Translation of "proximal and distal" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Distal - translation : Proximal - translation : Proximal and distal - translation :
Keywords : 骨折 脛骨

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Posteriorly palpate the popliteal fossa and the distal hamstrings.
With the knee flexed to thirty degrees, stabilize the femur and pull the proximal tibia anteriorly.
動揺が過度に大きい場合やエンドポイント 終点 がはっきりしない場合は陽性です
Isolate the proximal interphalangeal joint over the edge of the table and provide resistance against extension.
近位指節間関節(PIP)で伸展できない場合は 陽性の結果です
You have isolated volar distal ulna dislocation, which means all I need to do is...
これが泥の中に あった骨の最後です これだけ 他は沼に沈んだんでしょう
With the knee flexed to ninety degrees and the foot planted on the table, push the proximal tibia anteriorly.
動揺が過度に大きい場合やエンドポイント 終点 がはっきりしない場合は陽性です
With the knee flexed at ninety degrees and the foot planted on the table, push the proximal tibia posteriorly.
動揺が過度に大きい場合やエンドポイント 終点 がはっきりしない場合は陽性です
Palpate the distal quadriceps, quadriceps tendon, the patella, patellar tendon, the tibial tuberosity, and the fat pads beneath the patella.
内側は内側側副靭帯 内側関節裂隙 鵞足包の触診を行います
just proximal to the third metacarpal base the ulna styloid the triangular fibrocartilage complex along the metacarpals and the fingers.
尺骨茎状突起 三角線維軟骨複合体 中手骨沿い
Isolate the distal interphalangeal joint over the edge of the table and observe for flexion at this joint to perform the Boyes' test.
この関節の屈曲状態を調べます 遠位指節間関節(DIP)で指を曲げる事ができない場合は
Isolate the distal interphalangeal joint over the edge of the table and observe for flexion at this joint to perform the Boyes' test.
遠位指節間関節(DIP)で指を曲げる事ができない場合は 深指屈筋腱が一部あるいは完全に断裂していることが考えられます
The lumbar spine, the sacroiliac joint, the sacrum, the gluteus maximus muscle, the piriformis muscle, the sciatic notch, the ischial tuberosity, and the adductor tubercle of the proximal femur.
仙腸関節 仙骨 大臀筋
And horses and pigs and goats and sheep and...
馬 豚 ヤギ 羊...
And? And...
And five and six and....
そして5 6
And... and... and you're okay.
... and he take care of you, and... and... and... and... and take you out.
you falling cop copyrighted program and pride and edited into the program not primed moan and all non and gone and and and and them and and and and and weighed one hundred and my mom there on the mainland
落下警官 著作権で保護されたプログラムと誇りと編集 プログラムへ 下塗りしていない
And and this is an and.
X よりも大きいまたは 11 マイナスに等しいかそれをする必要がありますようにより
And mad and crazy and fun.
彼らに教え始めた頃 これを仕事にしようと
And me? And me? And me?
おいこら 俺の分は
And you and me and Cam...
それから 君とカムと俺は... . .
And we represent adenine, and guanine and cytosine and thymine.
シトシンとチミン アデニンが続くところもあるだろうし そこに
like love and kindness and happiness and altruism and ideas.
幸福や利他精神 そしてアイデアです 実際 もし私たちがみな
There's trees, and bushes, and fruits, and plants, and birds
And Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias and all were of the righteous.
またザカリーヤー ヤヒヤー イーサーとイルヤースがいる それぞれみな正義の徒であった
And it's getting louder and louder and they circle and circle and they land.
着地しました 嘘だろって思いました
And Ad and Firon and Lut's brethren,
またアードの民も フィルアウンも ルートの同胞も
And for years and years and years,
色々な人を招いて フォーカスグループを催して尋ねました
And nice roads and infrastructure and electricity.
電気の配布を可能にします その他いろいろです
You and me and And the violin.
二階に行け マックス
And there's schools and clinics and shops.
でも モスクは一つしかありません
Karolina and Karl, and grandmom and granddad,
そして祖母と祖父 ジョセフィーナとジョセフ
Beautiful... and smart and funny... and... nice.
美人で 聡明でユーモアもあるし なにより
Mike and Laura and Mike and Eddie.
マイクとローラ マイクとエディ
And I bleed... and dance... and plead...
血を流し... 踊る... 弁護して...
One and two and three and four...
One and two and three and four...
I know actors and film stars and millionaires and novelists and top lawyers and television executives and magazine editors and national journalists and dustbinmen and hairdressers, all who were
最高の弁護士や テレビ局の上層部員 雑誌編集者や 国家ジャーナリスト ごみ清掃員に 美容師にも
She chirped, and talked, and coaxed and he hopped, and flirted his tail and twittered.
I worked and worked, and I got lucky, and worked, and got lucky, and worked.
ようやく大学を 卒業できました
And orchards and springs.
And grapes and herbage,
And fruits and fodder
果物や牧草 がある
And grapes and fodder,
And fruits and grass,
果物や牧草 がある
and vines, and reeds,


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