"名義"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

ファイヤーNet Solution 名義
Mr Zuckerberg registered the domain name The Facebook via Network Solutions.
Whose name is on the title to the house? Both of us.
Name of the user programmable constants.
名前エラー グローバルに名前 y は未定義です
Similarly, x y we don't see Sindbad and instead we see
Get it registered under a new name.
Sheet name is the text specifying the name of the sheet.
名義はレノルズで ラクビアンじゃない
You notarised a Bill of Sale for Reynolds, not Rakubian.
I open a savings account in your name.
Why was the apartment in your name?
ほかの名前でもいい その名義が使える
They'd even make the cheque payable to your pen name, if you had one.
義務や名誉や恩義を ないがしろにするの
You refuse the claims of duty, honour, gratitude?
両方です 共同名義なので
It's jointly owned.
In fact, the distinction is really blurring all the time.
発信先携帯の名義は デルフィン アバカに
cell number is listed to Delphin Abaka of Georgetown.
アカウント名 KMail のアカウント一覧に表示する名前を定義します
Account name This defines the name displayed in KMail's account list.
4 二人名義の共同口座を作る どちらも偽名だ
Leamas opens joint account, same as married couple does, in two false names.
Filenames of defined custom object catalogs.
捜査中ですが 架空名義のフリーメールです
The email. Uh, still working on it. It's definitely a free account opened under a fictitious name.
会社名義で 個人の物を買ったり
Writing off personal matters, et cetera.
He kept a slush fund that he maintained Under an assumed name. Could be a mistress.
彼女は アパートを借りた ハスケル夫人名義でだ
She rented a little apartment as Mrs Charles Haskell.
ウィークデイベジ 週5日の菜食主義 と名付けました
I've been doing it for the last year, and it's great.
愛人名義とかか 何かありそうですね
Or something less salacious.
クラスを定義するときにはCamelCaseを使う メソッド名や変数名は一般的には
I'm not making'em up. So, conventionally, when you define a class, you use camel case.
They get the greatest generation.
So now it's time for a quiz to see how well you understand lists.
ニーリーとスタンプは正義の名の下に 情報を葬った
So you, Neeley and Stamp buried that information in the name of justice.
全部 夫婦名義だから 私もローンを組めない
Which is why I can't get a loan, because everything is in our name. Haha.
find secondと名前をつけた関数を定義しています
Here's a way to define find_second.
ハリーは追われていて この家は私の名義なの
Why were you in such a hurry to get here?
関数を定義します defそれに続いて名前square
Here's the answer.
サルバドール ダリは超現実主義で有名な スペインの画家です
These spaces don't matter very much.
You know, 'cause I can't go back in time and open a savings account.
Your wonderful lecture was pearls before swine.
他人名義になっていました 兄弟のチャンドラバンとプールチャンドも
His land was no longer registered in his name.
売らない 車の名義を変えないと やばいって...
Now wait a minute, Vera, you said yourself I wouldn't be safe until the car was in someone else's name.
フィスクから1000株もらって 僕名義で部屋を借りた
Ray fiske gave me a thousand shares of frobisher's stock to go down to florida, rent the condo in my name.
Every month, he saved ten thousand yen out of his income for his daughter.
With this line edit you define the name of a sub phrasebook or the contents of a phrase.
当座預金口座が Aさん名義で開設されました
although this would be an asset for him is a checking account.
そして我々は今日 民主主義の名において また テロとの戦いの名において
Preventive war has become the rule.
Now we're ready for a quiz where you're going to define a procedure yourself.
デイビスがプライベートバンクに たくさん貴女名義の口座持ってるわよ
Lien, davis has a lot of your accounts with a team in private capital here.
音楽に関する私の 国際的に有名な講義を聞きたい
( chuckles )
今は父親の名義だが いずれは俺のものになるんだ
It'll be mine someday.