Translation of "instructive" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Instructive - translation :
Keywords : ビードゥル

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

None of the books are instructive.
This book is interesting, also instructive.
その本はおもしろい それにまたためになる
So her story isn't particularly instructive.
Not all of the books are instructive.
This book is both interesting and instructive.
この本は面白く ためにもなる
This novel is both interesting and instructive.
この小説はおもしろくもあり ためにもなる
A good biography is interesting and instructive.
良い伝記はおもしろくて ためにもなる
His lecture was very instructive as usual.
彼の講義はいつものように ためになった
This is really just for instructive purposes.
その当時の金利は今よりも 高かったと思います
The story is at once interesting and instructive.
This book is at once interesting and instructive.
This book is at once interesting and instructive.
この本はおもしろくもあり またためにもなる
This book is not only interesting but also instructive.
この本はおもしろいだけでなく ためにもなる
Any book will do as long as it is instructive.
ためにさえなれば どんな本でも結構です
This book is interesting and, what is more, very instructive.
この本はおもしろい その上 非常にためになる
Verily, in this is an instructive admonition for whosoever fears Allah.
本当にこの中には 主を 畏れる者への一つの教訓がある
Verily in this is an instructive warning for whosoever feareth (Allah).
本当にこの中には 主を 畏れる者への一つの教訓がある
This was a slightly hairier problem, so it should be instructive.
直感的にわかるようになりましたか 直感的にわかるようになりましたか
This book is not only more instructive but more interesting than that book.
この本はあの本に比べて ためになるばかりでなくおもしろい
so that We might make it an instructive event for you, and retentive ears might preserve its memory.
それをあなたがたへの数訓とさせ 注意深い耳がそれを 聞いて 記憶に留めるためである
So here is a very instructive map of vertical cluster galaxies in neutral hydrogen produce by unknown collaborators.
ジオクリームとゴーコルメント そしてその共同作業者によって作られた これらは銀河内の中性水素の密度の等高線地図だ
Let me do them by hand because I think that's instructive sometimes before you take out the graphing calculator.
グラフ電卓でも描けます 正に限り
But knowing a bunch of the ones near the top instead of just the very tippe top can very instructive.
自然な手順として最大値を求める方法があります 最大値を見つけると
Instructive words and forgiveness are better than charity that may cause an insult to the recipient. God is Rich and Forbearing.
親切な言葉と寛容とは 侮辱を伴う施しものに優る アッラーは富有にして慈悲深くあられる
It is Allah Who alternates the Night and the Day verily in these things is an instructive example for those who have vision!
アッラーは夜と昼を次々に交替させる 本当にこれらの中には 見る目をもつ者への教訓がある
Comedy conveys that destructive, instructive playfulness, but has no logical definition because it acts upon our logic paralogically from outside its finite borders.
論理的な定義を持たないものだ というのも コメディは私たちの論理に 誤った論理で
A drop in the ocean, I know, but I'll take it, and so should you, because this love story, however romantic, is also instructive.
僕は大事なことだと思う 君たちもそうだろう この恋物語は とてもロマンチックだが
Is it not instructive to them, how many generations before them We destroyed, in whose settlements they walk? Surely in that are signs for people of understanding.
かれらには御導きはなかったのか かれらより以前にもわれはどんなに多くの世代を滅ぼしたことか かれら 古人 の住んでいた所を 今 かれらは歩いている 本当にこの中には理知に富む者への印がある
And verily in cattle (too) will ye find an instructive sign. From what is within their bodies between excretions and blood, We produce, for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it.
また家畜にもあなたがたへの教訓がある われはその腹の中の雑物と血液の間から あなたがたに飲料を与える その 乳は飲む者にとり 清らかであり 喉に 快適である
And in cattle (too) ye have an instructive example from within their bodies We produce (milk) for you to drink there are, in them, (besides), numerous (other) benefits for you and of their (meat) ye eat
それから家畜にも あなたがたへの教訓がある われはそれらの腹の中にあるものをあなたがたに飲ませる それらには多くの用途があり またあなたがたはその 肉 を食べる
looks like, at first, superficial model called Milne model, and it contains neither matter nor energy, but it is very instructive in some ways and then finally we'll look at the behavior of more general models.
それは物質もエネルギーも含まない物だが それは実はある意味とても教育的な物だ そして最後に より一般的なモデルの振る舞いを見ていく では最初は空間的に平坦なモデルを見て行こう 正確に臨界密度に一致しているケースを見ていく これはEinstein de Sitterモデルとして知られている
And I want to give him full credit because he really is who pointed out a lot of this to me, but I think it's very instructive to the capacity utilization and inflation deflation argument that I've been making.
設備稼働率やインフレーション デフレーションについて 考える上でも 彼の指摘を考えることは 有益だと思います
We're going to try this approach first, even though we have some intuition that it's not going to work out, and the reasons are, 1, it's instructive to see why we need more complicated parsing techniques later but also because it gives us a chance to learn a little bit more about Python and some cool programming techniques that will help you in this class and later on.
しかしこれを試すのは 必要性を理解するために役立つからです そしてPythonや 今後役立つプログラミング技術を学ぶ
You have already come across an instructive sign in the two hosts that encountered each other in battle (at Badr) one host fighting in the way of Allah, and the other that of unbelievers. They saw with their own eyes that one host was twice the number of the other. But (the result of the battle has proved that) Allah succours with His victory whomsoever He wills. In this there is surely a lesson for all who have eyes to see.
両軍が遭遇した時 はっきりとあなたに印があった 一つはアッラーの道のために合戦する軍勢 外は不信心な者であった かれら 不信者 の眼には ムスリム軍勢が 2倍に見えた アッラーは御心に適う者を かれの救護で擁護される 誠にその中には 炯限な者への教訓がある


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