"彼の死によって "の翻訳 英語に:
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
彼女 死にかけたのよ | She nearly died. |
彼女がいた花のように 彼によってdeflowered 死は私の義理の息子であり 死は私の相続人です | O son, the night before thy wedding day Hath death lain with thy bride there she lies, |
彼は死んだのよ よく聞いて | He's gone, he's gone! Listen to me. |
彼が死ぬ前 私達の心は ある方法によって繋がって | Our minds were connected through a procedure before he died,and... |
日可惜 彼のはなくなって 彼はkill'dだ 彼は死んでよ | NURSE Ah, well a day! he's dead, he's dead, he's dead! We are undone, lady, we are undone! |
死角に入ったようだ 死角が残ってるのか | We have a blind spot. Why do we have a blind spot? |
彼は死にかかっている | He is on the point of death. |
死によってさえも | l love you, he said. How about you? |
何にも 彼女は死んだのよ | She's dead. |
必死になって 彼らの経歴や本 | like an FBI investigator. |
彼は死んだ なのに撃ってない | He's dead, but it didn't happen? |
彼は死んだわ もう死んだのよ | He's dead, okay? He's already dead! |
6ヵ月後 彼 死んじゃったのよ | Six months later, he was dead. |
彼女は必死になって走った | She ran for dear life. |
彼は死んだのよ ファーガス | He's dead, Fergus. |
死 って何よ | What do you mean, death? |
彼らは死なない 呪文によって復活すると | They may be recalled to active life ...through the incantations presented in this book. |
私は回復して死ぬように キス彼 | To help me after? I will kiss thy lips Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, |
死んだように眠ってるよ | Trust me. That child is dead to the world right now. |
彼女の死を特に 気にしていないようだ | You don't seem particularly affected by her death. |
みんな彼のようになって ゆっくりと死んでいくんだ | Whoever did this to him wanted him to die slowly. |
死刑になって当然よ | He she will go to the electric seat, you will already see it. |
死にたかったのよ | I think he wanted to die. |
彼はのたれ死にをしてしまった | He died by the roadside. |
俺は 彼女の死体のそばに立ってた | I was standing over her body... |
君のように 死にそうになっても | They'd have let me die, just like they're gonna let you die. |
彼の死は妻にとってあまりにもショックだった | His death was great shock to his wife. |
彼女の死は彼には大打撃だった | Her death was a great blow to him. |
彼は逃げようと必死だった | He was desperate to escape. |
LADYキャピュレット可惜日 彼女は死んで 彼女は死んで 彼女は死んだよ | NURSE She's dead, deceas'd, she's dead alack the day! |
死刑執行 ここで彼女を取得 ' と死刑執行は矢のように鳴った | 'She's in prison,' the Queen said to the executioner 'fetch her here.' |
嵐によって多くの人が死んだ | Many people were killed as a result of the storm. |
ルーシー 彼は死んだよ | And then he never showed up. And if you see him, you can tell him for me next time |
彼が死んで世界はより安全になった | The world is safer without him. |
彼の死に驚いてないな | Don't seem too shocked on La Grenouille's dead. |
そして彼らの様に死ぬ | Now you'll die like one of them. |
彼自身の裸の彫刻が 死体のように | When I went, I saw the ghastliest thing ever. |
彼は火事で死んだのよ | Where is he? He died in a fire. |
私は彼の死に対して疑いを持っている | I have a suspicion about his death. |
彼は死ぬのを怖がっている | He is afraid of death. |
刀によって生きそして死ぬ | They live and die by the sword. |
彼に死んで欲しかったのね | You wanted him to die! |
彼は血液を与えることによって死にかかった子供を救った | He saved the dying child by giving his blood. |
彼女の死は私にとって大きな衝撃だった | Her death was a great shock to me. |
彼は彼の人生に満足して死んだ | He died content with his life. |