Translation of "educating about" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

About - translation :

Educating about - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Educating about what?
教育 どんな
Upon educating myself a little further about plastics,
Boy, you need some educating.
じゃあ 勉強しなくちゃ
He took pains educating his children.
She took pains in educating the children.
If you reward teachers for kids' test scores, they stop caring about educating and only care about test preparation.
応じた報酬を与えると 教育をやめ テスト対策のみに専念するでしょう 医師が手当をすればするほど
He took great pains in educating his children.
I take great pains in educating my daughter.
The abundance of goods and services and educating people.
しかし もし豊かさについて話しすなら
I was so frustrated that I was just educating him.
And yet we're meant to be educating them for it.
A country that leads the world in educating its people.
アメリカは ハイテクの製造業
SAGES does surgery all over the world, teaching and educating surgeons.
しかし ここで問題になるのが まずその一つが 距離 です
Hi I'm Chris, and I'm educating the next generation of Webmakers.
次世代のウェブメーカーを教えています 私はゼイナブ 15歳です
To him, there was greater risk in not educating his children.
Disrupting the torch relay all over Canada, educating the public about this corporate sham, and organizing a massive anti Olympic mobilisation.
みんなにオリンピックが企業の搾取手段であることを伝え 反オリンピックの大きな運動が組織されている 今年の2月10日と15日バンクーバーに通じるすべての道路は
We have to rethink the fundamental principles on which we're educating our children.
根本的な理念を再考しなければならない ジョナス サークの素晴らしい引用があります
And we are educating our kids, having fewer kids, basically good news all around.
多くの子供を産まずに 平和に暮らしている 人々は都会へ集中し
And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities.
教育が人間本来の創造性を殺してしまっている ピカソはかつてこう言いました
She said the only way to help Sudan is to invest in the women, educating them, educating the children, so that they could come and create a revolution in this complex society.
もっとお金をかけて女性や子どもを しっかりと教育すること 複雑な社会の仕組みが分かれば
And so reading and educating your emotions is one of the central activities of wisdom.
育てていくことが 知識活動の核となります 私は中年で感情について
In this case, it was not advertising but it's actually very important in educating people.
広告ではなく教育でした 誰が情報を広めるかを見つけられると
I learned about Plastic Pollution probably like most of you did, from talking to others, from the Plastic Pollution Coalition, by reading and educating myself.
人と話すことや プラスチックによる汚染を食い止める協会 や 読書や独学からです 一度学んでしまうと 後戻りができなくなります
Can anyone explain to me why we spend millions and millions of dollars on educating about drug prevention, don't take drugs because they're bad for you.
なぜ 薬物乱用防止教育に 何百万ドルも使って 身体に悪いのでドラッグを 使ってはいけません と言うのでしょうか
What do we mean when we say we're doing math, or educating people to do math?
どのような意味があるのでしょうか 私は4段階に関することだと思います
By empowering and educating girls they will be happier wives, better mothers and a contribution to society.
より良い母となり 社会貢献できるようになるのです 自分の家族や
They held that baby in front of their face, cajoling it, reprimanding it, educating it with words.
なだめ しかり 言葉で教育してきたのです そうやってとても強い力を持つようになってきたのです
Five students can be educated at AlMS for the cost of educating one in the U.S. or Europe.
米国や欧州で1人を教育する費用で 教育することが出来ます より重要なことは アフリカ全土の学生達の存在が
But when Einstein needs to relax from her job educating the public, she loves to take in the arts.
ウガンダの子供たちに ダンスパートナーが必要なら
So I'll be talking about the success of my campus, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, UMBC, in educating students of all types, across the arts and humanities and the science and engineering areas.
メリーランド大学 ボルティモア カウンティー校の取り組みについてです 我が校では あらゆるタイプの学生に対して 美術や人文科学 理工学において 質の高い教育を提供してきました
I think it comes from millions of years of holding that baby in front of your face, cajoling it, reprimanding it, educating it with words.
顔の傍で幼児をあやし なだめ 叱り 言葉で教育してきたせいでしょう 男性は 横並びで親近感を感じます
Such a society could nurture intelligence, where people would focus on solving the aging problem, or educating each other on the most important aspect of their existence.
老化の問題の解決に取り組んだり 人間存在に関する最重要課題に対して知識を深めあうはずだ
Well, maybe the most important engagement is the one to one, seeing patients one to one, educating them, supporting them, explaining how they can take care of themselves.
一人ずつ知識を与え 一人ずつサポートし 自分のケアの仕方を教えていくことも大切ですが
The environment, including teaching, can and does shape the developing adolescent brain, and yet it's only relatively recently that we have been routinely educating teenagers in the West.
青年期の脳の発達に影響を及ぼすものです しかし西洋の国々で ティーンエージャーに 広く教育を与えるようになったのは 比較的最近です
They work on the cure for cancer and educating our children and making roads, but we don't have institutions that are particularly good at this kind of complexity.
でも良い制度ではありません 社会の複雑さにみあっている 良い制度が無いのです 才能を集め オープンで
getting locked up and beaten up and physically beaten up and how do we win? we are not going anywhere its a process of educating people educating the world really that we have to be first and foremost altruistic and care for the collective before caring for ourselves the model should be a growing movement of round table discussions basically
どうやったら勝てるんだ ーどこにも絶対行かないぞ! このプロセスを通じて誰もが学ぶのは
About you, about me, about us!
あなたの事 私の 私達の事を!
About Kells, about Aidan, about the book.
ケルズのことも エイダンのことも あの本のことも
That brand of politics only makes it harder to achieve what we must do together educating our children and creating the opportunities that they deserve protecting human rights, and extending democracy's promise.
子供の教育 子供にふさわしい機会の創出 人権の保護 民主主義の誓いの発展が 困難になるだけです ご承知おきください 米国はこの世界から退きません
It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity.
He was learning about our process about design thinking, about empathy, about iterative prototyping.
反復的試作といった 過程について 学んでいました ダグはその新しい知識を使って すごいことをしました


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