"度量"の翻訳 英語に:

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度量衡 The Metric System
Measure system
もう一度言うと 速度はベクトル量だよ
So velocity ... and there is many ways you might see it defined.
力 F は 質量 m 加速度 a と等しい F m aだ 加速度はベクトルの量で
This one gives us the famous formula...Force is equal to Mass times Acceleration.
もし恒星の質量を光度で近似出来ると考えるなら 質量と光度の比率は もし恒星の質量を光度で近似出来ると考えるなら 質量と光度の比は
Interestingly enough, that corresponds to the riot of omega matter to the omega of variance in unknown at large.
He drinks a moderate amount of coffee.
The amplitude is simply telling you how well aligned you are, it doesn't say anything about lenses.
それは速度ではなく 速度の量,速さです
I'll specify that by v I want to be clear. This is not vector quantity.
This is a town in Newfoundland. Antarctica. Latest studies from NASA.
Let's multiply both sides of this equation times the mass.
速度と粘度 運動学的な粘度 には質量は含まれません
The only place to get it from is density.
ガス兵器は 一度に大量の人数を
In World War Il, the Nazis used gas to inflict the horror of the Holocaust.
その後 数度の大量絶滅を経て
And these existed for tens of millions of years.
Top left is proportion between black hole mass, and the luminous stellar mass.
So how do we study properties of clusters as a population?
クラスタの質量は10 14から10 15太陽質量を得る 同時に 銀河の光度を単純に加算して ネットの質量光度比を算出する
Plugging these two numbers, into the equation above, gives us cluster masses of the order of ten 14 or ten 15 solar masses.
They all yield the same results.
F ma 物体に働く力 質量 加速度 から
We'll start with something very simple Newton's Law
じゃあ 力と質量と加速度に関する
It's just this nice, simple, expression
同じ量を食べても カロリー密度が低いため
So, when you eat less fat, you eat fewer calories without having to eat less food.
Australia and New Zealand.
そして質量 光 比を光度または質量に対してプロット出来る それを行ったのがこれ より質量が大きいかより光度の高い銀河ほど
So fitting dynamical models in detail to galaxies we can figure out exactly what their masses are, and you can plot masses to light ratio versus luminosity or reduced mass, and here they are.
This allows you to select the floppy disk's size and density.
ここはお祈りの頻度  つまり投与量です
These are why people pray.
次に 質量 光度比やダークマターなどの仮定を置く
That gives you first approximation to the density distribution in space.
情報技術では 容量 通信速度 性能価格比が
There's a basic, profound acceleration of this evolutionary process.
回転速度に対する物 ハロの質量に対する物
Which looks a little bit like Tally Fisher or Faber Jackson relation.
それは角度の速度として扱われますが それは実際にベクトル量です
Even though it's called the angular velocity it tends to be treated as angular speed
そして 質量が力と加速度の比になっている じゃあ質量を2倍にしたら
So we can see that they are directly proportional and the mass is that how proportional they are
ポーズ また 加速度は力を質量で割った値ですね
Well F equals ma.
非常に高い精度と解像度で 収集できます 従来の測量器具を使うと
They collect millions of points at a time with very high accuracy and very high resolution.
その実際の温度と密度プロファイルから 直接本体の質量が導ける そしてその結果も同様だ 典型的なクラスタの質量はだいたい太陽質量の10 14から10 15の範囲で
If we assume the clusters are an average in hydrostatic equilibrium, then that gives us a means of the body think their masses directly, from, and actually their temperature and their density profiles.
統計量はサンプルに大しての同様の数値または尺度です だからパラメーター 母集団 統計量 サンプル
And statistic is a number or measure that describes some characteristic of a sample.
電子も微量ながら質量を持ちますが ほとんどの質量は核内にあります 核の密度はどれほどでしょう
Since virtually all the mass of an atom is in the nucleus now, there is some amount of mass in the electrons, but most of it is in the nucleus how dense is the nucleus?
そしてX線光度はまた 銀河団の質量に相関する
Likewise, X Ray Luminosities itself is proportional to temperature UNKNOWN power.
割ることの 今度は x の変化量の計算です 2 引く
And that's this one.
labeled. The hatched blue area on the left corresponds to replication of the masses.
So they composite each other and so the curvature, spatial curvature that corresponds to the mass density is unperturbed.
または円周を移動する物体の速度を言うことができます 速度の量です
And just like that, we have the magnitude of the velocity or we could say the speed of the object as it goes around in a circle
大量殺戮に大量レイプ 極度の暴力の種類が蔓延る この制御を失った壊れゆく地球で
Where we have now come to live in a world where the most extreme forms of violence, the most horrific poverty, genocide, mass rapes, the destruction of the Earth, is completely out of control.
角度の時間に関しての微分になります 時間に関しての角度の変化量です
Or if you want to do in the calculus sense and take instantaneous angular velocity it would be the derivative of your angle with respect to time
So the speed is equal to the angular velocity times r
面から来るエネルギー量は 輝度が増すほど小さくなります
The graph of the angle between N and H, versus the specular intensity, is like this.
一度解決 砲塔における Z 軸移動量で 主軸側に戻る
After adjusting the leveling screw, wait for at least 10 seconds for the bubble to stabilize
Ink Amount