Translation of "freighter" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Freighter - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The Rigelian freighter.
Where's the freighter?
Where's the freighter?
I'm on the freighter.
If it is a freighter.
The Cylons have seen the freighter.
He's fine. He's on the freighter.
彼は無事だ 貨物に乗ってる
Like you did on the freighter.
あなたが船で下した 決断のように
I took the zodiac from the freighter.
about the person who sent the freighter.
My spy on the freighter is Michael.
I thought you were on the freighter.
He was a navigator on a spice freighter.
The freighter was fired on by Klingon disruptors.
貨物はクリンゴンのディスラプター で破壊されたものだ
Harry paid off the captain of a Brazilian freighter.
You're sure... that freighter was destroyed by Orion weapons?
本当に オリオンの武器で貨物が 破壊されたと確信してるのかね
Well, it's more of a freighter, but, uh... yes.
いや,... 貨物なんだ,...
The freighter could be approaching from the other side.
We got your name when you called the freighter.
君が船に電話した時 君の名前がわかったんだ
And that would be our friends on the freighter.
A Rigelian freighter left orbit two hours after Phlox's abduction.
ライジェリア貨物が誘拐事件の 2時間後に軌道を離れてます
Dude,what's gonna happen when those freighter guys come back?
In a few days, a freighter is porting in Fiji.
近いうちに 船がフィジー港に寄る
We've captured a freighter... entering the remains of the Alderaan system.
オルデランの残骸にいた 貨物を拿捕しました
Their helicopter already took Sayid and Desmond back to their freighter.
サィードデズモンドが ヘリで船に向かっている
Bruce lee from the freighter The guy you got locked up.
あんたが閉じ込めた あのブルース リーさ
He's with Sun, and they should be at the freighter by now.
サンと一緒よ 今頃船に乗ってるはずだわ
A ship's dropping out of warp. It appears to be a Tellarite freighter.
ワープを抜ける船があります テラライトの貨物のよです
At position code Deacon, we'll need three civilian freighter ships to use as decoys.
囮として使用する為 民間貨物3隻が必要となります
Your freighter. Those men came to the island to kill us, all of us.
奴らは俺達を殺しに来たんだ 俺達全員をな
Most of the best freighter pilots are to be found here... only watch your step.
腕利きのパイロットは こういうところで見つかるんだ 用心しろよ
You told me the Klingons were going to rendezvous with that freighter... not destroy it.
クリンゴンは貨物を破壊しない だろうと言いましたね
I'm leaving in ten minutes to take the next group of people to the freighter.
10分後次のグループを 船に送るんだが
So we stole their helicopter and we flew it to their freighter, but it blew up.
だからヤツ等のヘリを盗んで ヤツ等の船へ向かったけど 船が吹き飛んだ
We barely got enough to get back to the freighter. We're not gonna carry any unnecessary weight.
船にたどり着くまでも怪しいのに 余計には乗せられない
And then we teamed up with the Others, because some worse people were coming on a freighter.
その後アザーズと手を組んだ もっと悪いヤツ等が 船でやってきたんだ
At 2 15 p.m., a radiogram was received, placing the freighter under jurisdiction of the United States government.
貨物を合衆国政府の 司法権の下に置いた
I understand that your people from the beach are being brought to the freighter even as we speak.
こうしてる間にも君達の仲間が 船へと移動してるのは知ってる
It would accomplish warning him... it also means warning the people on the freighter that we're suspicious of them.
ジャックに警告できる 疑ってることが船の連中に気づかれる
The freighter Alaskan Star, six hours out of Seattle, Washington, carrying a crew of 14, with accommodations for 12 passengers.
ワシントン州シアトルを出航して 6時間 14人の乗組員を乗せ 12人の旅客収容設備があった
Jack was trying to communicate with Sayid and Desmond on the freighter, but their sat phone ran out of juice.
ジャックは船のサィードデズモンドに 連絡しようとしたけど バッテリーが切れたの
I was a fool. My father had died in a freighter accident... and I blamed the pilot, who happened to be Denobulan.
貨物の事故で父親を亡くし たまたまパイロットをしていた デノビラ人を責めた
Well, I've got about a million more questions I want to ask you, but they can wait until we get you back to the freighter.
質問したいことが山ほどあるけど 帰れる時まで待つわ
I stayed to find out if the people on the freighter know who I am, if they knew that I'm a fugitive, that I'm wanted for murder.
船の連中が私の正体を 知ってるか知りたかったの 私が逃亡犯だって知ってるか 殺人容疑の
The shipping logs for the freighter he used to drop the whole mess down a trench deep enough to guarantee that no remains will ever be identified.
彼が使った航路の記録だ 海底深くに沈めるためだ 死体が識別されぬようにな


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