Translation of "postal deliveries" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Postal | 郵便Address for delivering packages |
Postal Code | 郵便番号 |
Postal code | 郵便番号 |
Postal addresses | 郵便の宛先 |
Postal Address | 郵便の宛先 |
Postal code | 郵便番号 |
Postal Code | 郵便番号 |
Postal code | 郵便番号email address |
Postal Service. | 郵便です |
Show Postal Addresses | 郵便の宛先を表示 |
Are you postal? | どうかしてしまったのか |
Any deliveries scheduled for today? | 今日 配達の予定がなかった |
We have two deliveries every day. | 配達は毎日2回あります |
I still got three deliveries to make. | 今夜のテレビの試合を 視逃すつもりはないぞ |
Vacuum cleaner baby! Mother of all deliveries | 掃除機で出産なんて 前代未聞だわ |
A strike disrupted the postal system. | ストライキが郵便制度を混乱させた |
Postal services are a government monopoly. | 郵政事業は政府の独占事業です |
Is there postal service on Sunday? | 日曜日は郵便業務がありますか |
Set here the contact postal code. | 連絡先の住所の郵便番号を設定します |
UPS, and FedEx, and Postal Service. | コスト構造は倉庫賃貸料 発送費 クリーニング代 物流費用 |
International postal rates differ according to destination. | 国際郵便料金は宛先によって異なる |
Calculate production, postal, and potential ad placement costs. | 主な収入源は チケット販売です |
She believes we're all... deliveryman, milkman, postal workers. | 彼女の中ではすべてを信じています... 我々は 牛乳配達人であり郵便職員なんです |
Enter the postal code of the lead author here. | テキストを回転させる角度を選択します |
It receives large chemical deliveries on a weekly basis detergents and such. | 週単位で 化学薬品の業者が入る |
And on the other side of the fence is a postal depot. | And on the other side of the fence is a postal depot 反対側の フェンスは 郵便の 発着所 |
After our little special deliveries this morning, each one of us has an equal stake. | あのな... . 一人じゃなく みんなで行きべきだ |
She may be interested in providing local services to her community babysitting, local deliveries, pet care. | ベビーシッティング 配達 ペットの世話などです 必要でないときに収入源に出来る 所有物があるかもしれません |
They even have properties that are things like email, a link, a postal address. | メール リンク 郵便の宛先 GAEには皆さんが活用できる 便利な種類がそろっています |
Many of the postal routes have been disrupted. I'm sure your letter simply got lost. | 配達経路が分断されて 手紙は紛失したんだろう |
You do know that there's a surcharge for any arms deliveries to countries that are embargoed by the United Nations. | 課徴金 の存在を ご存知ですかな 兵器輸出には 国連の規制があります |
He ever forgets that, soon he's got nothing. Why don't I make these deliveries now the trucks are back, isn't it? | トラックが戻ったから この配達をしようか? |
It could be a phone number, it could be an e mail address, it could be a postal address. | 郵便番号かもしれません 要するに もし読み書きができないなら |
She can go to Airbnb to list her sofa bed, she can go to and say, I want to do local deliveries, and so on. | TaskRabbit.comで 地元の配達サービスを提供できます これらも良いサイトですが さらに踏み込んだことができると信じています |
I didn't put his name up here my colleague, Kerry, in Kenya, has come up with this great idea for using fractal structure for postal address in villages that have fractal structure, because if you try to impose a grid structure postal system on a fractal village, it doesn't quite fit. | フラクタル構造を持った村に フラクタル構造の住所を使うアイデアです フラクタル構造の村に 通常の格子構造の住所を使っても うまく合わないからです |
This is a sample of hand written digits taken from a U.S. postal data set where hand written zip codes on letters are being scanned and automatically classified. | 米国郵政公社では郵便番号はスキャンされて 自動的に認識されています ここでの機械学習の問題は |
Coming up soon, a Glendale postal worker uses the Mosaic web site to meet the police officer he believes is going to save his life in the coming months. | 次は グレンデールの郵便局員が モザイクのウェブサイトで 数ヶ月後に彼の命を 救うことになるという |
I built a loom in a one car garage with postal tubes and dowels, and things I could find in a hardware store, and I started weaving this optical fiber, which became a tapestry, 5 feet wide and 50 feet long. | 段ボールの円筒と合い釘のほか 金物屋で手に入るもので何とか織り機を作り 幅 1.5 m 長さ 15 m の 光ファイバーのタピストリーを制作しました |
If you don't just want a queen, you can buy, actually, a three pound package of bees, which comes in the mail, and of course, the Postal Office is always very concerned when they get, you know, your three pound packages of bees. | 1.5キロ分のミツバチも小包で買えます もちろん郵便局は1.5キロある ミツバチの小包には いつもとても気を使います |
Still, if everything goes to our satisfaction with the testing and construction of the two production prototypes that we're working on right now, those first deliveries to the, about a hundred, people who have reserved an airplane at this point should begin at the end of next year. | 2機の製造試作の テストと製作が 順調にいけば |
And in fact, America was the first country that ever did mail delivery queens and in fact, it's part of the postal code that you have to deliver queens by mail in order to make sure that we have enough bees in this country. | 郵送した最初の国です 郵便番号の一部には女王蜂の 郵送用に使える番号があり ミツバチがアメリカ中に 潤沢にいるようにしています |
And so the face of the unknown killer, built up from fragments of evidence... was sent out all over the country... to chiefs of police, sheriffs, county constables, and county jailers... to the wardens of prisons... to all postmasters and postal inspectors... to the agents of the Treasury Department... to the FBI. | 断片から作り上げた 犯人の顔が... 全国に送られた 警察署長 保安官 警官 刑務官へ |
We get information in the mail, the regular postal mail, encrypted or not, vet it like a regular news organization, format it which is sometimes something that's quite hard to do, when you're talking about giant databases of information release it to the public and then defend ourselves against the inevitable legal and political attacks. | 暗号化されていることもあれば されていないこともあります それを 普通の報道機関のように |
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