Translation of "solitary" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Solitary - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Solitary. | 独房だ |
Unique, single, solitary. | one の歴史の皮には 関連語も刻まれています |
My solitary viewpoint | いただけだ |
Cool, kind. Yet solitary. | クールで優しくて寂しかった |
She led a solitary life. | 彼女は孤独な生活を送った |
I like a solitary walk. | 私は一人歩きが好きだ |
It's a very solitary creature. | フロリダとバハマで 科学的に情報不足とされており |
If you are idle, be not solitary, if you are solitary, be not idle. | 無為なれば孤独を避けよ 孤独なれば無為を避けよ |
These were typically not solitary efforts. | 弁護士であろうが銀行員であろうが |
I lead a fairly solitary life. | 私 かなり孤独な暮らしをしてるから |
He likes to take a solitary walk. | 彼は一人で散歩をするのが好きだ |
I'm afraid I'm interrupting your solitary reverie. | お邪魔でしたか |
And you are the people. I'm just a solitary scholar. | 遊び好きなんて言われて 驚いたこともありましたが |
She lives a solitary life in a remote part of Scotland. | 彼女はスコットランドの辺ぴなところで孤独な暮らしをしている |
It must be solitary... With the husband absent most of the time. | すごく孤独だろ サムは留守がちだし |
There was a letter from Nancy waiting when they put me in solitary. | 独房に監禁されたとき ナンシーから手紙が来た |
When the bombs dropped, I was locked up in pelican bay. Solitary confinement. | 爆弾が落ちたときは ペリカン ベイの独房にいたんだ |
She conceived the child and retreated with him to a distant and solitary place. | こうして かの女はかれ 息子 を妊娠したので 遠い所に引き籠った |
'But as to me, left alone with the solitary candle, I remained strangely unenlightened. | 私はもはや毎ターンで私たちをbesets素晴らしさを見張るのに十分な若いなかった |
That's how I ended up in solitary, because I let my feelings be known. | 我々の回りすべてに 至る所に こういう人がいます |
And at that particular point in time, this was one of the few solitary computers. | 数少ないコンピューターは こんなものでした 小さな画像は スタンステッドの樹状の構造です |
You are compromising the security of the entire fleet... while we search for one solitary pilot. | 艦隊の安全を脅かすことになるのでは... パイロット一人の捜索の為に |
They then strip searched him, took away his shoelaces, took away his belt, and left him in solitary confinement. | 靴紐を没収し ベルトを没収し 独房に入れた マサチューセッツ地区米連邦検事事務所は 声明を発表 |
The deal is we ask the questions. I had two choices inside, 14 years' normal time or seven years' solitary. | Here, make yourself at home. |
We're not a solitary mind built out of properties that kept it alive in the world independent of other people. | 他人と関わりない世界で発達した 孤独な存在では ありません 実際 私たちの脳は 他人に依存します 脳は他人に依存し |
Fischer's still refusing to cooperate, but six weeks in solitary... ...might change his mind. I hope you're right about that. | 情報の出所は分かってるわ |
There will be no solitary nigger with courage... To have enough guts to step in our school now. It's all over! | これで黒んぼは 学校に来なくなる |
And Zachariah when he called unto his Lord, 'O my Lord, leave me not solitary though Thou art the best of inheritors.' | またザカリーヤーである かれが主に 祈って 主よ 最も優れた相続者であられる御方よ わたしを孤独のまま放って置かないで下さい と叫んだ時のことを思いなさい |
It was a bit like finishing a marathon and getting out of solitary confinement and winning an Oscar all rolled into one. | 独房から解放されて さらにオスカーの受賞をしたような感じでした 幸福感いっぱいでした |
And Zakariyya! recall what time he cried unto his Lord my Lord! leave me not solitary, though Thou art the best of heirs. | またザカリーヤーである かれが主に 祈って 主よ 最も優れた相続者であられる御方よ わたしを孤独のまま放って置かないで下さい と叫んだ時のことを思いなさい |
It happened again about 120 or a 140 million years ago when some solitary wasps began creating little simple, primitive nests, or hives. | 約一億二千万か一億四千万年前に 一部の単生スズメバチが 小さくて簡単で原始的な巣 |
Instead of being hardwired for competition for being the solitary heroes in our own story, we might instead be members of a shared quest. | 自分の物語のたった1人の 主人公なのではなく 私たちは共に冒険をする 仲間なのかもしれません ハリーというよりも ホビットのようだということです |
And We bestowed favour upon Zechariah, when he cried to his Lord Lord! Leave me not solitary (without any issue). You are the Best Inheritor. | またザカリーヤーである かれが主に 祈って 主よ 最も優れた相続者であられる御方よ わたしを孤独のまま放って置かないで下さい と叫んだ時のことを思いなさい |
(Muhammad), mention in the Book (the Quran) the story of Mary how she left her family and started living in a solitary place to the East | またこの啓典の中で マルヤム の物語 を述べよ かの女が家族から離れて東の場に引き籠った時 |
For they said What! a man! a Solitary one from among ourselves! shall we follow such a one? Truly should we then be straying in mind, and mad! | そしてかれらは言った 何と わたしたちの中の一介の人間ではないですか どうしてこんな者に従いますか それこそ邪道 気違い沙汰です |
I chose the solitary. I spent 20 hours a day locked up in between two salty convicts who had been down there for more years than they cared to remember. | What are you talking about? |
I was feeling a lot of anxiety and isolation because I was in a solitary phase in my life, and I decided to title my series Naked City Spleen, which references Charles Baudelaire. | 人生の中で寂しい時期にいたのです それで私は自分の作品を 裸都の憂鬱 と題しました シャルル ボードレールから取ったものです |
And marry such of you as are solitary and the pious of your slaves and maid servants. If they be poor, Allah will enrich them of His bounty. Allah is of ample means, Aware. | あなたがたの中独身の者 またあなたがたの奴隷の男と女で廉正な者は 結婚しなさい かれらがもし貧しければ アッラーは恩恵により裕福にされよう アッラーは寛恩深知であられる |
These solitary bees, they drill a hole in the ground or drill a hole in a branch, and they collect pollen and make it into a ball, and they lay an egg on it. | 花粉を集めてボール状に丸め そこに卵を産みます 穴の中にいるミツバチは |
And finally, we at TED really do believe that sometimes it's better to view TED talks in a group situation where you can have a conversation around them rather than a solitary way in front of a computer. | TED トークをコンピューターの前で 一人きりで見るよりも グループみんなで見て そのトークについて 話し合うほうが良い場合がある ということです |
And for those who launch a charge against their spouses, and have (in support) no evidence but their own, their solitary evidence (can be received) if they bear witness four times (with an oath) by Allah that they are solemnly telling the truth | 自分の妻を非難するもので 自分以外に証人のない場合は 単独の証言で 自分の真実なことをアッラーに誓けて4度誓う |
He was the one who said that life in a state of nature was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. Not because, he argued, humans have some primordial thirst for blood or aggressive instinct or territorial imperative, but because of the logic of anarchy. | 縄張り争いが原因なのではなく 無政府状態のロジックが原因だと言っています 無政府状態では やられる前にやらなければおしまいです |
Anyway, but I guess my point is that all of these enterprises are engaging to me in their multiplicity, but as I've presented them to you today, they're actually solitary enterprises, and so pretty soon I want to commune with other people, and so | 私はこういった複数の仕事に従事していますが 今日ご覧いただいたように実際には孤独な作業です なので当然 他人と交流したいと言う気持ちが沸いてきます |
But perhaps the mere crossing of Siberia in a sledge drawn by dogs as Ledyard did, or the taking a long solitary walk on an empty stomach, in the negro heart of Africa, which was the sum of poor Mungo's performances this kind of travel, I say, may not be the very best mode of attaining a high social polish. | アフリカの黒人中心に 空の胃の長い孤独な散歩して これは 貧しいマンゴーを合計したものである パフォーマンス 旅行のこの種は 私が言う 達成の非常に最良のモードではありません |
A house whose inside is as open and manifest as a bird's nest, and you cannot go in at the front door and out at the back without seeing some of its inhabitants where to be a guest is to be presented with the freedom of the house, and not to be carefully excluded from seven eighths of it, shut up in a particular cell, and told to make yourself at home there in solitary confinement. | その住民の一部を見ることなく後ろに正面玄関で出たり入ったりする ゲストになる場所を提示することです 家の自由は 慎重の8分の7から除外されるべきではない |
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