Translation of "deemed to comply" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Comply - translation : Deemed to comply - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

You have failed to comply.
You must comply.
I never expected them to comply.
Comply with dubaku's demands.
Sir! I'm ordering you to fully comply.
犯人に告ぐ 大人しくして出て欲しい
It was deemed impossible.
Returns FALSE, if unable to comply, TRUE otherwise.
コード変換指令 request に基づきファイルハン ドル input が指すファイルをファイルハンドル output が指すファイルにコード変換します 応 じることができない場合に FALSE その他の場合に TRUE を返します
Of course, you have to comply with regulations...
Unable to comply. Internal sensors are off line.
特定できません 艦内センサーがオフラインです
clearly too onerous a provision to comply with.
明らかに 適合するには 余りにも煩わしい条件です
Lechero will have no choice but to comply.
He deemed it wise to accept the offer.
It was deemed to be an unpredictable event.
We shall be pleased to comply with your request.
And if you comply, you will go to heaven.
しかしインドでは その 約束の地はありません
I cannot comply with his request.
has escaped now. You will comply...
It was to train people to behave, to comply, to fit in.
I can not comply with your request.
Force K3b to continue some operations otherwise deemed as unsafe
通常は安全でないと考えられるいくつかの操作を K3b に強制的に続行させる
By doing what I deemed necessary to protect innocent lives.
Two are deemed heroes. And my brother?
2人は英雄になった 私の兄弟は?
Corrosive element is deemed poisonous if inhaled.
So do not comply with those who deny
それであなたは 真理を 否認する者に従ってはならない
If you don't comply, I'll give the order....
従わないのなら 命令を出す...
I deemed it necessary to open fire and issued the order.
deemed that I was eligible for the appointment.
ありがとう 質問の答えを
You show us a warrant and Mr. Frobisher will be happy to comply.
令状があれば 喜んで協力します
If you won't comply, then I'm going to have to come back with the sheriff.
あなたが応じないなら 警察を同行するまでです
if you do not comply, we will use deadly force.
4500Xは3ヶ月前に撃墜されて いますが... アフガニスタンで
The boy deemed that he cheated in the examination.
He was deemed unstable after he lost Napoleon II.
2個目のダイヤが奪われて 情緒不安定だった
Having said 'domestic wine', anything bottled domestically is deemed to be domestic wine.
しかし 国産ワインといっても 国内で瓶詰めされたものは全て国産ワインとなります
He was charged with manslaughter, but was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial.
He verily deemed that he would never return (unto Allah).
かれは 本当に 主の許に 帰ることなどないであろうと思っていた
Because one day I'll ask a favor from you, and you'll comply.
いつの日にか 貴女に頼み事をします その時は私の頼み
You might at least take back your insults, if you want me to comply with your wishes.
発言を取り消して もらいたい 僕に命令する以上はね
We can appear to comply with the first part of dubaku's demand By pulling the fleet back.
艦隊を戻すふりは できます
Comply with my demands within the hour, or 10,000 more americans will die.
1時間以内に要求が受け入れられなければ 1万人以上のアメリカ人が死ぬだろう
Unfortunately, some very important images are deemed too graphic or disturbing for us to see them.
あまりに鮮明で見るに堪えないものもあります 1枚写真をお見せします
Water, the basic component of all life... had been deemed a threat to Brawndo's profit margin.
本来 水は人間の生活に欠かせない ブラウンド社はそれを利益の侵害と考えた
Those whose sins are forgiven are deemed to be sinless that they may find the way to heaven.
罪を赦された者 清い者として見做して下さって 天国への道を歩めるようにして下さるのです
Walter Bishop, who was sent to St. Claire's because he was deemed unfit to stand trial for manslaughter,
ウォルター ビショップ 聖クレアに移送 人殺しだが精神異常者だったからだ
And if you do not comply, madam president, I will have no choice but to launch those missiles.
Why on earth are we paying extra, why on earth are we working harder to comply and be obedient?
高いお金を払い 大きな努力をするのでしょう 有名なブランドを 手に入れるためですが


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