Translation of "carboniferous limestone" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Here's a piece of limestone. | テキサスのマーブル フォールス郊外で採ったものです |
Limestone pie and hot melted silver. | 石灰岩のパイに 熱く溶けた銀だ |
Those white cliffs are a dense Cambrian limestone. | 岩層は厚さ600メートルで |
Would it give this block of limestone new properties? | たぶんそうでしょう それは成長するかもしれない |
And it's just limestone, nothing really special about it. | チョークがあります |
The core comes up as these cylindrical tubes of limestone. | 研究室に持ち帰り 分析します |
And it's different than this limestone, you can see that. | チョークではビルを建築することはできません |
And that's not snow that's what the white limestone looks like. | ここにはビッグホーン シープがいます |
Now a block of limestone, in itself, isn't particularly that interesting. | 別に興味深いものではありません きれいですけどね |
We found out that we could go to the source rock, which were the carboniferous shales in the basins. | シェール層の採掘方法を開発しました テキサスのバーネット シェールから始まって |
We don't just want limestone dumped everywhere in all the pretty canals. | それが木の杭の周りに |
And Lost City was characterized by these incredible limestone formations and upside down pools. | 上下逆さまのプールでできていました 見てください |
The dip slopes in the overlying limestone, the orientation of the flora, shallow waters... | 表層の石灰岩に傾斜していく坂 植物相の傾向 浅い水系... |
There are huge walls buried under limestone plateau in the northeast of the Great Pyramid of Khufu. | 巨大な壁が石灰岩の 台地の中に埋まっています これもよく分かってないです |
And so here the protocells are depositing their limestone very specifically, around the foundations of Venice, effectively petrifying it. | 非常に特異的に ベネチアの基礎部分に堆積させ 効果的に石化させています これは明日すぐ起きるわけではありません 時間がかかります |
But gradually, as the buildings are repaired, we will see the accretion of a limestone reef beneath the city. | その街の下に石灰質の珊瑚が堆積していくことになるでしょう 堆積自体は 二酸化炭素の巨大な 流し になります |
But imagine what the properties of this limestone block might be if the surfaces were actually in conversation with the atmosphere. | 実際は 大気と会話していたら どうでしょう 二酸化炭素を吸収できるかもしれない |
It was Crease Limestone, and that was produced by sea creatures 350 million years ago in a nice, warm, sunny atmosphere. | 3.5億年前の |
I might have got good limestone within a mile or two and burned it myself, if I had cared to do so. | そうする気にしなかった 池には 一方shadiestと浅い入り江で以上ざっと いくつかでていた |
I'd like to be able to stroll through the campus and look at the limestone, but I just feel out of place. | 自分分の造った建物を 見て歩きたいがー 場違いな気になる |
According to the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder, citizens of the Empire believed that limestone from a quarry near Troy would dissolve flesh. | 帝国の市民は トロイの近くの採石場からの石灰岩は 肉体を蝕むと考えていたといいます |
And if you look even closer, you'll see, in that limestone, there are little shells and little skeletons that are piled upon each other. | 石灰石の中に 小さな貝殻や小さな骨が 折り重なっている事がわかるでしょう それらは何百万年もの間に化石化したものです |
This is our protocell technology, effectively making a shell, like its limestone forefathers, and depositing it in a very complex environment, against natural materials. | 石灰岩の祖先となる殻を効率的に作り出し 非常に複雑な環境下で 自然素材に 堆積させます |
And architect Christian Kerrigan has come up with a series of designs that show us how it may be possible to actually grow a limestone reef underneath the city. | 一連のデザインを考えだし それによって 街の下部に石灰岩の堆積層を生成する可能性を 示しました |
I love how they were able to preserve most in everything that makes you feel close to nature butterflies, man made forests, limestone caves and hey, even a huge python. | 素晴らしいわ 蝶や人口の森 鍾乳洞 それに巨大なニシキヘビまでいるのよ 次はMobsと呼ばれるもので |
You put the stick in the powder to take the sacred ashes well, they're not ashes, they're burnt limestone to empower the coca leaf, to change the pH of the mouth to facilitate the absorption of cocaine hydrochloride. | 石灰岩を焼いた粉末ですが これを棒で取って コカの葉の作用を高めるために 使います |
Nelson Mandela I take a little piece of limestone from Robben Island Prison, where he labored for 27 years, and came out with so little bitterness, he could lead his people from the horror of apartheid without a bloodbath. | 刑務所からの石ですが 彼は 釈放後 暴力を行使せず アパルトヘイトの恐怖から 人々を解放しました |
If you walk around the city of Oxford, where we are today, and have a look at the brickwork, which I've enjoyed doing in the last couple of days, you'll actually see that a lot of it is made of limestone. | れんが造りを見てください 私はここ数日そうして過ごしましたが そうすると 多くは石灰石で作られている事がわかります |
Rather than having a B movie origin, however, its roots can be traced back to the early Roman Empire where the Greek word sarkophagus was used to describe the limestone that a coffin was made of, not the coffin itself. | その語源は初期のローマ帝国に さかのぼります 当時 ギリシャ語の sarkophagus は 棺そのものではなく |
But it goes a mile and a half in a straight line, due east into the range, into very interesting territory except that, as you'll see when we go inside in a minute, we were hoping for limestone but in there is just shale. | まっすぐに とても面白い区域に向かって 2キロ以上続いています ただ問題は 中に入ると分かるのですが 坑道が石灰岩ではなく頁岩で出来ているという事です |
They were consistently dug as limestone quarries and by the 18th century, the caving in of some of these quarries posed safety threats, so the government ordered reinforcing of the existing quarries and dug new observation tunnels in order to monitor and map the whole place. | 18世紀に至る頃 陥没している箇所が危ないと指摘されました それで政府は既存の採石場の強化を命じ |
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