Translation of "tuberculosis" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Tuberculosis - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

But let's stick first to tuberculosis.
These days few people suffer from tuberculosis.
最近 肺結核を患う人はほとんどいない
The resistant forms of tuberculosis. There are others.
結核菌の耐性形体 他にもあります
Incidences of leukaemia, tuberculosis and meningitis have dropped considerably.
白血病 結核 髄膜炎の発生は低下
This is more than HlV AlDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.
エイズや マラリアや結核の合計以上 ただし飢餓の解決には
I began documenting the close connection between HlV AlDS and tuberculosis.
報道を開始しました これはカンボジアの 国境なき医師団(MSF) の病院です
She herself was suffering from HlV she was suffering from tuberculosis.
結核も煩っていました 野原で彼女と会った時 ぼろをまとい 靴は履いてませんでした
As in tuberculosis. Not to be confused with consuming, as in guzzling.
結核 のことだよ 飲みすぎの場合は
And the economic burden of asthma exceeds that of HlV and tuberculosis combined.
HIVと結核を合わせたよりも大きいのです これらの統計データには 強い衝撃を受けましたが
And what I did, I gave him just antibiotics that we care for tuberculosis.
結核治療に使うものです 運良く 彼は助かりました
Some years ago, learning that one had tuberculosis amounted to hearing a sentence of death.
何年か前には 結核にかかっていると知らされることは死の宣告を聞くのに等しかった
And not a single soul in this area was being treated for AlDS or tuberculosis.
We're talking now explosives, tuberculosis, but can you imagine, you can actually put anything under there.
考えてみれば実際には 何が検査対象でもいいのです ではどのように行なわれるのか
The tuberculosis rate on Pine Ridge is approximately eight times higher than the US national average.
全国平均の およそ8倍 幼児死亡率は 北アメリカ大陸で最も高く
The good news, it's not cancer, it's not tuberculosis, it's not coccidioidomycosis or some obscure fungal infection.
なにか恐ろしい感染症ではありません 悪いニュースは一体何が原因かわからないことです
I was diagnosed with tuberculosis meningitis, which complicated into hydrocephalus and that's when I started forgetting things.
そして記憶を失ったのです ある朝目覚めたら 記憶がなくなっていました
Joseph Nyamwanda Jura Ondijo treated patients outside of Kisumu, Kenya for AlDS, tuberculosis, infertility, mental illness, evil spirits.
ケニアのキスム郊外で 患者を診ていました AIDSや結核 不妊 精神病や悪霊の治療です
For instance, scientists have recovered DNA from the bacteria that transmits tuberculosis from the remains of ancient Egyptian mummies.
結核の原因となる結核菌のDNAを 古代エジプトのミイラから検出しました 2011年
My grandmother had tuberculosis, and she worked in a sewing machine shop, making shirts for about 10 cents an hour.
1時間10セントでシャツをつくっていました 彼女や AtoZ社 のほとんどの女性は
On top of that, Manuru has tuberculosis, yet he's still forced to work day in and day out in that mine shaft.
それでも彼は連日 縦穴での作業を 強いられています それでも彼は いつの日か フリー ザ スレーブ等の活動家の援助を得て
Randomized clinical trials were actually invented in 1948 to help invent the drugs that cured tuberculosis, and those are important things, don't get me wrong.
結核のための 治療薬を開発するためです この臨床試験は重要な役割を果たしました 多くの奇跡的な薬剤が開発され
In fact, it's very likely that this muscular person will end up like this one here, racked with tuberculosis and mercury poisoning in just a few years.
あと数年で結核と水銀中毒のせいで こうなってしまう危険が高いのです 彼はマヌルといいます 父親が死んだ時に
And there's about 6,000 people last year that walked on a landmine, but worldwide last year, almost 1.9 million died from tuberculosis as a first cause of infection.
およそ6千人でしたが 同じ年に世界中で 190万人近くの人が結核で死亡しました
We will always have the possibility of dying from old age even when this therapies exist, just as today we have the possibility of dying of polio or tuberculosis.
治療法があっても老齢で死ななくなる訳ではありません しかし 必ずしも老齢は死ななくなるでしょう
I'm here today to share with you an extraordinary journey extraordinarily rewarding journey, actually which brought me into training rats to save human lives by detecting landmines and tuberculosis.
たぐいまれな記録を紹介します 実際にこれは非常に有意義な経験で このおかげで私は
A cage like this provided that you have rats, and we have now currently 25 tuberculosis rats a cage like this, operating throughout the day, can process 1,680 samples.
私たちのところには現在 結核検査用に25匹いますが このようなケージで1日検査を行なうと
I wanted to become a doctor like Paul Farmer or Rick Hodes, these kind of fearless men who go into places like Haiti or Ethiopia and work with AlDS patients with multidrug resistant tuberculosis, or with children with disfiguring cancers.
ハイチやエチオピア のような場所に赴き エイズ患者や 多剤耐性の結核 外見を損ねる ガンに冒された子どもなどの 治療にあたりたかったのです
As poor as Haiti is, in the area where Farmer's clinic is active and they serve a catchment area far greater than the medical professionals they have would indicate they could serve since 1988, they have not lost one person to tuberculosis, not one.
通常 医療専門家が可能とするよりも ずっと広い地域をカバーするのですが 1988年以降 1人も結核で亡くしていません 1人もです


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