"内腸骨静脈"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

内腸骨静脈 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

This is now going to dump into what we call a venule.
静脈や骨の差し替えや もっと持続可能な
So the thread of discovery that we have really is a thread.
There is actually a little spot right there that they drain in to.
I'll write that right here.
Into the IV, yes.
骨修復があります 右の腸骨稜へ
仙腸関節 仙骨 大臀筋
The lumbar spine, the sacroiliac joint, the sacrum, the gluteus maximus muscle, the piriformis muscle, the sciatic notch, the ischial tuberosity, and the adductor tubercle of the proximal femur.
And let me actually show you where the blood vessels come from. These are called coronary vessels I just write the word coronary here.
So you have these arteries right over here, the red tubes. Those are arteries. and then the blue ones are veins.
これは頭や腕の静脈を集める静脈だ これらの上大静脈と下大静脈を通って全身の血液が心臓に戻される
There's also another one over here called the superior vena cava, and this is bringing back blood from the arms and head.
ここにはもう一本の静脈 下大静脈があります
And at the bottom here, you can't see it because it's on the other side of the heart, but there's another vein called the inferior vena cava.
Start a largebore IV. Keep it open.
下大静脈は下半身からの血液を集める静脈だ こっちには上大静脈というのもある
Inferior vena cava, and this is the large vein that brings back all the blood from the bottom half of the body.
腹部を触診し腹部筋膜ヘルニアなどを調べます さらに上前腸骨棘 下前腸骨棘
Palpate anatomic landmarks for tenderness including the abdomen to evaluate for abdominal fascial hernia, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, the iliac crests, and pubic symphysis.
こちらの方からは2本の静脈に血液が流れます その内の1本は上大静脈と呼ばれるものです
And it's actually coming into two veins, the one at the top, this is called the superior, superior just kind of means at the top.
And it generally travels through two major kind of vessels.
I'm going to do some surgery here.
こっちが動脈 このふたつが静脈です
I could just write artery and vein and essentially they would be behaving this way.
細静脈はほかのたくさんの細静脈と合流して こっちからも こっちからも細静脈が集まってくる
A venule, and this venule is gonna basically then feed into many, many other venules.
And you might say, well that wasn't so difficult. I'll say bronchial vessels, because there are also some veins coming off.
筋肉 動脈 神経 骨もそっくり
It's strange, but it's like deeper it's muscle, vein, nerve, bone.
They use a skeleton that we call a hydrostatic skeleton.
また 尺骨神経の評価のために 指の外転力をチェックします 橈骨動脈の脈拍と
Check resisted opposition strength of the thumb to check the median nerve and resisted digit abduction for the ulnar nerve.
検査者が患者の後ろに座って 左右それぞれ 親指を上後腸骨棘にあて 手を腸骨稜に当てて
The Trendelenburg test assesses for hip stability.
検査者が患者の後ろに座って 左右それぞれ 親指を上後腸骨棘にあて 手を腸骨稜に当てて
The Trendelenburg test assesses for hip stability.
先ほど動脈 静脈という言葉が出てきましたが
Well, these vessels, all of them, together are called coronary vessels.
They would ordinarily support fish and other wildlife.
And fortunately he didn't die.
助骨は2本を残し 骨盤も両腕も 全て骨折 しかし脈がありました
And my skull's crushed and my collar bone is crushed all but two of my ribs, my pelvis and both arms they're all crushed, but there is still a pulse.
ケブラーの溶液は 例えば末梢静脈や
So you think of alternative mechanical parts.
She was being given medicine intravenously.
静流の父の声 静流のお骨も無事に 郷里の墓地に納骨されました
Shizuru's bones have been safely buried in the family grave. (In Buddhism, it is believed that a person's soul reincarnates on 49th day. A memorial service is held to celebrate their safe journey into the next life.)
So Superior Vena Cava and Inferior Vena Cava.
みんな集まる そして再び大きな静脈になる ここでも ここでも静脈が合流する
Maybe from the second toe, and it's gonna basically all kind of gather together, and again, to a giant, giant set of veins.
静脈注射を2本 O型血液を6セット
I need two largebore Ivs, 6 units Oneg, type and cross for 6 more units,
検査者が患者の後ろに立って 両側それぞれ 手を腸骨稜に当て 親指を上後腸骨棘の下切痕に当てます
The standing flexion test assesses for lumbosacral, sacroiliac, or pelvic dysfunction.
これらはぜんぶ静脈と呼ばれている 大きい動脈と中動脈に話を戻そう
So these two veins, the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava, are dragging the blood back to the heart, and, generally speaking, these are all considered, of course, veins.
A little vein in his head popped, and that was that.
I hope my veins don't pop.
この図を見ると分かります これが静脈です こちらが動脈
So, here you have a giant vein, this is a vein, and you have an artery.
胆嚢 小腸 大腸
liver, gall bladder, small intestine, and large intestine, also known as your colon.
Still working my way around endoskeleton.
We can examine his cranial cavity.
そして下大静脈となる ここに書くよ
You know, maybe veins are dumping in here now, maybe another vein dumping in here, and these veins are all going to dump into an enormous vein that we call the inferior vena cava.


関連検索 : 腸骨静脈 - 静脈circumflexa腸骨 - 外腸骨静脈 - 総腸骨静脈 - 内腸骨動脈 - 曲折腸骨静脈 - 直腸静脈 - 静脈腸腰 - 腸骨動脈 - 腸骨動脈 - 静脈内 - 静脈内 - 静脈内 - 静脈内