Translation of "passionately" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Passionately - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

もうさぁ 行ってたり
Tom kissed Mary passionately.
I cared so passionately about.
1997年頃 当時の館長の フィリップ デ モンテベロが
Maybe they're already passionately in love.
もしかして 今頃あの2人 すでにラブラブかも
Can I believe in this this passionately?
このことにそれほどまでに激しくなれるか と自問するときにでさえ
Filled up the time passionately and painfully
Oh tell me why
Don't you? I ddo indeed. Most passionately.
I believe passionately in that curated museum experience.
He feels very passionately about her, almost inappropriately so.
彼女に情熱的なものを 感じているんだよ 不適切なほどに
My father loved me no less passionately than my mother.
Miki fell passionately in love with someone she just met.
He passionately told me about how much they require design.
そうやって一対一で面と向かって 色々話をしたことで
I ddo indeed. Most passionately. Little Sanderson, I knew you would!
And Somaly Mam, a Cambodian activist who fights passionately against child prostitution.
ソマリー マムです
Then he cried out passionately and his fists flew round like flails.
拳はflailsのような丸い飛んだ 御者は突然whoopedとダブルアップし 横隔膜の下に蹴った
Dan Barber and Alice Waters are leading passionately the green food Delicious Revolution.
精力的に 緑のおいしい革命 を推し進めています しかし 緑色の食物はしばしば
People here are passionately engaged in trying to make the world a better place.
活動しておられる 真理の追求にも熱心です
To let yourself soften into loving someone, into caring about something passionately that's vulnerable.
何かに熱中したりすれば 傷つくこともあります
I believe this passionately, that we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it.
創造性の欠落した教育を受けている 一体どうしてなのでしょうか
An area that we all care passionately about, and when it hits us, it really, really hurts.
自分達がその身になれば 本当に本当に辛いことです 自殺についてお話ししたいと思います
But it also affords me the luxury to only take cases that I feel passionately about this case.
だからこそ 今回のような 意義のある仕事を選び 情熱を傾けられる
When he said to his father and his people What are these idols to which you cling so passionately?
かれが父とかれの人びとに こう言った時を思いなさい あなたがたが崇拝するこれらの偶像は 何ものであるのか
Joe stated his case logically and passionately... but his perceived effeminate voice only drew big gales of stupid laughter.
ジョーは論理的に 情熱を持って釈明した しかし 彼の喋りは馬鹿にされ 反感と嘲笑を招くだけとなった
Hageshiku itoshi ai sareta koto wa aru no kai? Isn't it good to passionately leave some things to wonder?
すべては ナルトの作り上げた絆のおかげです
Let's get off our fannies, roll up our sleeves and get to work, passionately, in creating an almost perfect world.
情熱的に働きかけましょう もう少しで完璧な世界を創りだすために ありがとうございます
Digital technology is the opportunity for the revival of these vocal chords that he spoke so passionately to Congress about.
スーザが議会に対して熱烈に語りかけた 声帯を再生するきっかけになるのです ユーザー作成コンテンツは ビジネスの世界で
I'm very passionately interested in the human future, on the Moon and Mars particularly, and elsewhere in the solar system.
他の太陽系惑星における 人類の未来です 今は人類が太陽系全体の
He lives there today, devoting his life to mindful meditation, helping people to be passionately present in the here and now.
人々が心を込めて 今 ここに生きることが できるように支援しています ティク ナット ハン氏にお会いできるなんて 本当に素晴らしいことです
Tom, aware that he would soon have to board the train to Boston, had passionately clung to Mary on the station platform.
トムは自分がもうすぐボストン行きの列車に乗らなければいけないとわかっていたから プラットフォームであんなに激しくメアリーを抱きしめたんだ
He is a boy from a parish in Caracas who passionately attended to his double bass lessons at the San Agustin's Junior Orchestra.
サンアグスティンのジュニアオーケストラの コントラバスのレッスンに熱心に通っていました 彼の努力と
Oh that's another fancy word that says is what I'm building needed or wanted or passionately desired by a set of customers on the other end?
その商品はエンドユーザーのニーズに応えてますか? 現時点で市場に適合しなくても 顧客開発プロセスで探索すればいいのです
What I am is a doctor of internal medicine who became passionately interested in this topic about 10 years ago when a patient asked me a question.
そして約10年前 この課題に 非常に興味を持ち始めました
They're letting it die, all shut in by itself, she ended passionately, and she threw her arms over her face and burst out crying poor little Mistress Mary.
彼女の顔に彼女の腕を投げ 泣いて かわいそうな女王メアリーを口走る Dickon津々の青い目が丸く丸く育った
It turned out there were the original segment they thought, rabid sports jersey owners, who were male, 13 to 35, who passionately followed their team and went to a lot of games.
熱狂的なユニホームの所有者で13 35歳の男性 試合にも頻繁に行く熱烈なファン しかし時々試合に来る人たちもいました
So I think the point the point of my talk, and I think the point of TED is that this is a group that is passionately engaged in the pursuit of changing the world for the better.
私の思う TEDの存在価値は 世界をより良い場所にするため 情熱を傾ける この集団にあります
Joe was what a lot of people might think of as a whistle blower, except that like almost all whistle blowers, he wasn't a crank at all, he was passionately devoted to the organization and the higher purposes that that organization served.
人間になりました しかし普通の告発者とは違い 彼は風変わりではなく


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