリカ 人類を持続できなくなるスピードで
We know it's a lot, but we do not yet know the answers to how much, and by what processes, carbon is being taken out of the atmosphere, held in its biomass, and moving on through the ecosystem.
具体的な量はわかっていません そしてどのような過程で炭素が空気中から取り入れられ そこに棲む植物に蓄積され 生態系を循環していくのかもわかりません
So at that point, if we can go back to the other computer, we were starting to think about how you integrate the rest of the biomass of the planet into the Internet, and we went to the best possible person
地球の残りの生物を インターネットでつなぐとなると そんなことが出来る人は
Obviously the wind tunnel had a place, but the ability now with the computer to explore, to plan, to see how that would work in terms of the forces of nature natural ventilation, to be able to model the chamber below, and to look at biomass.
今はコンピューター上で 調査し 計画し さらに自然の力がどのように 作用するかを見られます


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