Translation of "drilling" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Drilling - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
And (Drilling noise) (Laughter) | とてもうまく行って |
You're my first drilling. | 私の初ドリルよ |
It's a scientific drilling vessel. | 1回の海底掘削に 何カ月もかかります |
Sucre, you were drilling there, right? | スクレー ドリルを入れたな |
My point is that this is not oil drilling. | 採鉱でもなく 地球の表面を 剥がしているということを |
The part program is just ending a drilling operation | 操作を退屈にタイトな公差を続行する前に |
We risk losing another by drilling through his head, | 頭に穴をあけてもう一人死んだかも |
You worry about the gigahertz and the offshore drilling. | ギガハーツの電波を管理し |
We've been through this before with other ways of offshore drilling. | 初め 海上油田の名前は クジラ で |
longwall mining, fracking, tar sands, tar shale, deep ocean Arctic drilling. | タールサンド シェール油 北海深海油田などの抽出を推進しています 現在の方向性を続けてしまうと |
...starting with the concrete wall. Sucre, you were drilling there, right? | まず コンクリートの壁からはじめよう |
Formations, like these require long hours of intensive drilling and careful judgement. | 編隊がカーブを曲がる際は |
It was the greed and recklessness that led to the drilling explosion. | 貪欲さと向こう見ずな態度でした その事件の前にも後にも 流布した |
I don't hear any drilling or any rescue attempt, so come on! | わかったよ これは全部 事件に関して |
Now, today, synthetic diamonds are used in oil drilling electronics, multibilliondollar industries. | 現在 人工ダイヤは 石油掘削や電子工学など 工業分野で大活躍だ |
Do you know if anybody's doing any drilling or blasting or anything like that? | この辺りで軍の演習か何かやってるのかしら .... それともそれに似た事なんか |
Why are we drilling for more oil, when it's polluting the atmosphere and causing oil spills? | それで大気を汚染し 海を汚すのだろう なぜ いったいなぜ |
We stopped drilling in ANWR, but we didn't actually reduce the amount of oil that we consumed. | しかし 石油消費量は削減させませんでした それどころか 消費量は増え続けています |
And so what we did was, actually, we made moratoriums on the east and west coasts on drilling. | 東西の海岸での掘削停止を延長し 北極圏野生生物保護区での掘削停止でした |
And what we found after drilling back in time two to 400 years was that these were unique events. | 400年分を取り出すと こういう現象は きわめて稀だったというこです ほかの大量死滅などなかったのです |
And here, scientists are drilling into the past of our planet to find clues to the future of climate change. | 地球の過去に穴を穿ち 気候変動の未来を知る 手がかりを得ているのです |
Classified satellite recon photos of a petroleum exploration firm linked to China, doing drilling in the Dajee region of Burundi. | ある石油探索の模様が 極秘扱いの衛星写真に 場所はブルンジです |
long distance drilling core into the center of rock that we bring up and there's bacteria in the pores of that rock. | 岩の隙間には 必ずバクテリアが存在しているのです 生命はどこに存在しようと 撤退することなく 遍在し 増えていくのです |
So that means drilling for oil in the deepest water, including the icy Arctic seas, where a clean up may simply be impossible. | 石油を採掘することを意味します もしそこから流出すれば 浄化できないでしょう もしくは それまで見たことが無かったような |
And the catheters they shoved into me without proper medication made me scream out the way the Earth cries out from the drilling. | 私は思わず 掘削される地球のように 叫びを上げました 2回目の化学療法では |
This is a crazy thing, this big drill rig wrapped in a blanket to keep everybody warm, drilling at temperatures of minus 40. | 毛布にくるまれ 40 の中で掘削します ロス海で行いましたが |
He's become one of the wealthiest men in Russia... after consolidating drilling rights in the Caspian Sea and gaining control of one of the wo... | ロシア有数の富豪となりました カスピ海における掘削を統合し... 支配する権利を得たためです |
So that trip just ended, and I can't show you too many results from that right now, but we'll go back one more year, to another drilling expedition I've been involved in. | まだ 沢山の成果は お見せできませんが もう1年ここに行って 別の採掘探査に参加します |
Then, I started drilling down, thinking about the computations I might want to do, trying to figure out what primitives they could be built up from and how they could be automated as much as possible. | やりたいと思う計算はどんなものか考え 計算を形作りうる基本要素は何か どこまで自動化することができるのかを見極めようとしました |
If we made all of our autos this way, it would save oil equivalent to finding one and a half Saudi Arabias, or half an OPEC, by drilling in the Detroit formation, a very prospective play. | サウジアラビア1.5個分の石油 あるいは OPECの半分の石油を 節約することができるでしょう これはデトロイトの産業構造を 掘りさげれば 見込みは十分です |
But even more striking than the ferocious power emanating from that well was the recklessness with which that power was unleashed the carelessness, the lack of planning that characterized the operation from drilling to clean up. | さらに注目すべきは この事態を引き起こすことになった BPの向こう見ずな態度です |
Because you've got to include the man who grew the coffee, which was brewed for the man who was on the oil rig, who was drilling for oil, which was going to be made into the plastic, etc. | そのコーヒーを飲んだ石油採掘場で働いていた男 男が採掘した原油からプラスチックが作られ 等々 それらの人々がみな働いて |
With scientists around the world, I've been looking at the 99 percent of the ocean that is open to fishing and mining, and drilling, and dumping, and whatever to search out hope spots, and try to find ways to give them and us a secure future. | 原油の掘削やゴミ捨てに利用される海域の99パーセントを調査しました まだ復元できる海域を探すため そして 海洋生物と私たちの未来を守る途を探るためです |
What we decided was that the way to address it is not to kill the children by drilling them on, you know, very flat kind of learning, you know, skill and drill, but to really look at the whole child and give them what you would find in, say, a private school. | 子どもたちに画一的な学びを押し付けるのではなく 子どもたちをよく観察して 本当に必要としているものを与えようと |
You can go to an investment bank right now and you can say I want to build and oil drilling platform and it's going to cost 12 billion dollars, and they will write you a check for that because you can go and say, I've built 50 of these platforms before, here's about where the price came out. | プラットフォームとそれは12億安上がりだ ドル そして彼らはあなたの小切手を書き込みます そのためにあなたが行くと言うことができるので 私はだ 前に これらのプラットフォームの50を建て ここからです 場所に関する詳細は価格が出てきた それが起こっている 現在生産しているこの地域 で行くために |
I should also note that the discretionary spending, which is about 19 percent of the budget, that is Democratic and Republican issues, so you do have welfare, food stamps, other programs that tend to be popular among Democrats, but you also have the farm bill and all sorts of Department of Interior inducements for oil drilling and other things, which tend to be popular among Republicans. | 予算の19 を占めています 党によって使い道の考え方は変わります 民主党は 福祉や食品割引などに この部分を割く傾向があります |
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