"実際の落札価格"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

実際の落札価格 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

金額を 実際の価格に四捨五入し 最高の値札は 66.67 です
But since we're working with money and we're working with dollars, we should just round to the nearest penny.
実際には バナナの価格は
Because to get that banana to your store, you need to use some gasoline.
Look, Pat, First Rate got that contract fair and square.
そしてこれらの価格は 実際に クリーンな電子に対する価格です
Because batteries life cycle improve a bit of improvement on energy density, which reduces the price.
最低落札価格無しでした それから火山が噴火しました
Ninety nine pence was the starting price and no reserve.
12で入札するとbはここまで上がり cは入札価格と商品価格の間に位置します
Let's look at these cases a little bit more carefully and figure out what's going on.
価格は実際には離散値かもしれません しかし 通常は 家の価格は
So technically I guess prices can be rounded off to the nearest cent.
これらは 実際価格に依存してきます
liquidity and things like that in the future.
So you don't want to bid more than what it's really worth to you.
let's say that they are traded in some market.
実際にアメリカの歴史の中で これほど早く住宅価格が
What drove prices to increase so fast?
And what we'll do in future videos is we'll actually explore situations in which that does happen.
どの価格のポイントでも 需要量は 実際に下がるでしょう
The entire curve, regardless of the price point at any given price point the quantity demanded will actually go down.
失業率は上昇 住宅価格と株価は下落
そして 実際に現在 住宅価格は下がっています
Or, God forbid, if housing prices actually go down.
落札 7 5
Sold... for 380,000 poundsto bidder 755.Thank you.
And then they would take a loss.
一つは それは実際の市場価格を生み出していると
So I don't buy it on two counts.
ケースシラー指数は実際に あなたが同じ家に支払う価格を
This is better than the median, because the
私たちの車は 実際にガソリン車よりも価格が安くなります
Some of it will go back to your own pocket.
100ドルです 価格下落のグラフを描くなら
How much will it cost you and your spacesuit to go to orbit?
Sold to the lady for 25 cents.
Sold for 4000.
価格交渉の際に価格表を提示したとしても それは単に商談のきっかけにすぎません 交渉価格は変動価格です
If you ever think about it, pricing that you negotiate yeah, we kind of have this price on paper, but that's just the starting point of the conversation.
事実として それらの20億ドルは 実際2006年から住宅価格が下がらず
Why would you pay 2 billion?
Then auctions like eBay are another example of dynamic pricing.
はい これが実際のポンドあたりの価格 X軸には 量 生産量だね
So price on the vertical axis and so this is really price per pound
または とんでもなく 住宅価格が実際に下がるならば
It becomes 10 times worse when housing prices are flat.
0になる事です 私の損失は実際 価格が0になるだけです
Well the worst thing I can have happen is that the share of IBM goes to 0.
質問は 実際のドル価値のみで
What's expensive?
価格と需要量のすべての関係 もし実際の量について言うとしても
ceterus perebus all the relationship between price and quantity demanded.
これは入札価格です これは誰かが この価格を払っても構わないと明らかにしています askとは誰かが この価格で売っても良い事を
And just so that we get some of the other details that we see here, this bid right here, this is what someone has explicitly said that they are willing to pay for a share.
たとえば 自動車の価格が コンピューター技術の価格と同じくらいの 速さで下落したとすると
But to make it more real, if the price of an automobile had fallen as rapidly as the price of computing power, you could buy a car today for five dollars.
失礼 このファイルで 二列のデータがあります これが実際の住宅の価格のデータです
Features X is this window, excuse me, is this file with two columns of data.
Now compare that with real price increments.
これは 面倒なだけです 実際の価値より これらのドル札が交換し得るという概念を
It was just sitting in Fort Knox or wherever it happens to be sitting and to some degree, it's more of a pain than any kind of real value because you have to keep up this notion that these things, these dollar bills, could be translated into gold, it kind of forced a reserve ratio requirement on the central bank itself.
これは i 番目の家の仮説の予測値 その家の サイズを入力した場合ですね 引くことの 実際の価格 i 番目の家が実際に売れる価格です 最小化したいのは 訓練セットの総和
Sum from i equals 1 to M of the square difference between this is the prediction of my hypothesis when it is input the size of house number i, right, minus the actual price that house number i will sell for and I want to minimize the sum of my training set sum from i equals 1 through M of the difference of this squared error, square difference between the predicted price of the house and the price that it will actually sell for.
話す時には 実際にこれを 一行のコードで書けるようになる 予想価格イコール
When we talk about octave and program languages later, you can actually, you'll actually write this in one line of code.
だから人々はこれらの証券が実際の市場価格に 反映していない事を
So it's a quote unquote fire sale.
数を売るための数量別価格を設定します コスト積み上げ 評価価格 量産価格
They want to encourage high volume purchases, and so they have stepped pricing that is oriented to create volume.
The market drop has cleaned me out.
住宅価格の下落が続き 最新の経済刺激策も難航
And housing prices continue to fall even as the latest economic stimulus package fights its way through...
In fact she'd just been accepted
競合製品の価格です 競合製品の価格です
And so the first of these that I will focus on the first is the price of competing products.


関連検索 : 実際の価格 - 推定落札価格 - 市場の落札価格 - 実際の購入価格 - 実際の住宅価格 - 実際の販売価格 - 実際の販売価格 - 実際の小売価格 - 入札価格 - 価格入札 - 入札価格 - 入札価格 - 入札価格 - 落札