"イデオロギー"の翻訳 英語に:

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  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

He's giving all the interviews. He's still a bitch.
Disagreement means death. The ideology may be terrifying.
National Socialism is all about glamour.
Salvador Allende, who was a known Marxist.
This is the ideology to which my speech is written.
イデオロギーであり 科学ではありません
It's a debate about words, about metaphors.
もう個人の望みじゃなくて イデオロギー
These are not just wishes, this is ideology, action, concepts.
ただ これも個人的な イデオロギーなのですが
Reality is so complex, we need to move away from dogma.
This is a controled society.
They make a little net money for the treasury.
彼らは死ぬことをいとわない イデオロギーの名の下に
I'm friends with those willing to don suicide vests in the name of ideology.
どのようなものか 例えば イデオロギーの問題があります
These are the arguments we have which cause gridlock.
政治的にも文化的にも イデオロギー的にも 時代に後れた
At this moment in time, the youth in the Arab world are much more wiser and capable of creating the change than the old including the political and cultural and ideological old regimes.
今日では革命を語るときですら イデオロギーや思想にちなんだ 名前を付けません 以前は革命には イデオロギーの名が与えられました
And you have this very strongly to the extent that, even if you see when we talk about revolutions these days, these revolutions are not named anymore around ideologies or ideas.
すみませんが 北朝鮮イデオロギーの宗教的な本質について
But he's a corpse.
衝撃的な登場をかまして イデオロギーの対立が残虐な行為を
One unifying detail seems to be that the attackers in many instances, appear to be... dead excited to have with us here, a sensational charttopping... or ideological connection between those committing the atrocities, and perhaps, more alarmingly...
イスラムは年を経るにつれて 独裁主義のイデオロギーで 非常に不快で
And in place of that, what happens is that Islamism grows as an ideology which is authoritarian, which is quite strident, which is quite anti Western, and which wants to shape society based on a utopian vision.
理解の限界に達した時 見栄えは良いが実はイデオロギーに包まれた
It gets complicated if I am unaware of my own movements.
ブロガーを雇用 養成し イデオロギー的な コメントを残したり デリケートな政治問題に触れる
So governments from Russia to China to Iran are actually hiring, training and paying bloggers in order to leave ideological comments and create a lot of ideological blog posts to comment on sensitive political issues.
この関連で 西欧イデオロギーの韓国の文化への影響について考えてみよう
Let us consider in this connection the influence of Western ideologies on Korean literature.
完全なイデオロギー国家でした 私の知る故郷はありませんでした さらに私が
But instead, I found a country that was totally ideological and that I didn't recognize anymore.
この国の構造とイデオロギーを読み解けるのです そこで私はかつて直面した
So in a way, by studying a woman, you can read the structure and the ideology of the country.
私がこのスライドで名付けたのが 抵抗のイデオロギーです 私がここで言いたいことは
And the fourth reason, I believe, is what I've labeled here on the slide as the ideology of resistance.
数え切れないほどの宗教 イデオロギーや経済主義 狩猟者も採集者も ヒーローも弱虫も
The aggregates of joy and suffering thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species,
しばしば個人的なイデオロギーが まとわりついています だから複雑性の視点が
Ideas relating to finance, economics, politics, society, are very often tainted by people's personal ideologies.
イデオロギーの物語があり 領土の物語があり それらの間の衝突の物語があります
It's a story of nations, of ideologies, of territories, and of conflicts among them.
In this country there are only few examples that ideology and religion are helpful in character building for people.
草の根で彼らのイデオロギーへの要求を高めてきました 草の根で彼らの価値観への
Whereas Islamists and far right organizations, for decades, have been building demand for their ideology on the grassroots.
TEDx イベントで起こり プロジェクトが生まれて ミームや テーマや イデオロギーが 世界レベルでTEDx から広がっています
And, for me, the real story is the amazing human connections that happen at these TEDx events, the project that emerge, the memes, the themes, the ideologies on a global level that are coming out of TEDx events.
事実上 国家のイデオロギーにかなうような プロパガンダだったので 彼らは 大規模な変革がなければ
Since education under the Soviet Union was essentially propaganda serving the purposes of a state ideology, they appreciated that it would take wholesale transformations if they were to provide an education worthy of free men and women.
その組織のイデオロギーへの要求を 草の根で築いていたからです 必要とされているのは
Because since pre partition, they've been building demand for their ideology on the ground.
イランに自分の居場所を探しに来ていましたが 政府やイスラム革命の イデオロギーを批判するような
I was an outsider who had come back to Iran to find my place, but I was not in a position to be critical of the government or the ideology of the Islamic Revolution.
後になって 中東のアル ザルカウィ グループの メンバーなど 他の武装組織をインタビューをしたとき 皆がイデオロギーや政治について
But this also explains why, when I was interviewing the Red Brigades, and then, later on, other arms organizations, including members of al Zarqawi group in the Middle East, everybody was extremely reluctant to talk about ideology, or politics.
アメとムチ のイデオロギーを乗り越え 科学的研究の成果に目を向ければ 私たちは実際に組織を構築し
If we get past this kind of ideology of carrots and sticks and look at the science, I think we can actually build organizations and work lives that make us better off.
そこは内戦に飲み込まれており それは冷戦のイデオロギーによるものでした グアテマラでは 政権を支配する
During the early '80s, I spent a lot of time in Central America, which was engulfed by civil wars that straddled the ideological divide of the Cold War.
今後の方策について イデオロギー論争が 巻き起こっているものです 4つ目は最も大切な要素である
ideas that we argue about those are ideas where we have a fight, an ideological battle about how to do things.
異なるイデオロギーや 多様性を認め合い これを問題視しないのです それどころか無視する場合もあります
And I realized that, you know, Italy is a place where they can accept these different ideologies and deal with diversity and not have the problem, or they can choose to ignore them, but these you don't have warring factions, and I think that maybe the tolerance of the absurdity which has made Italy so innovative and so tolerant.
実は 政治やイデオロギーではなく 経済で縛られているということでした 彼らには 現金が絶えず不足しており
I also discovered that their life was not ruled by politics or ideology, but actually was ruled by economics.
ご存知でしょうか ソ連では 科学者を指図し イデオロギーに適合するように 彼らの研究を変えさせました 私は
You know, in the Soviet Union, ordering scientists to change their studies to conform with the ideology... I've seen scientists who were persecuted,
変革が起こるのはアイデアが 根付いた時だけであり アイデアの進化 というのは 興味深い見解です アイデアは徐々にイデオロギー
Now I believe this is an interesting way of looking at it because in every society, especially an open democratic society, it's only when ideas take root that things change.
本質的で純粋なアイデンティティというものを僕らが信じていることが原因だ 宗教 民族 歴史 イデオロギー 僕は ユーセフ コマンヤーカの変化を詠った詩で
He also says that the cause of all our trouble is the belief in an essential, pure identity religious, ethnic, historical, ideological.
先頭に立つ強さと正当性を手に入れる と確信しているからです イランでは 暴力と無責任なイデオロギーの 行き着く先が見られます
Because we believe that the Syrians who embrace this vision will have the strength and legitimacy to lead.
ここで分かる重要なことは 人を人として扱い 馬として扱わなければ このようなイデオロギー的な性質を克服し 科学に目を向ければ
Think that science shows that we care about mastery very very deeply, and the science shows that we want to be self directed and I think that the big take away here is that, if we start treating people like people, and not assuming that they are simply horses, you know slower, smaller better smelling horses.
これらの彫刻には大きな政治的重要性があります ローマ美術と同じようにローマ政治的イデオロギーで満たされています これにはブロンズの複製があったでしょうし
Except that, allthough this was found in her home, these sculptures had enormous political significance they were filled with Roman political ideology, as with so much Roman art.
国際理解や相互認識を無視した イデオロギーは どれも 時の流れに ついて行けなくなってきています そして宗教は幅広い支持を持ち 最近の調査によると アメリカでは
Because it seems to me that with our current situation is so serious at the moment that any ideology that doesn't promote a sense of global understanding and global appreciation of each other is failing the test of the time.


関連検索 : イデオロギーのコミットメント - 党のイデオロギー - イデオロギー現在 - イデオロギーのシフト - ナチスのイデオロギー - イデオロギー建設 - イデオロギー駆動 - イデオロギー批判 - イデオロギー開発 - イデオロギー近接 - イデオロギー的背景 - あまりイデオロギー