Translation of "distinction among" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Among - translation :

Distinction - translation : Distinction among - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The distinction is clear.
たとえば 頻繁に見ている
The distinction is clear.
たとえば 頻繁に会場からこれに至るまでの手順を見てきました
It's a Boolean logical distinction rather than on this side a probabilistic distinction.
このモデルは木構造やカテゴリといった 抽象化に基づいています
This is an unfair distinction!
それでは 本当に不当な分け方であろう
It really goes beyond distinction.
現在 私たちはワシントンD.C.で
Here is the key distinction.
人が自然にすることは 仕事なら できるだけ少なくやろうとし
Von Mises completely rejected this distinction.
It gets us an important distinction.
もし間違った側にいれば 犯罪者
And that is an important distinction.
Now, there is a dubious distinction.
今となっては 疑わしいがね
There is no distinction in that.
which is a small but critical distinction.
Being in the dictionary is an artificial distinction.
But, however and here is the important distinction
だけでなく アーティストが著作権に依存して 著作権はまた 出版社からも信用されている
So, we have, just to make the distinction.
大きな疑問としては cからcプライムになる時に何が起きるか
She likes to preserve the distinction of rank.
Embry, do you remember him making that distinction?
エンブリ あいつが そんな区別をしてたかな
I can make a distinction between good and bad.
one will be told, To the Day of Distinction .
That means I'm making a distinction between an observational.
This distinction is where most stats courses start off.
多くの統計学の講義 多くの統計学の入門書は さらに
How to have a distinction between production and development.
私のプロジェクトでは何かを組み立てる時 必ずファイルが必要です
And so this is not a fundamental distinction like.
真に純粋な楕円 vs 真に純粋な渦巻き のような明確な区分では無い
Thanks for making that distinction. Is there anything else?
There's no distinction between the harmful and the beneficial.
The mother makes no distinction between Jews and nonJews.
祖国はユダヤ人と 非ユダヤ人を区別しない
Among Jinns and among men.
ジン 幽精 であろうと 人間であろうと
You see, the distinction between reality and illusion is the distinction between how things consciously seem to us and how they really are.
意識のでの事物の見え方と 事物の実際の在り方の違いです フランス語で arc en ciel 虹 と言うように 意識のでは
The distinction in usage between the two words is clear.
In fact, the distinction is really blurring all the time.
And again let's keep the distinction between mediation and moderation.
はっきり区別しておく事 前回の講義てはメディエーションについて
But there's nevertheless a clear distinction between food and poison.
簡単につけることができます 食品とは何か という問いに
In nature, there's no distinction of harmful and beneficial insects.
害虫や益虫の別が無くて 由あってそこに存在している命は
From among jinn and among people.
ジン 幽精 であろうと 人間であろうと
Mimetype magic allows better distinction of file types, but is slower.
It's also important to know the distinction between parameter and statistic.
Let me talk about the distinction between sparse and dense graphs.
グラフ これら 2 つの概念を区別するために重要なことはいくつか
And there's a very important distinction there that we'll get to.
trying to maintain that distinction... between god's domain and our own.
物事の区別を保とうと 神の領域と人間の領域の
by (the angels) who make a clear distinction between right and wrong
真理と虚偽を区別する クルアーンの 啓示において
This is a really subtle distinction, but the implication could be profound.
しかし 意味するところは かなり変わってきます 考えてみてください
Only 1 of all Japan Coast Guard officers earn such a distinction.
諸君が目指す潜水士は 全国海上保安官のわずか1
Can you please explain to me the distinction between diagnostic and exploratory?
では 説明してください 診断と検査の違いは 何ですか
But those who believe in God and His apostles and make no distinction among any of them, will be given by Him their recompense for God is forgiving and kind.
だがアッラーとその使徒たちを信し かれらの間の誰にも差別をしない者には われはやがて報奨を与えよう アッラーは寛容にして慈悲深くあられる
Verily the Day of Distinction is the term appointed for all of them.
本当に 善悪の 選別の日は 凡てのものに定められた日である


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