"ロジン系樹脂"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

ロジン系樹脂 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Looks like some sort of secreted resin.
The top half is Elmer's wood glue.
We had to replace them with recyclable plastic.
It's a plasticizer.
別々の2つの樹脂で 2つの樹脂を混ぜ合わせると 不思議にも しっかりと結びついて
It's two resins that are, sort of, in and of themselves neither of which can make glue, but when you put the two together, something happens.
I want to give you three dimensions.
系統樹を PostScript フォーマットで表示 修正 エクスポートします
Displays, modifies and exports in PostScript format phylogenetic trees
系統樹を表示 変更 印刷 SVG フォーマットにエクスポートします
Displays, modifies, prints and exports in SVG format phylogenetic trees
僕の像は樹脂でできていますから かなり軽いのです
I wanted the weight behind the object.
4フィート立体のアクリル樹脂の 構造で 4層にも 分けられています
And so we made the game, and it has since evolved to a four foot by four foot by four foot
進化系統樹です 数多くの患者で調べた結果
And this is a little phylogenetic tree to see how it's related to other viruses.
この生命系統樹を遡れば これは二次元ですが
The best way to test this is to actually create a model.
同様に わずかなひねりが 作品の進化系統樹に
lead to new things like giraffes, or orchids so too, do little embellishments in the crochet code
しかし寿命という点で いやいや 樹脂で試してみてはどうか
And I was thinking, well I'm trying to think nature, nature, nature.
スクールバスほどの大きさのものもありました 系統樹によれば
Some were as small as pigeons, and some were the size of a school bus.
型を取り そこに樹脂を流し込みました 樹脂であれば ガラスのような光沢を生み出せますからね その他にも 今は滑らかな表面加工の 方法が数多くあります
So, I went down to my shop, and I molded it and I cast it in resin, because in the resin, then, I could absolutely get the glass smooth finished.
このような系統樹を用います この例は非常に単純です
And generally we depict our ideas about this history in the form of trees like this.
アフリカで パートナーシップを組める 起業家探しを手伝い エクソンが最初の樹脂を提供しました
Acumen came in with the patient capital, and we also helped to identify the entrepreneur that we would all partner with here in Africa, and Exxon provided the initial resin.
良い脂肪のほとんどは オメガ3脂肪酸 という脂肪です
Just as all carbs are not bad for you, all fats are not bad for you. There are good fats.
皮脂腺という場所からの脂の 分泌を増加させます しかし 皮脂という脂質は
Cortisol is a major stress hormone involved in making skin cells churn out oily lipids from special glands called sebaceous glands.
You find these, for example, in fish oil.
0 body fat!
You made these with bacon grease.
実例と言えます 始まりは日本でした 住友化学がポリエチレン樹脂から出来た繊維に
And this is really a story about a public private solution that has really worked.
ドードーの史実が書かれているんですよ 写真にはないですが タップ プラスティックス アクリル樹脂会社 が
You can see that I even made a museum label for it that includes a brief history of the dodo.
かぎ針編みの系統樹を進化させています 形態学や地球上の
As it were, we have this ever evolving, crochet taxonomic tree of life.
裕樹を... お前が裕樹を
Yuuki... that's your fault that Yuuki's..!
裕樹を... お前が裕樹を
Yuuki... you've done this with my son!
アフリカ系アメリカ人 ラテン系 アジア系 ネイティブ
In the U.S., when we hear the word race, a lot of people think that means African American,
What is fat?
Most people think that the humps store water.
That juice is called grease, Dad.
Whale blubber.
これがプラークの中身だ 脂質 コレステロール 脂肪 死んだ白血球
When it ruptures, now it sudden i am doing a simplification of the process right over here.
プラークができてしまった プラークの材料は 脂質とか脂肪
So over time if a person doesn't have the right diet, or maybe they just have a predisposition to it, you can have these things called plaques form on the walls of the arteries.
Don't eat greasy food?
じゃあ 低脂肪を
Two. Two.
過去数年 メープル果樹園はリバー果樹園より
So this first sentence, they say let me do this in a different color they say for the past few years, Old Maple
その類似性から他の動物とのつながりや 人が互いにどう関係しているのかなど 家系図や生物の系統樹について
So for instance, by measuring the genome, we've learned a lot about how we're related to other kinds of animals by the closeness of our genome, or how we're related to each other the family tree, or the tree of life.
あたし 低脂肪乳ね
Low fat milk for me.
オリーブ油は100 脂肪です
So, let's go back to our olive oil and pancake mix from before.
And what makes a particular fat healthy or unhealthy is its shape.
何か 脂肪が無い物
What do you have that doesn't have fat in it?


関連検索 : 樹脂系 - オレフィン系樹脂 - ゴム系樹脂 - ポリエステル樹脂系 - ロジン系フラックス - 樹脂 - ロジン - ポリマー樹脂 - コーティング樹脂 - シリコーン樹脂 - 樹脂マトリックス - 樹脂タイプ - ポリウレタン樹脂 - アルキド樹脂