Translation of "subjected" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Subjected - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

That you were subjected
He was subjected to insult.
He was subjected to severe criticism.
He was subjected to severe trials.
He was subjected to torture by the police.
We will not be subjected to any chastisement.
The king subjected all the tribes to his rule.
For 81 days he was subjected to severe interrogation.
それにかかわらず彼は釈放された後も 中国政府の監視を受けながらも
I will not be subjected to this persecution again.
それは絶対にすべての権利 叔父なるでしょう に新聞の男が存在しません
and He subjected to you the sun and moon constant upon their courses, and He subjected to you the night and day,
またかれは 太陽と月をあなたがたに役立たせ 両者は飽きることなく 軌道 を廻り また夜と昼をあなたがたの用に役立たせられる
And He subjected for you the sun and the moon, continuous in orbit , and subjected for you the night and the day.
またかれは 太陽と月をあなたがたに役立たせ 両者は飽きることなく 軌道 を廻り また夜と昼をあなたがたの用に役立たせられる
And subjected the sun and the moon for you, which are constantly moving and has subjected the night and the day for you.
またかれは 太陽と月をあなたがたに役立たせ 両者は飽きることなく 軌道 を廻り また夜と昼をあなたがたの用に役立たせられる
And He hath subjected for you the sun and the moon, two constant toils and He hath subjected for you the night and the day.
またかれは 太陽と月をあなたがたに役立たせ 両者は飽きることなく 軌道 を廻り また夜と昼をあなたがたの用に役立たせられる
He was subjected to strict military discipline while in the service.
and will be subjected to condemnation until the Day of Judgment.
この呪いは 本当に審判の日まであなたの上にあろう
That painting has been subjected to every test known to science.
その絵はあらゆる 検査を受けたわ
Who subjected for you the sun and the moon and both of them are constant on their courses, Who subjected for you the night and the day,
またかれは 太陽と月をあなたがたに役立たせ 両者は飽きることなく 軌道 を廻り また夜と昼をあなたがたの用に役立たせられる
And We subjected to him the evil ones every builder and diver.
またわれはシャイターンたちを かれに服従させた その中には 大工があり潜水夫もあり
Obey Allah and the Messenger in order to be subjected to mercy.
アッラーと使徒に従いなさい そうすればあなたがたは 慈悲を受けられるであろう
He has also subjected to you the sun and the moon, both steadfastly pursuing their courses. He has subjected to you the night as well as the day
またかれは 太陽と月をあなたがたに役立たせ 両者は飽きることなく 軌道 を廻り また夜と昼をあなたがたの用に役立たせられる
Knowing that they will be subjected to a torment that breaks the backs.
背骨を砕く程の大災難が かれらに降り掛かることを知るであろう
With him We subjected the mountains to give glory at evening and sunrise,
われは山々を従わせ かれと共に朝夕に讃美させ
And hundreds of thousands of children, incidentally, are subjected to this every year.
毎年この被害を受けています その 正しい知識をもった州 の場所を聞いても皆さんは驚かないでしょう
and We also subjected the devils to him all kinds of builders and divers
またわれはシャイターンたちを かれに服従させた その中には 大工があり潜水夫もあり
He suffered massive cellular disruption, as if he'd been subjected to intense delta radiation.
ひどい細胞崩壊に侵されています まるで強烈なデルタ放射能に晒されたような
And He subjected to you the night and day, and the sun and moon and the stars are subjected by His command. Surely in that are signs for a people who understand.
かれは夜と昼 太陽と月をあなたがたのために運行させる 群星もかれの命令に服従している 本当にこの中には 理解ある者への種々の印があり
And He subjected the night and the day for you and the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected to His command indeed in this are signs for people of intellect.
かれは夜と昼 太陽と月をあなたがたのために運行させる 群星もかれの命令に服従している 本当にこの中には 理解ある者への種々の印があり
And He has subjected to you the night and the day, the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected by His Command. Surely, in this are proofs for people who understand.
かれは夜と昼 太陽と月をあなたがたのために運行させる 群星もかれの命令に服従している 本当にこの中には 理解ある者への種々の印があり
He has subjected to you the night, the day, the sun and the moon. The stars are subjected by His Command. Surely, in that there is a sign for a nation who understands.
かれは夜と昼 太陽と月をあなたがたのために運行させる 群星もかれの命令に服従している 本当にこの中には 理解ある者への種々の印があり
And He has subjected for you the night and day and the sun and moon, and the stars are subjected by His command. Indeed in that are signs for a people who reason.
かれは夜と昼 太陽と月をあなたがたのために運行させる 群星もかれの命令に服従している 本当にこの中には 理解ある者への種々の印があり
And have subjected the animals for them, so they ride some animals and eat some?
われは それをかれら の用 に服させた それで かれらはこれに乗り そして食べる
We subjected the mountains to exalt (Me) with him in the evening and at sunrise,
われは山々を従わせ かれと共に朝夕に讃美させ
So We subjected to him the wind blowing by his command, gently, wherever he directed,
そこでわれは 風をかれに従わせた それはかれの思うままに その命令によって望む所に静かに吹く
You're fighting for your own representation so you don't get so subjected by foreign kings.
他の国の王に 支配されないために それにこたえて 皆が戦争に参加した
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
何人も 拷問又は残虐な 非人道的な若しくは屈辱的な取扱若しくは刑罰を受けることはない
Indeed We subjected the hills to say the praise with him, at night and at morn.
われは山々を従わせ かれと共に朝夕に讃美させ
Then We subjected to him the wind it ran gently by his command withersoever he directed.
そこでわれは 風をかれに従わせた それはかれの思うままに その命令によって望む所に静かに吹く
So, We subjected to him the wind, it blew gently to his order whithersoever he willed,
そこでわれは 風をかれに従わせた それはかれの思うままに その命令によって望む所に静かに吹く
Similar experiences are also reported by fighter pilots when subjected to massive aceleration they lose consciousness.
大きな加速度にさらされたとき 意識を失う ビデオセット完了 飛行準備 確認
You know, we live in a world that's subjected to ever more stringent child safety regulations.
子どもの安全規制がますます厳しくなっています それがどれほどおかしなものになるのか
and He subjected to you the sun and the moon, which are constant in their courses. And, He has subjected to you the night and the day, and gave you all that you asked of Him.
またかれは 太陽と月をあなたがたに役立たせ 両者は飽きることなく 軌道 を廻り また夜と昼をあなたがたの用に役立たせられる
And We explained the case to Sulaiman and to both We gave the kingdom and knowledge and subjected the hills to proclaim the Purity along with Dawud, and (also subjected) the birds and these were Our works.
われはそれをスライマーンに理解させた そしてそれぞれに判断力と英知を授け またわれはダーウードに山々や鳥たちを従わせて 主を 共に讃えさせた それは 皆 われの仕業であった
That proved be the testing ground for the Muslims, and they were subjected to a severe shake.
こうして信者たちは試みられ かれらは猛烈な動揺に播さぶられた
Verily We so subjected the mountains that they should hallow Us with him at nightfall and sunrise.
われは山々を従わせ かれと共に朝夕に讃美させ
Indeed before that We subjected the Pharaonites to the same test. A noble Messenger came to them
かれら以前にも われはフィルアウンの民を試みた その時かれらに尊い使徒 ムーサー が来て


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