Translation of "smelling" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Smelling - translation :
Keywords : 匂い 香り 臭い That

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Smelling salts.
And sweet smelling plants.
累々と実るタルフ木 の中に住み
Are you smelling me?
Are you smelling me?
He is smelling the soup.
Mr. Fenner. I'm smelling meanies.
The girl is smelling the flowers.
Oh, oh, fetch my smelling salts!
Alice is wearing a sweet smelling perfume.
And incidentally, You're smelling particularly good today.
君って 特に今日はいい匂いがする
My garden is filled with sweet smelling blooms.
So now you're smelling it. We're getting close.
もうほとんど相関行列まで来てる あと残ってるのは標準偏差の対角行列をとって
It's just that, well, frankly, they're offensive... smelling.
I'm not smelling settlement here. Take them down.
どうやら合意には至らない様なら 潰せ
So what you're smelling now is the top note.
Now what you are smelling is a combination of
いくつ分子があるのか聞きましたが 誰も教えてくれなかったので
To smelling gasoline fumes from being near a car.
ガソリンが うまく回らない みたいな感じかな
I can't go home smelling like a meth lab.
You are all smelling pretty much the same thing, OK?
And just leaves as mementoes The lilacs smelling of meadow.
リラの花束を テーブルに残して
Also corn, with (its) leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweet smelling plants.
殻に包まれる穀物と その外の 賜物
I just know this is a really expensive room just by smelling it.
He came over to call on Sookie. All cleaned up and smelling nice.
小ぎれいにして いい香りを漂わせてたわ
I just couldn't put up with the man smelling of whisky sitting next to me.
隣に座った男の人がウイスキーのにおいをプンプンとさせて がまんできなかった
So what you're smelling is several hundred molecules floating through the air, hitting your nose.
空気中を漂って皆さんの鼻腔に届いています これが主観的なものだとは思わないでください
Peter ...Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me...
'Peter', he told me...
Now, I am all for the iPad, but trust me smelling it will get you nowhere.
1つ言わせてもらうと においを嗅いでもどうにもなりませんから (笑)
I mean, Brandon fell headfirst into the doodoo pile and came up smelling like Paco Rabanne.
彼がDEAのクソ取引に 素直に応じれば 香り爽やか すぐ解放です
I explicitly say, No air freshener and every time, I drive away smelling like an Alpine whorehouse.
あれは余計なお世話だし 売春宿のニオイがする
And then dreams he of smelling out a suit And sometime comes she with a tithe pig's tail,
眠って と牧師の鼻をくすぐり その後 別の聖職録の彼は夢を見る
I've been smelling it for years, and I never knew plain old air could smell like French perfume.
ただの空気が香水の 匂いだとは知らなかったな
So in this small rural town, selling fish, crabs and webfoot octopus, smelling like fish, that's how you want to live?
And then those cells invented sex, and then they invented the first bodies with each cell doing a different job, some smelling, some moving, some eating.
各細胞が 別々の働きをする 体を初めて生み出したんだ においをかぐもの
I think the big takeaway here is that, if we start treating people like people and not assuming that they're simply horses slower, smaller, better smelling horses.
そして ここから学び取れる大きな教訓は 人間を人間として扱うようにして 単なる馬車馬のようなものだと考えなければ
Everything that you're smelling in here is made up of atoms that come from what I call the Upper East Side of the periodic table a nice, safe neighborhood.
平穏で安全な界隈である 周期表のアッパーイースト の原子でできています 笑
And I remember the horror of seeing this little female devil with this huge ulcerating, foul smelling tumor inside her mouth that had actually cracked off her entire lower jaw.
下あごが外れてしまった このメスデビルを 目の当たりにした恐怖は今でも覚えています
I came to know it over Compassion when I went to a dumping ground in Philippines a truck with wastes drove in nobody was there the truck dumped wastes into the bad smelling junkyard
初期 ゴミ捨て場にいきました トラック一台がゴミをいっぱい 載せて入ってきます 誰もいませんでした
You're just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house, so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him.
だから燃えている家を 辿って行って 火事ですべてをなくした 男の子を見つけ 救えるか やってみることができるわ
Three thousand years ago, civilization just getting started on the banks of the Nile, some slaves, Jewish shepherds in this instance, smelling of sheep shit, I guess, proclaimed to the Pharaoh, sitting high on his throne,
ナイル川沿いに文明が築かれた頃 奴隷だったユダヤ人の羊飼いたちが おそらくは羊の糞の匂いを 身にまといながら
Mr. Merryweather stopped to light a lantern, and then conducted us down a dark, earth smelling passage, and so, after opening a third door, into a huge vault or cellar, which was piled all round with crates and massive boxes.
地球を放つ通路など 巨大な保管庫に 第三の扉を開いた後または クレートと巨大なボックスを持つすべてのラウンドを積み重ねwasセラー 彼はランタンを保持されて あなたは上記から非常に脆弱ではない ホームズは述べて
When one ant touches another, it's smelling it, and it can tell, for example, whether the other ant is a nest mate because ants cover themselves and each other, through grooming, with a layer of grease, which carries a colony specific odor.
同じ巣の仲間かどうか確認できるのです コロニー独自の匂いがする油の層で お互いにグルーミングして体を覆います
And he came across a very odd tree that had all kinds of misshapen branches and a strange bark, and he just sat there and stared at it in wonder, and then like a child would do when you're three, started taking the bark, smelling it, putting it in his mouth.
枝はどれもグニャグニャで 皮も変な木です その子は座り込んで 不思議そうに木を見つめ 3歳児なら誰でもそうするように
Think that science shows that we care about mastery very very deeply, and the science shows that we want to be self directed and I think that the big take away here is that, if we start treating people like people, and not assuming that they are simply horses, you know slower, smaller better smelling horses.
ここで分かる重要なことは 人を人として扱い 馬として扱わなければ このようなイデオロギー的な性質を克服し 科学に目を向ければ
As to your practice, if a gentleman walks into my rooms smelling of iodoform, with a black mark of nitrate of silver upon his right forefinger, and a bulge on the right side of his top hat to show where he has secreted his stethoscope, I must be dull, indeed, if I do not pronounce him to be an active member of the medical profession.
私の部屋さんは ヨードホルムの匂いに に銀の硝酸塩のブラックマーク彼 右人差し指 右上の膨らみ
As to your practice, if a gentleman walks into my rooms smelling of iodoform, with a black mark of nitrate of silver upon his right forefinger, and a bulge on the right side of his top hat to show where he has secreted his stethoscope, I must be dull, indeed, if I do not pronounce him to be an active member of the medical profession.
黒の彼の右の人差し指の際硝酸銀のマーク 右側の膨らみ 彼が持っている場所を示すために彼のトップハットの側 私は彼がように発音しない場合 彼の聴診器を分泌 私は 確かに 鈍いでなければならない
Little did the dusky children think that the puny slip with its two eyes only, which they stuck in the ground in the shadow of the house and daily watered, would root itself so, and outlive them, and house itself in the rear that shaded it, and grown man's garden and orchard, and tell their story faintly to the lone wanderer a half century after they had grown up and died blossoming as fair, and smelling as sweet, as in that first spring.
彼らは家の影に地面で立ち往生と毎日の水やりは rootになります ので それらをより長生きし 家自体 それを影付き背面に自身と 男の庭や果樹園を栽培 と言う


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