Translation of "stimulate" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Stimulate - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
You alone stimulate them | 貴方だけが彼らを煽り立てる |
We stimulate one place, the other place. We can stimulate lots of places. | こういう風に電極の配置を作りました |
Well, I could stimulate your memory. | 幕を取り除く |
To stimulate your imaginations, your senses. | 想像力とセンスを 研くんです |
I'll stimulate you. I wish you wouldn't. | 私が台無しに計画をしたくない あなたが知っている |
You can build habitats to stimulate imagination. | 個人なら 自分の知識の基礎を 築くところから始めることができます |
It can stimulate the pain center of virtually any humanoid. | どんな人型生物にも痛みを与えれます |
For example, males will stimulate a female during a courtship chase. | 雄が雌をこの音で刺激します 実は私もこれで言い寄られたんですよ |
And what it does essentially is to stimulate further consumption growth. | 刺激するのです いくつかの方法で行われます |
I will flip the switch which will stimulate our naked friend's brain. | その時にスイッチを入れて 彼の脳を刺激する |
But what's really amazing is that the cells, when we electrically stimulate them, | これにペースメーカーのような 電気刺激を加えると |
Teachers stimulate the students' interest, have them think, ask questions, and debate among themselves. | 教師は学生の興味を高め 彼ら同士の間で考えさせ 問題を出し合い 議論させる |
Tax cuts are often used as a major fiscal tool to stimulate the economy. | 減税はしばしば経済を刺激する重要な財政政策手段として使われる |
This fee and dividend would stimulate the economy and innovations, creating millions of jobs. | 経済と技術革新が 促進されて 何百万人もの 雇用を生むでしょう |
Great teachers do that, but what great teachers also do is mentor, stimulate, provoke, engage. | それだけでなく 導き 刺激し 引き出し 関わるのです 教育は 学びのためのものです |
So we're going to have to go all out thermonuclear response, stimulate the total cytokine cascade. | サイトカインの生産を刺激して 全免疫機能が肺に殺到します |
We run our TEDx towards that aim of trying to stimulate people to actually start doing things. | 刺激することを目標に TEDx を実施しています 人生を変えるような |
And I want to continue with our partners to do two things educate and stimulate compassionate thinking. | 続けていきたいと思います 思いやりの心を伝え 培うことです 教育が必要な理由は |
And if you trigger, if you stimulate with an electrode, the precise spot, you will trigger an orgasm. | オーガズムが起こります 3 死んでもオーガズムは得られる また このような脊髄反射を |
For example, it's been shown to stimulate neural growth in the amygdala, in the area where it controls emotions. | 感情を制御する部位である へんとう体の神経活動が刺激されます また多くの認知処理が行われる部位である |
And so if we're shifting aggregate demand to the right, where there's going to be more demand for goods and services, these people are going to borrow this money and spend it, you're going to essentially stimulate, you're going to stimulate the economy. | これらの人々 はこのお金を借りて使います 本質的に経済を刺激しています これが右にシフトし ここでは |
Now this plaque has rupture. It got so big. Maybe the turbulent blood flow helped stimulate this and whatever else. | 理由がどうであれ破綻している |
Now lets say that the Federal Reserve is sitting over here, and for whatever reason, wants to stimulate the economy. | 経済を刺激するために お金を印刷を開始します 緑で書きましょう |
We put somebody in this apparatus, and we can stimulate one place in the brain, or several places in the brain. | 脳の一カ所または数カ所を 刺激します ここでできる事は |
The invitation of bringing makers and artists and entrepreneurs it really helps stimulate this fiery creativity and helps a city to thrive. | 呼び寄せることで 燃えるような創造性を刺激し 都市を元気づけることにつながります |
The idea is that if you open up the science and you allow diverse groups to participate, it could really stimulate innovation. | 様々なグループが参加できるようにすれば イノベーションが促進されるというものです エンドユーザーは自分が何を必要とするか |
In his study, Darwin actually cited a French neurologist, Guillaume Duchenne, who sent electric jolts to facial muscles to induce and stimulate smiles. | ギヨーム デュシェンヌについても触れています その神経学者は笑顔をつくり出すために 電気ショックを使ったのです |
Orangutan Outreach, and we use iPads to help stimulate and enrich the animals, and also help raise awareness for these critically endangered animals. | iPadで動物の生活を刺激して豊かにし 同時に近絶滅種に対する人の認識を 高める取り組みをしています |
How might we improve access to safe drinking water for the world's poorest people, and at the same time stimulate innovation amongst local water providers? | そして同時に どのようにして 地域の水の供給業者をイノベーションに 導くことができるだろうかという課題です |
When I was in Denmark, my host was named Anne Marie. And I said, So why don't you just stimulate the clitoris of the pig? | 農家にそう説明したらいいんじゃない |
In the short term, we can stimulate job growth by encouraging entrepreneurship and by investing in infrastructure, because the robots today still aren't very good at fixing bridges. | 雇用を牽引することができます なぜなら ロボットは今日まだ 橋の補修が不得意だからです |
Jim Collins, the author of Good To Great, told me that successful human organizations of any kind have two things in common they preserve the core, they stimulate progress. | ジム コリンズが言っていました 成功する組織には 2つの共通点がある ジム コリンズが言っていました 成功する組織には 2つの共通点がある 軸を維持すること 進歩を褒めること |
But you can imagine what happens if the Fed keeps lowering interest rates in order to kind of prime the pump, in order to kind of try to stimulate the economy. | これを 経済を促進するために行います 連邦資金率を 4 から 3 2 へと |
Created in the spirit of TED's Mission, Ideas Worth Spreading , the TEDx program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED like experiences at the local level. | コミュニティーや 組織や 個人に |
It usually consists of plant or animal origin, that contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life . | 炭水化物 脂肪 蛋白質 ビタミン ミネラルであり 消化器官で消化され 同化され エネルギーを作り出し 成長を促し 生命 を維持する それから 酸素 |
We know that if you stimulate the temporal lobe, you can produce a feeling of out of body experiences, near death experiences, which you can do by just touching an electrode to the temporal lobe there. | 幽体分離の感覚や臨死の体験を 作り出せます 側頭葉に電極を差し込んで触れるだけです |
So when you organize information using the symbols of our memory, using the most common symbols that we've been immersed in all our lives, you maximally both excite, stimulate, are able to remember, transfer and manipulate data. | 私たちの生活に根ざした もっとも一般的なシンボルを使うと 皆さんは最大限に脳を刺激し 記憶することができ データを動かしたり 操作することができます |
So practicing throwing things has been shown to stimulate the frontal and parietal lobes, which have to do with visual acuity, 3D understanding, and structural problem solving, so it helps develop their visualization skills and their predictive ability. | 刺激することがわかっていて それは視覚の鋭敏さや三次元の理解力 そして構造的な問題解決力と 関連があります だから物を投げるのは意味があることなのです |
And it's one of the reasons why there's so many amazingly creative people who are basically not living up to their creative potential because they're not in the environment to foster and stimulate and encourage this type of innovation. | その潜在能力を 生かせずにいる理由です 彼らは そのような種類の イノベーションを育み 刺激し 勇気づけてくれる 環境にいないのです |
In Denmark, the Danish National Committee for Pig Production found out that if you sexually stimulate a sow while you artificially inseminate her, you will see a six percent increase in the farrowing rate, which is the number of piglets produced. | メスのブタの人工授精作業中 ブタを性的に刺激しておくと 分娩率 これは生まれる子ブタの数ですが |
A fellow by the name of Matthew Harris at the University of Wisconsin in Madison actually figured out a way to stimulate the gene for teeth, and so was able to actually turn the tooth gene on and produce teeth in chickens. | マシュー ハリス特別研究員は 歯の遺伝子を活性化する方法を 見つけ出しました |
It does this through an elaborate and elegant system of checks and balances, stimulators and inhibitors of angiogenesis, such that, when we need a brief burst of blood vessels, the body can do this by releasing stimulators, proteins called angiogenic factors, that act as natural fertilizer, and stimulate new blood vessels to sprout. | 阻害物質を分泌して 均衡と抑制を行います 体が血管の増加を必要とするとき |
Part of the question that I have answered is, is we create by surrounding ourselves with stimuli with human achievement, with history, with the things that drive us and make us human the passionate discovery, the bones of dinosaurs long gone, the maps of space that we've experienced, and ultimately the hallways that stimulate our mind and our imagination. | 我々は周りの環境と刺激 人類の業績や 歴史 我々を人間たらしめるものにより 新しいものを創造するのです |
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