Translation of "since up to" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Since - translation : Since up to - translation :
Keywords : 以来 久し ぶり

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Since then she couldn't look up to her mother.
それ以来 彼女は母親を尊敬することが出来なかった
And so twenty... since, since because 23 shows up the most,
23は2回 他は1回ずつ出てきましたよね
He's been blowing stuff up ever since.
それ以来 なんでも爆破しまくってた
You talk to them since you wake up and go to bed
起きてから寝るまで 彼氏が喜ぶんじゃないですか
Since she doesn't have a chance, tell her to give up.
Since I stayed up late, I'm very sleepy.
夜更かしをしたので とても眠いんだ
You should give up smoking since it's unhealthy.
Since 2PM will show up in Music core
It's now a waste since I gave up.
Since I had been farming up until then,
And since they didn't call in the dressmaker, it's up to me.
専門家に頼んでないから 私の責任になるのよ
You'd think we might have grown up since then.
さて ある知的な 信仰を捨てたユダヤ人の友人についてなのですが
Otherwise, since I've already got that car jacked up,
しばらくそこに置いたままに しておくよ
We've grown up together since we were in kindergarten.
いやね みんな幼稚園の時から 幼なじみだから
l told you we were shacked up since Saturday.
土曜日から ホテルにこもってた
And you have to say this room hadn't been tidied up since 1888.
私がホテルの部屋に戻ると これです
The area has been built up since I came here.
I haven't been there since I came up from Busan.
Hey, Gerty, since I've been up here, I've sent Tess...
ガーティ 俺は ここに来てテスに...
And since we know what we're up against this time
今回 向こうに何があると分かってるから
This is the hottest day I have had since I came up to Tokyo.
I haven't heard anything from him since then. I wonder what he's up to.
あれから何の音沙汰もないが 彼は今一体どうしているのだろうか
Ever since then, a bunch of people have come up to me and asked,
まだ15才なのに 一体どうしてすい臓がんの
Ruined, turned to shit dead, ever since I hooked up with the great Heisenberg.
すべて破壊され この世から消え去った ハイゼンベルクに 関わって以来
Since I was sick for a week, I'm making every possible effort to catch up.
私は1週間病気だったので 仕事の遅れを取り戻すのにあらゆる努力を払っている
And since that's so easy, I needed to fill up some time for this segment.
その為に複数のモデルの比較の仕方をお見せしよう 複数のモデルのRスクエアを比較して
Since it's next to me,
私はそれが好きです 私はいつも がそれを見て それを感じることができます 私はこのロットが好きです
Too bad nobody ever woke up to it, and they've been trying to suppress it since then.
それ以来彼らはずっとそれを内に秘めています アイ ミー マイン まさに完璧な歌です 完璧な教えです
Since he ran so fast, they couldn't catch up with him.
彼は非常に速く走ったので 彼らは追いつけなかった
Since you're here, maybe you can clear something up for me.
だが ここなら 聞きたい事が聞ける
We haven't talked much since Vulcan. How are you holding up?
バルカン星以来 十分話をしていない
Been holed up in a Chinatown walkup since he went missing.
行方不明になった後 チャイナ タウンに篭ってる
Since when? Since I h it
Ever since El Paso, ever since...
It makes sense to E to push that up at high as possible since H is the maximizer.
Eはp 7 12となるこの点を選びます
Since I was sick for a week, I am making every possible effort to catch up.
私は1週間病だったので 仕事の遅れを取り戻すのにあらゆる努力を払っている
And it's been really fun since we put them up to see where these have gone.
Our company has come a long way since it was set up.
Mrs. Smith is bearing up well since the death of her husband.
Security at the airport has been stepped up since the bomb scare.
爆破予告以来 空港の警備体制は強化された
Make your airplane reservations early since flights fill up quickly around Christmas.
It's probably none of my business, but since you brought it up...
あなたが持ち出したからには... 妹さんとご主人のことですが


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