"嚢胞性"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

嚢胞性 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

シャイネラマという 嚢胞性線維症と戦う学生の団体を
It was awesome.
嚢胞性線維症の分子的な原因は 1989年に 私の研究グループが
But it's taken a long time to get there.
悪いニュースは この薬は全ての嚢胞性線維症を 治せるわけではないことです
That's the good news.
材料に問題があるケースを 見つけられることもあります 例えば嚢胞性線維症は
And so indeed, there are times when we can find ingredients that are bad.
嚢胞 のうほう 性線維症の薬が承認されました しかし 長い時間がかかりました
One that has just happened in the last few months is the successful approval of a drug for cystic fibrosis.
デジタル陰嚢 デジタルメディア
I guess in plural it's scrotal, like medium and media.
非耐性細胞を耐性細胞に 変えているということです 実際には 細胞が耐性を持つよう
Well basically that means that this protein is changing from the sensitive cell to the resistant cell.
胆嚢 小腸 大腸
liver, gall bladder, small intestine, and large intestine, also known as your colon.
それを赤の矢印で示しています これはその下に埋もれた嚢胞に
But on my left retina there is a bump, which is marked there by the red arrow.
胚性幹細胞です 理由は その多能性です 多能性とは 非常に多くの細胞に
Embryonic stem cells have occupied center stage, chiefly because of their pluripotency that is their ease in differentiating into a variety of different cell types.
May I have an ice bag?
Let's make it concrete.
男性の精細胞や女性の卵細胞である配偶子 でも 私たちの体を構成する体細胞は二倍体だ
And the cells that have a haploid number of chromosomes are our gametes, which are sperm cells for men, and ova, or egg cells for women.
しかし 身体の細胞のそれぞれ これらを体細胞と呼ぶが 体細胞を 性細胞と切り離そう 性細胞もしくは遺伝子については後で話そう
So certain genes are expressed in certain parts of the body, but every one of your body cells, and we call those somatic cells, and we'll separate those from the sex sells or the germs that we'll talk about later.
although he suffered from severe pseudofolliculitis nuchae.
男性の場合は 精細胞 精子だね
In the case of a male, these would be sperm cells.
That really creeped us out.
陰嚢には触れません 笑
I will not bring it to the scrotal.
disabling, reversing cell cycle inhibitors.
私が人生で見た中で 一番ふざけた帽子をかぶって 笑 あれは すっごくよかった シネラマという嚢胞性線維症と戦う学生団体の
I turned to my mom and dad to tell them we needed to go home, and at that moment, you came out of the Student Union building wearing the stupidest hat I have ever seen in my life. (Laughter)
脳細胞を活性化したり 不活性化したりするのに
SR So what do you think, Xu?
陰嚢をつかみ 先端を切る
I go in, tail comes off.
Let me write this down in a vibrant color.
男性では 生殖細胞は睾丸の一部で
So let's say those are the germ cells.
それについては 幹細胞 胚性幹細胞のところで詳しく説明しよう 胚性幹細胞を巡る論争についても話せるかな
The whole process of differentiation is actually fascinating, and we'll talk a lot more about that when we talk about stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and maybe we'll even talk about the debate of it.
Please bring an ice bag.
Isn't that a gas?
So why should you care? Bone marrow is a very rich source of adult stem cells.
成体幹細胞を 胚性幹細胞のようにプログラムし直せることを 発見しました
They discovered that adult cells, taken from you and me, could be reprogrammed back into embryonic like cells, which they termed IPS cells, or induced pluripotent stem cells.
単細胞です しかしそれは多様性を持ち
living organisms have been relatively simple single cells.
赤い細胞は青い細胞に囲まれています 青い細胞は赤い細胞を絞る役割をします その周りにあるのは不活性な物質で
So, we took the red cells you see the red cells are surrounded by blue, other cells that squeeze them, and behind it is material that people thought was mainly inert, and it was just having a structure to keep the shape, and so we first photographed it with the electron microscope years and years ago, and you see this cell is actually quite pretty.
HIVワクチンで作られた 記憶細胞が活性化します
Memory cells generated by the HlV vaccine are activated when they learn
胚性幹細胞ではないため 限界があります
But adult stem cells are not embryonic stem cells.
過剰活性していると思われる細胞の一つです これらの細胞一つ一つが
And these are some of the cells that might be overactive in disorders such as epilepsy.
胆嚢の手術から10年で ほとんどの胆嚢の手術は 腹腔鏡で行うようになりました
Within 10 years of the first gallbladder surgeries being done laparoscopically, a majority of gallbladder surgeries were being done laparoscopically truly a pretty big revolution.
最先端技術に 幹細胞治療があります 生理学的に 女性と男性の
And one of the the cutting edge areas that we're just incredibly excited about is stem cell therapy.
女性なら 生殖細胞は卵巣にある これらが有糸分裂でつくられる生殖細胞
In a female, they would be involved in the ovaries.
耐性細胞を成長させるだけです 驚くことに
Throw a drug at it, and resistant cells will grow back.
証明したのは 女性の幹細胞は 動物で実証し
And some of our investigative teams have demonstrated that female stem cells and this is in animals and increasingly we're showing this in humans that female stem cells, when put even into a male body, do better than male stem cells going into a male body.
Early Embryo
チャネルロドプシンを 人工的に脳細胞に組み込み それをクリックするだけで 脳細胞を活性化したり 不活性化したりできるのです
You can think of channelrhodopsin as a sort of light sensitive switch that can be artificially installed in brain cells so that now we can use that switch to activate or inactivate the brain cell simply by clicking it, and in this case we click it on with pulses of light.
あなたの記憶は この密な相互作用によって 場所細胞が互いに活性化させあい そして 境界細胞が活性化し
So if this was happening, your memories could start by place cells activating each other via these dense interconnections and then reactivating boundary cells to create the spatial structure of the scene around your viewpoint.
皮膚細胞を採取し それを 肝細胞 心筋細胞 腎細胞 脳細胞のいずれにも
You probably know, if you've been paying attention to some of the science literature that you can now take a skin cell and encourage it to become a liver cell or a heart cell or a kidney cell or a brain cell for any of us.
心配しなくて良い 細胞の採取で侵襲性はない
Not to worry. It's a noninvasive extraction of cells.
特定の細胞にだけ取り付くよう改造します 光で活性化する細胞を作るための
And you can do that you can tweak the viruses so they hit just some cells and not others.


関連検索 : 嚢胞 - 嚢胞性静脈 - 嚢胞性変化 - 嚢胞性病変 - 出血性嚢胞 - 二嚢胞性の - ジアルジア嚢胞 - 嚢胞腎 - 胞子嚢 - 胞子嚢 - Nabothian嚢胞 - マイボーム嚢胞 - ピラール嚢胞 - 鰓嚢胞