Translation of "their peers" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Peers | ピア |
They've learned from their peers. They've learned from their enemies. | 時間があれば これを象徴するカラスの裏切りについて |
Only two things distinguished Zeppelin from their peers. | 先ずツエッペリンは他人の曲の一部を使用した際 |
Add Peers | ピアを追加 |
Peers connections | ピアの接続数 |
They will be accepted by their peers in adulthood. | 彼らは大人になってからの同輩に受け入れられるだろう |
KTorrent Blacklisted Peers | KTorrent ブラックリストのピア |
Resolve hostnames of peers | ピアのホスト名を解決する |
Show list of peers | ピアの一覧を表示する |
These are my peers. | 彼等を尊敬しているし 彼等も私に敬意を表している |
That's true even amongst peers. | しかし研究という形を取ったクリエイティブな活動や |
On the whole, deaf adults earn about a third less than their hearing peers. | このような数字は誤解を招きます |
Use DHT to get additional peers | ピアを追加するために DHT を使う |
I am around my peers again. | 精霊は深刻だった チャンスがあります |
They're going to be presenting their lessons learned, and they're going to be presenting in front of their entire peers. | プレゼンテーションを行います ファシリテーターやメンターは教室の後ろに座って |
He enjoys considerable standing among his peers. | 彼は同輩に相当受けがよい |
Color of the leechers on peers chart | ピアチャートのリーチャーの色 |
Color of the seeds on peers chart | ピアチャートのシードの色 |
We crave the approval of our peers. | 十代にとって 見た目は 世の中に自分を発信する |
like so many other of my peers. | 私たちは本当に焚き付けられました |
Then he peers eagerly into his mother's mouth. | 音の出どころを探しているのでしょうか |
Unlike their creative brothers and sisters, who are sculptors or photographers or filmmakers or musicians, fashion designers can sample from all their peers' designs. | 映画監督やミュージシャンといった 同じ創作分野の人間と違って ファッションデザイナーはどの同業者のデザインを |
Conflict mediators, trained in the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program, help their peers resolve disputes on and off the playground. | 校庭の内外で起こるケンカの解決を助けます この問題を解決する手伝いが必要なんだね |
It happens moment by moment in their real lives, and their minds are being formed and their brains are being specialized in something other than what is happening with their typical peers. | そして彼らの精神と脳は 自閉症でない人の精神や脳とは 異なるものになるのです |
Discover peers on the local network using the Zeroconf protocol | Zeroconf プロトコルを使ってローカルネットワークでピアを見つけます |
It says a lot about her peers who elected her. | 彼女は票の75 を獲得しました |
Displays all the peers you are connected to for a torrent | torrent ごとに接続中のすべてのピアを表示します |
I participated in over night meditation program with my yoga peers. | 徹夜の瞑想にも参加しました 徹夜と言っても一睡もせず徹夜するというわけではなく |
Teachers and peers were underestimating her she was teased at school. | だから整形手術を決めたんです |
Those men are not your uncles. They're barely even your peers. | でも家族じゃないだろ 親しいピーア(仲間)だけど |
Only peers which have an upload slot will get data from us | アップロードスロットを持っているピアだけが こちらのデータを取得します |
Now users earn reputation in a whole range of ways, but it's basically by convincing their peers they know what they're talking about. | 基本的には 自分に知識があることを 他のプログラマーに 認めてもらって 評判を得ます サイトを立ち上げた数か月後 創設者たちは |
Teacher On March 24th you're going to stand in front of your peers. | 親も来る |
Monty Brewster peers in at his sign and kicks in the first pitch. | モンティ ブリュースター 初球のサインを見て第1球 |
Whether or not to show the peers tab in the bottom of the window. | ウィンドウの下部にピアのタブを表示するかどうか |
If you had short parents and grandparents you probably don't tower over your peers. | 栄養などの環境因子も身長にいくらかの影響を与えますが |
It also shaped Darwin's scientific method, as well as that used by his peers. | 科学的な手法を確立したのです 公益のための科学 |
What you usually do is look at what your peers do and copy them. | そのやり方は 多くの場面で役に立ちますが |
In the meantime, the students, instead of just sitting there and doing their email, who are not presenting, actually have a shared Google Doc and they're doing peer grading of their peers, of their presentations, and giving them feedback as well. | Googleドキュメントを共有して 受講生同士でプレゼンテーションの成績をつけあい フィードバックをします |
DHT is a trackerless protocol to find peers sharing the same torrents as you do. | DHT はトラッカーを介さずに同じ torrent を共有するピアを見つけるプロトコルです |
The reason why he surpassed all of his peers, is because he's just the best. | 俺は選ぶのが嫌いだ 音楽を愛してる |
Now, children get their ideas not from teachers, as teachers often think, but actually from common sense, from experience of the world around them, from all the things that go on between them and their peers, and their carers, and their parents, and all of that. | 彼らが経験したことからや 友達や面倒をみてくれる人や両親との間で 起こるすべての経験から得ています |
Now imagine what happens where we talked about the peers teaching each other inside of a classroom. | クラスメートが教え合うところを 想像してみてください これは同じ1つのシステムですから |
But now I have seen what my peers in my class and above below me have done. | 本当に何も驚くほどの短いされています |
Now imagine what happens where we talked about the peers teaching each other inside of a classroom. | クラスメートが 教え合うところを 想像してみてください これは同じ1つの システムですから |
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