"カロリー摂取量"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

カロリー摂取量 - 翻訳 : カロリー摂取量 - 翻訳 : カロリー摂取量 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

タンパク質摂取量は減りましたけどね 多種多様な食材からカロリーを摂取できたのです
People got, in short, more of what they came there for even though they got less protein.
That's characteristic.
摂取量... それで...
Well, a number of things are involved,
I'm going to do it both from a salt perspective and from a sodium perspective. So let's do the sodium perspective first.
運動して消費カロリーを増やすか 摂取カロリーを控えるか 二つのみです 摂取カロリーを減らす方法の一つが 食事制限です
Now, there's no mystery in how you lose weight you either burn more calories by exercise or you eat fewer calories.
例えば その日どれくらいのカロリーを摂取したか
You'd use a screen interface to enter information,
カロリー摂取量など いろいろ集計できます たくさん走れば ポイントをたくさん獲得し
We know how far you've run, how far you've moved, what your calorie intake, all that sort of stuff.
The point is this
You know, this is just clumsy little baby steps.
子供が摂取するカロリーの10 は 炭酸飲料によるものです
Fast food today makes up a third of everything we're eating.
1 日の摂取目安量unit synonyms for matching user input
guideline daily amount
たとえ健康に問題がなくても 摂り過ぎてはいけません このように 一日に摂取すべき量を標準摂取量といい 通常摂取量と低塩あるいは減塩に分かれています
And now I've actually looked and I've seen that there are recommendations on how much sodium you should get in your diet if you're not having any medical problems in general, so I'll call that a 'normal amount'.
彼は何パーセントのアメリカ人が 推奨される摂取量に満たない量を
This slide is from work done by professor Lauren Cordain.
毎日3,000カロリーの27倍を 摂らなきゃいけない 毎日3,000カロリーの27倍を 摂らなきゃいけない ビックマックにして約150個
This would take tremendous energy, which he would need to provide by consuming 27 times 3,000 calories of food every day.
I've been trying to cut down on caffeine.
I was thinking, of all the food that I typically like to consume and where that fits in the amount that I'm allowed in a given day.
睡眠剤の過量摂取は 偶発事かもしれない
An overdose of solvay might have been an accident.
子ども達が学校で摂取する食品のカロリーや 危険な内容物を減らすよう
We started a childhood obesity initiative with the Heart Association in America.
1日の摂取量の15 を 炭水化物にするべきね
You need a carbohydrate that makes up At least 15 of your daily allowance.
摂取量を調べて サンプルを取り終えたあとに 各種の手続きを
Well, then if you'd like to meet us there we can complete the intake and take our samples and then you can make your arrangements.
ストレスを軽減したい 結婚生活を向上させたい カロリー摂取をせずに 高質のチョコを
So whenever you want to look great and competent, reduce your stress or improve your marriage, or feel as if you just had a whole stack of high quality chocolate without incurring the caloric cost, or as if you found 25 grand in a pocket of an old jacket you hadn't worn for ages, or whenever you want to tap into a superpower that will help you and everyone around you
それから運動によるカロリー消費量を表示します 摂取量も表示してくれます でも 食べたものをここに全部入力する必要があります
You put in your height and weight, it calculates BMl, and of course it tells you how many calories you're expending from the exercise, and how many you took in, if you go in and enter all the foods.
I told you not to take too much.
What, autopsy for a pot overdose? Come on.
To suggest that in the interests of personal and human health
オランダ人の大半は 以前摂取していた一日のカロリーの 4分の1の500カロリーでしのいでいました 食糧不足は何ヶ月も続き
Soon food became scarce, with many Dutch surviving on just 500 calories a day a quarter of what they consumed before the war.
カロリー摂取量を実際に計測できます もちろん消費量も 計測にはバンドエイドのようなものを使います ここまでは生理的な数値指標についてお話してきました
And this is ability, in real time, to actually take measurements of caloric intake as well as expenditure, through a Band Aid.
同じ量を食べても カロリー密度が低いため
So, when you eat less fat, you eat fewer calories without having to eat less food.
推奨摂取量の詩を お届けに上がりました その方法として
I'm here to give you your recommended dietary allowance of poetry.
新鮮な ヒトのDNA摂取で
And I thought that if I ingested fresh human DNA
小さめの皿で食べることで 毎回の食事でのカロリー摂取が控えめになっている ファミリースタイルの食卓で
A few of the strategies we observed they eat off of smaller plates, so they tend to eat fewer calories at every sitting.
世界を代表する栄養学者のひとりと協力して 日に6000カロリーを摂取する 全く新しい革新的な栄養の取り方を
This meant everything from perfecting the sawn off, sub two gram toothbrush, to working with one of the world's leading nutritionists in developing a completely new, revolutionary nutritional strategy from scratch
摂取カロリーが分かるように データを表示したら良いかもしれません 病理医に携帯電話を使って
Now if you have trouble maintaining your diet, it might help to have some extra imagery to remind you how many calories are going to be coming at you.
The poor man, he was on homeopathic medicine.
Someone is using that Marine as a lab rat.
無関係ではありません アメリカ人の脂肪摂取量は実は増えています
Americans are fatter than ever, therefore fat doesn't make you fat.
野菜の摂取量を増やして 悪い物のを減らすとより長生きする
This evidence is overwhelming at this point.
カロリー量が減ります 飽満には食べ物の種類よりも量が効きます
So you can eat the same amount of food, but you'll be getting fewer calories because the food is less dense in calories.
心臓発作の後 ジムは砂糖の摂取量をへらさなければならなかった
After his heart attack, Jim had to cut down on his sugar intake.
Feeding on the blood of animals like cows, pigs and horses.
What would happen if a dog got a taste of some cocaine?
しかし肥満は増える一方です だからと言って脂肪摂取量と肥満は
Americans have been told to eat less fat, the percent of calories from fat is down,
心臓病を患うリスクに 大きく影響を及ぼすのは 脂肪の摂取量ではなく
As it turns out, the amount of fat we eat doesn't impact our weight or our cholesterol or our risk of heart disease nearly as much as what kind of fat we eat.
Just out of the laboratory this morning.
Typically, ODs are not a highpriority call.


関連検索 : カロリーの摂取量 - カロリー摂取 - 毎日のカロリー摂取量 - 摂取量 - カロリー量 - エネルギー摂取量 - 大量摂取 - 摂取用量 - 摂取重量 - 酸素摂取量 - 栄養摂取量 - 薬の摂取量