Translation of "was yet" to Japanese language:

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Yet, nothing was happening.
It was not drowned yet.
今度は食べられるので 殺す事になりました
Yet the voice was indisputable.
But yet, it was human.
じきに次のステップに リスナーの真の夢にたどり着くでしょう
His education was not yet completed.
Yet, he was my greatest teacher.
補聴器からは きれいな音は聞こえなくても
This week was tough. Toughest yet.
Last year was our best year yet.
Anything yet? No. That was the hospital.
はい 病院に問い合わせてみました 少年にMRIを行っています
Of two peoples, he was neither, yet he was both.
二つの部族の中で 彼はどちらでもなく 両方だった
Yet, there was something more being said. What exactly was it?
The full story was yet to be told.
Yet, Dykstra was promoted, went to the majors.
二年後 Metsはワールドシリーズで勝利した
And this was yet another famine in Ethiopia.
And yet his sister was playing so beautifully.
彼女の顔が横になっていた 彼女は熱心にし 悲しいことにスコアを追った視線
That was pretty good. Ma Not quite yet.
ナイ 宇宙での実験を見て どうだった
not yet not yet
聞けないな 僕には聞けない...
The eye turned not aside nor yet was overbold.
かれの 視線は吸い寄せられ また 不躾に 度を過ごすこともない
No, not yet. Not yet.
Yet the ship was entered, the heavyduty hatch was raised and latched back.
それでも 艦に侵入された 頑丈なハッチの留め金を外してだ
まだ 今はね
At that time, Mexico was not yet independent of Spain.
He was tired, and yet he went to help them.
彼は疲れていたが それでも彼らの手伝いに行った
He was busy, and yet he came to help us.
彼は多忙だったが それでも私たちを手伝いに来てくれた
Till he was two bows length off or yet nearer.
凡そ弓2つ いやそれよりも近い距離であったか た
Yet, there was more energy coming in than going out.
She was an athlete, yet her ex could catch her.
問題はだ 走るのに自信のあった被告は なんで追いつかれたのか
Not yet, but this was an old mardon brothers' hideout.
Yet, he was killed the same way as Bieke Cuypers.
だが ビーケ カイパースと 同じ殺され方だ
Nothing yet. Abby was just about to show us her...
まだだよ ちょうどアビーが
What? No, not yet. Not yet.
It was a machine that was never built, and yet, it will be built.
今度作られることになりました みんながコンピュータについて考える
Yeah, there's no question I was lyin', yet I was just tryin' to help.
だけど ただ助けようとしてただけだ 彼らが犬をひきあげるまで
I was acting like another woman... yet I was more myself than ever before.
まるで別の女性みたいに ふるまいながら... かつてないくらい私自身だった
And yet, but yet man is rebellious,
いや 人間は本当に法外で
We crossed the line yet? Not yet.
It was cold last night, yet he didn't wear a coat.
昨夜は寒かったけれども 彼はコートを着なかった
Not one he has not yet completed what he was commanded.
いや かれが命じられたことを 不信仰者は 果さなかった
And yet, somehow, within about two hours, the problem was fixed.
2 時間後には解決していました 何が行われたのでしょう?
And Henri was not named Marechal just yet at the time...
そして アンリはまだ当時 マレシャルと命名 されていませんでした...
Yet she was on the road 300 days of the year.
Not yet.
Not yet.
しかし あなたが希望を持っている