Translation of "picks up" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Picks up - translation :
Keywords : グーン ほじ

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The telephone rings. Susan picks it up.
電話が鳴る スーザンは受話器を取り上げる
I hope the economy picks up soon.
He picks her up at 5 50.
だから彼女は 50 分歩きました
She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up...
彼女はヒッチハイクしてて 誰かが車に乗せると
Picks up moisture as it crosses the ocean.
So, you exercise and it picks up the exercise.
Then he picks her up, and what does he do?
She then, meticulously, picks it all up off the ground.
デリックの枕元に花を置いた後 絶望に襲われて床に身を投げ出すシンディ
Save 'em for the next guy that picks you up.
次にお前を拾う奴に くれてやれ
A guy picks up a bag, don't make him guilty.
バックを取りに来ても そいつを有罪には出来ない
Maybe you'll have better luck with whoever picks you up.
Sometimes it picks it deterministically. Sometimes it picks it stochastically.
Melanie picks up the lamb, puts it on the post, opens it up.
台にのせ 足を広げる アルバートはナイフを私に渡し
But when it's moving back and forth, the retina picks up these changes.
網膜は変化した部分について取り出します ここに座っていて
Well, even a blind chicken picks up an acorn once in a while.
農場に行ったとき ニューリンは 留守だったんです
And he picks it back up again, and it becomes a staff again.
するとそれは再び杖になります これを聞いて いったい何のことだと思いますか
Give it to Tony to take with him when my friend picks him up.
友達が迎えに来た時 トニーに渡して
The lady picks up a few leaves, puts them in the basket on the backside.
lying around on the ground, hops down, picks it up, drops it in the slot.
House rules, Sammy... driver picks the music,
It catches fish in ice holes or during spawning time and readily picks up dead fish.
凍っていない水の中で あるいは産卵期中に 魚を釣り 好んで死んでいる魚を拾う
But a young German doctor picks up Archie Cochrane's exercise book and says to his colleagues,
アーチー コクランのノートを手に取り 同僚に言います この証拠に議論の余地はない
So as the song picks up emotion, so should the machine get grander in its process.
装置の動きもそれに合わせて より壮大に展開して行く 4. スペースを最大限に使う事
It's only a matter of time before the media picks up on the heightened security measures.
Picks out and displays images from network traffic
In this case she picks e equals 3.
最後に自分の秘密指数 d を計算します
Each of those he picks with half chance.
He picks up a spoon, picks it up, scoops out some Shredded Wheat and milk, holds the spoon level as he translates it, moving all these joints simultaneously, to his mouth, and he doesn't drop any milk.
牛乳をかけたシリアルをすくい スプーンを水平に保ったまま 関節を見事に同時に動かし
And then when the air comes back after it's been cooled, it picks up that heat again.
その熱をまた拾い上げます よって エネルギーを5, 6回 再利用しているわけです
We get the shuttle and get the hell out of here, and hope somebody picks us up.
シャトルで逃げるのよ そうすれば 誰かに 見つけてもらえる ランバート
The day I get out of prison, my own brother picks me up in a police car.
刑務所を出てきたその日に 弟が俺をパトカーで拾いやがった
When one lucky spirit abandons you another picks you up. I just passed an exam for a job.
捨てる神あれば拾う神あり やっと採用試験に合格したよ
Our tools today don't look like shovels and picks.
She doesn't even try! And he just picks her.
自然に振舞っただけで 彼は彼女を選ぶ
So, he picks up his bags and his family and he moves them down to the small town of
But he looks at the pile of arrowheads, thinks they're a gift, picks them up, smiles and walks off.
彼は笑みを浮かべて矢じりを持ち去ります あなたはこの男を追いかけ
Melanie picks up the lamb two hands one hand on both legs on the right, likewise on the left.
片方の手は右両足をつかみ 同様に左両足もつかむ 羊が台にのせられ メラニーは両足を広げる
That explains it. Biblecrazed killer picks on fashionobsessed PR guy.
そうかもな 聖書狂いの殺人者が 哀れな罪人を裁いてるのさ
And she's always the one that everyone picks, for everything.
いつも彼女はそう... 誰もが選ぶ人
Melanie picks up another lamb, puts it on the post, band goes on the tail, band goes on the scrotum.
バンドを尻尾につけ 陰嚢にもつけた すると羊は よろよろと歩き 2歩進んで倒れた
That fool is typically really well mannered, but once he picks up a racket he turns into a different person.
And if there is a tie, she picks one at random.
A radio device is controlling every step I take, and a sensor picks up my foot for me every time I walk.
そして歩くたびにセンサーが 私の足を見ています 最後にこの体験が個人的に
In this case, she picks up her phone, she can map food preparation at the kitchen island to a particular location of sunlight.
ここではスマホで操作し 食事を用意する キッチンへと光を導いています プログラムによって 食事の準備中
And he picks which joint he wants to move with those chin switches.


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