"ピエロ"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

ピエロ - 翻訳 : ピエロ - 翻訳 :
キーワード : Clown Clowns Clown Circus College

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

It's me!
ピエロ ワン輸入雑貨
Pier 1 imports.
But a chef? A whitehatted ponce?
彼は サーカスのピエロだ.
He's a... he's clown.
You're like a freakin' onewoman circus, Andie.
死んでいくピエロだ .
He's a dead clown.
息子が サーカスのピエロとは
With a name like Duchemin that you have a son who's a circus clown?
友よ あのピエロ野郎は
Listen up, kemosabe.
It was just suppose to be one line, okay? One line!
What are you clowns looking at?
The clown fell down on purpose.
これはピエロ デッラ フランチェスカのオリジナルです
I did the following series of drawings.
They were displayed first at Stux Gallery in 1983.
ピエロのボゾに そっくりなヤツ
He looks like Bozo the clown.
You know, there's a lot of people that have a fear of clowns.
Like Jimmy Stewart in The Greatest Show on Earth.
おたくのチームには ピエロがいるの
All your units come with a clown? We get the job done.
笑顔と言うよりも ピエロみたいだ
That's not a smile, that's a jerk face.
Whoops! Passed each other.
I will if you keep up this pathetic spectacle.
Then, are you saying that you're going to acknowledge them doing that?
こちらをご覧下さい 悲しきピエロです
Hold on a moment. Here we have a clown. A sad clown.
不気味だわ ピエロの怖さとは違うけど
It's scary! Like in a weird way. Not clownscary.
Throw the clowns before they fall and hit the balloons with them
ピエロになりたかったら サーカスに入団してるわ
Fiona, if I wanted to look like a clown, I'd join the circus.
子供の頃ピエロが怖くて 今でもトラウマなんです
When I was little, I was really scared of clowns and I don't want to relapse and have to go back into therapy.
とても考えられないと思いましたが ピエロを本質と考えればよいと気づきました ピエロ デッラ フランチェスカを見るときに
And it was very difficult for me to imagine how to paint pictures that were based on Piero until I realized that I could look at Piero as nature that I would have the same attitude towards looking at Piero della Francesca as I would if I were looking out a window at a tree.
いつもの買い物してたのよ ピエロの格好でね
No, Wood, actually I was at Von's.
僕の三大恐怖のひとつだよ あとはピエロとエスカレーター
It's always been one of my top three fears, along with clowns and escalators.
ある絵画シリーズの製作を依頼されました ピエロ デッラ フランチェスカの生誕を祝うような作品です はじめはピエロをベースに絵を描くなんて
I was asked, I guess about six years ago, to do a series of paintings that in some way would celebrate the birth of Piero della Francesca.
When the little boy saw the clown, the cat got his tongue.
俺とお前 あのピエロと一緒に ここで支配できるのか
You, me and the gimp over there, we gonna run this place?
ピエロよりも似合ってると思うが ー そうは思わないね
It's better than your clown's costume. Not a lot better.
そのピエロの芸は 少年たちにはとても面白いものだった
The clown's stunts were highly amusing to the boys.
ピエロの格好して子供のパーティにいくとことか ほんと 体重とかさ
Oh my god, he would be perfect for that.
他の三博士もまた メディチ家のピエロとジョヴァンニであり コジモの二人の息子である
The other wise men can be identified as Piero and Giovanni de' Medici,
広げることです 即行の遊びでもピエロでも何でもいいのですが 遊びを見せることです
Well, I think the only way I know to do it is to have accumulated the advisers that I have who go from practitioners who can establish through improvisational play or clowning or whatever a state of play.
パドヴァにある ジョット作のフレスコ画 プッサンやピエロ デッラ フランチェスカ それからセザンヌの名画が 共通に持っているものは何か
Persian carpets, the frescoes of Giotto in Padua, and the masterpieces of Poussin, Pierro Della Francesca, and Cezanne have in common?
アクロバットに始まり ライオン調教師 ピエロ 見世物の順で 僕たちは そのもっと下 僕たちは変人 エビはさみ男やヒゲ女という変わり者で
Every school was a big top circus tent, and the pecking order went from acrobats to lion tamers, from clowns to carnies, all of these miles ahead of who we were.
あるピエロの作品をベースに テーマとバリエーションを行う道筋を 歩みはじめることができたのです それはウフィツィ美術館にある素晴らしい絵画で
Perhaps it's not a very insightful observation, but that really started me on a path to be able to do a kind of theme and variations based on a work by Piero, in this case that remarkable painting that's in the Uffizi, The Duke of Montefeltro, who faces his consort, Battista.
父親のピエロが彼の絵を 友人の画家ヴェロッキオの元に持って行き 息子のしていることを見てくれ と 言った時に始まりました そしてヴェロッキオはそれらの絵を見て
That network, his I can network, started when his father, Piero, took his son's paintings to a painter friend named Verrocchio and said, Look at what my son is doing!


関連検索 : ピエロのショー - ピエロの周り