Translation of "incidence for" to Japanese language:

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Is there any obvious anatomic difference between men and women to account for this dramatic difference in the incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis, its higher incidence in women?
発症率を上げている 男女間の解剖学的違いはあるのでしょうか 解剖学の説明では 一筋縄にいきません
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means a heart attack. Annual incidence 1.2 million Americans.
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Well let's take a look at something like autism incidence per thousand.
2000年は 6.7
In the last 50 years, the incidence of dengue has grown thirtyfold.
30倍に高まりました それでは デング熱とは何なのか
The hard problem that Alice chose was the rising incidence of childhood cancers.
増加していた小児ガンです ほとんどの病気は 貧困と関連性がありましたが
So for example, in the United Kingdom, the incidence of childhood leukemia has risen by 20 percent just in a generation.
小児白血病が 1世代で20 増えました アメリカの小児がんの統計も とても似ています
And, hence, the eight times more common incidence of synesthesia among poets, artists and novelists.
8倍も起こりやすいのです これは共感覚のとても骨相学的な見方です
The incidence of malaria is about a couple of million people get infected every year.
And on the right hand side, we show the same data, but here with daily incidence.
1日ごとの発症件数です ここにご覧いただけるのは
Why is it, that for so many disorders, the incidence of disease or the severity of disease differs so dramatically between men and women?
発症率や重症度が 男女間でこんなにも違うのか 何故そうなのだろうか
And so, for a whole host of disorders that occur outside the reproductive tract we see that the incidence or prevalence in men and women can differ dramatically.
生殖腺でない所で起こり お分かりのようにその発症率や罹患率は 男女間で大きく違うのです
I came to Hempstead Mills because it has a high incidence of air pollution and a correspondingly high mortality rate.
大気汚染が高発生率で それに一致して高死亡率だからだ 証明したかったのは スモッグを減らすことで
If we invested about 13 billion dollars over the next four years, we could bring that incidence down to half.
罹患数を半減する事ができます 死者を50万人減らせますし もっと重要なのは
There's also a fascinating connection to cancer here, because people with neurologic diseases have a very low incidence of most cancers.
それは神経疾患を持つ人々の ガンを患う確率が非常に低いことです この関係性については現在それほど多くの研究者が研究している分野ではないですが
And the other thing is the high incidence of hackers like these who have characteristics which are consistent with Asperger's syndrome.
ハッカー達に高い確率で見られる これらの特徴が アスペルガー症候群のそれと 一致するということです
In a nutshell, this research suggests that, among retired NFL players with three or more career concussions, the incidence of early onset dementing disease is much greater than it is for the general population.
この研究によると 3回かそれ以上脳震盪を 経験して引退したNFL選手は
Well, in order for a clinical trial to generate valid and widely applicable results, they need to be conducted with large numbers of study participants and preferably on a population with a high incidence of new HlV infections.
臨床試験で意味のある 且つ広範囲に適用できる結果を生み出すには 研究対象の病気に かかっている患者数の多い 更に できることなら 新規HIV感染率の高いエリアで
Meanwhile, California, New York, we can say, Oh we're enlightened but you know, certainly a much lower incidence of this admitted, I suppose, manifestation of racially based voting.
と言うでしょうが 人種に基づく投票というのは 確かにずっと少なくなっています
And the study showed that, compared to other buildings, there is a reduced incidence of eye irritation by 52 percent, respiratory systems by 34 percent, headaches by 24 percent,
比較した場合 目の炎症の事例が 52 も減少し
Dotti For, for, for
For you. For me. For everybody.
お前にも 俺にも 誰にでもだ
For... For what?
...for... for... whatever.
えーっと とにかく
Thanks for, uh, for fighting for us.
ともに過ごした 月日に感謝する
And the current state of the art in predicting an epidemic if you're the CDC or some other national body is to sit in the middle where you are and collect data from physicians and laboratories in the field that report the prevalence or the incidence of certain conditions.
感染症流行の予測技術の現状は 現場の医師や研究所が報告する 特定の疾患の有病率や
On the one hand, our need for security, for predictability, for safety, for dependability, for reliability, for permanence.
安心感 信用 信頼感 そして永続性です これらは私達の生活の 基礎となるもので
For Turkey, For Europe
トルコのために ヨーロッパのために
'For you, for me'
二人のため が顔を隠して泣いてるよ
For journey, for travel.
For me! For Aksinya!
For better, for worse.
For... for the murder?
For Gondor! For Gondor!
For hours... For days...


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