"係員"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Wait till you see this attendant.
何でもいい 用務員 エレベーター係
But I wrote him lots of letters and I asked him for work.
クレメンテ上院議員 関係各機関は
Well, actually, Senator Clemente, the F.O.A., the E.P.A. and the C.D.C.
Brooks was a sailor, all men of excellent character, or so the newspaper account tells us.
いや 君は係員の 情報を集めてくれ
No, I need you to find out all you can about the gallery attendant.
Please buy it from that official.
ああ 巡査部長 係員に質問したいなら
Yes, about 12 30.
Everybody involved in that is either in prison or has been killed.
The committee has something to do with this plan.
ヒックマン画廊で 係員の捜索願が出てた アレックス ウッドブリッジだ
The Hickman Gallery has reported one of its attendants as missing.
(係員) 10時開演なんで ほんとはダメなんです
I shouldn't. Next show's at 10.
都庁舎でもらえますよ と係員が付け加えた
You can get it at the courthouse, the clerk added.
The employees' interests are bound up with those of the corporation.
能力その3です 実践する能力 です 関係者全員に
And that brings us to skill number three, the ability to implement this, to get colleagues across the entire chain to actually do these things.
The entire sales staff has worked around the clock for a week.
ロシアはセルビアと同盟関係にあったので 軍を動員しました
leading Austria to declare war against Serbia.
関係者全員が参加し 全員の目の前で行うのが 決まりです 肉体的な死を迎えた後
And this ceremony has to take place in front of the eyes of the whole community with everyone's participation.
係員が頷いたので彼女は小切手を書き それを手渡した
The clerk nodded, so the woman wrote a check and handed it over.
ディスカバリー乗員6人目のメンバーは 冬眠による問題も関係がありません
The sixth member of the Discovery crew was not concerned about the problems of hibernation.
どう思われます 社員との関係崩壊は 離婚に似てませんか
Would you agree that the crumbling of that relationship is nothing less, really, than the dissolution of a marriage?
ではなぜゴーレムを 雇ってまで 画廊の係員を 殺そうとするんだ
Now, why would anyone want to pay the Golem to suffocate a perfectly ordinary gallery attendant?
The members of the committee are all men.
The committee members are all men.
犯罪組織関係者をも 緊張させます ここで社会の一員としての
It will also make members of criminal organizations nervous for the same reasons.
民主党員と共和党員関係なく 賛否の割合はほぼ1対1です では 富裕高齢層への医療保障の減額は
Americans are about 50 50, whether they're Democrats or Republicans.
全員 総動員しろ
友人関係 兄弟関係
And there are different kinds of relationships between the people.
機動要員 シャトル搭乗員
Boonie jumpers. Shuttle jockies.
ご入場の際はチケットを係員に ご提示いただきますよう お願いいたします
Please have your tickets ready for presentation to hall staff.
All the members were present.
He is a member of the committee.
ベスト バイでは 従業員全員にー 掃除人 販売員
Best Buy, the consumer electronics company, gets all its employees the cleaners, the shop assistants, the people in the back office, not just its forecasting team to place bets, yes bets, on things like whether or not a product is going to sell well before Christmas, on whether customers' new ideas are going to be or should be taken on by the company, on whether a project will come in on time.
関係ない 関係なくない
This is bullshit, come on.
200人の教授にメールしました 基本的に すい臓がんの関係者 その全員にです
So, then, what happened is I emailed 200 different professors at the National Institutes of Health and Johns Hopkins University.
事件の関係者に知り合いがいる人は 陪審員にはなれないはずですよ え
If you knew him, you shouldn't be a juror.
私 係の人に言ったんです 私を陪審員にしても 一言も喋りませんよって
I said, If you make me a juror, I won't say a word.
He's the chairman of the committee.
All the crew were saved.
B players higher C players.
Simonson was a member of the board. Yeah.