"スポンサーは "の翻訳 英語に:

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

How about a sponsor?
リック テレコムが スポンサーだ
A guy called Lundström helped you financially, didn't he?
Your investors are here.
Bigg Bunny Deenz is Finn's investor?
Well, why don't you sponsor us?
Or is this research forever, or what?
And we actually sent this guy materials.
Soviet statesponsored pirates.
Promo stuff.
新スポンサーの ルッソさんよ
This is Mr. Al Russo, our newest patron.
次の本のスポンサーはエイミー タンです
This is a book that you can find anywhere. So that led to a series of these.
スポンサー承認フォームを もらいましょう スポンサーのお願いは 大変な仕事です
If you have lost that information, ask the TED team for the sponsorship approval form.
Why? Well, the short story is, our sponsors split on us.
その会社は 我らのスポンサー ニュー パス
That company is our sponsor, New Path.
I dialed three numbers. I dialed my mum.
They belong to his sponsor.
彼はマラソン大会の スポンサーの1人でね
Our fun run, a couple months ago. Mr. Fring was one of our sponsors.
質問に答えたり スポンサーに
I set up a website because I was getting so many questions about Molas and sunfish.
TED チームから 選んだスポンサーの
Let's hope she can convince her boss to approve on the sponsorship.
特になく あなたのスポンサー
Especially not your sponsors.
Someone behind you. A benefactor. I'd like to be that guy.
でも私のスポンサーには内緒ですよ... 笑
So, I hit on a way of doing this for three dollars, but don't tell my funding agencies.
彼女のスポンサーは ニューヨークに住んでいます
Her sponsor lives in New York.
The financier of our voyage.
彼の一つ目のご意見 (スポンサーには親切に
And he gave an interview in December.
あなたのスポンサーの名前はトム リンカーンとサラヨルダンです_
Your sponsors' names are Tom Lincoln and Sarah Jordan.
ちなみにTモバイルは 私のスポンサーではありません
It comes from T Mobile.
ゴジラは絶対に皇居 スポンサー会社の看板を壊さない
Godzilla will never ever destroy the Imperial Palace nor the signboards of the sponsoring companies.
TEDx イベントのテーマに合う スポンサーを探しましょう
Be creative!
ペプシがスポンサーだから ここにロゴをつけるし
I like the fact that it was always organic, Pepsi is sponsoring us, we got to put the logo in here
坊主に聞いたぞ こいつのスポンサーだって
The boy tells me you want to sponsor him in the race.
By the sponsorship of the sponsors you see here we humbly send this program to you.
This television program sent me off with sponsors.
スポンサーがイベント体験の全体に 一味加えられるようになります TEDx はスポンサーのブランドと スピーカーが伝える刺激的なトピックを繋ぐ
Try to match sponsors with the theme of your TEDx event so they can add to the overall event experience.
In order to qualify for the homestay you must have an interview with the sponsors.
彼女が興味を持って スポンサーになるように
However, she hasn't heard anything about TED or TEDx, yet.
この番組は ご覧のスポンサーの提供でお送りしました
This program was brought to you by the sponsors here displayed.
NBAの人達はスポンサーなんて探す 必要ないじゃないか
Begging sponsors for funding?
新しい技術に 新しい能力 スポンサーにとっての利点は
Then, when the prize is actually won, after it's moving, you get societal benefits, you know, new technology, new capability.
どんなソーシャルメディアであっても スポンサーを宣伝してはなりません 開催するTEDx に適したスポンサーが うまく見つけられますように
You are not allowed to promote your sponsors on Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media channels.
スポンサーがケータリング費を 安くできることがあります
To reduce costs, a proper buffet can be replaced by light snacks, or finger food.
He just doesn't care.
A friend of a friend works for A company that sponsored the Winners, the japanese.
うれしいよ 今年のマラソンの スポンサーを案内してる
These gentlemen are underwriting this year's Fun Run and I thought I would give them a tour.