"彼はむしろ "の翻訳 英語に:
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
彼は むしろ 君をかばってた | In fact, when we raised the subject with him, he defended you. |
彼は住むところを探しています | He's looking for a place to live. |
彼はバスケットボールよりむしろテニスが好きです | He likes tennis rather than basketball. |
彼女は むしろ帽子を被るほうだ | Um, she'd rather be wearing the hat. |
彼はジャーナリストというよりはむしろ学者だ | He is not so much a journalist as a scholar. |
彼女は親切というよりはむしろ優しい | She is more gentle than kind. |
彼は優しいというよりむしろ親切だ | He is kind rather than gentle. |
彼女の望む事をしてやろう | I'm giving her what she wants. |
彼は教師というよりはむしろ学者だ | He is not so much a teacher as a scholar. |
それは むしろ | But I knew better. |
最近は むしろ... | But lately, it just feels like.... |
彼女を見る 現在彼は むしろ興味を持ったと | She was making heaps of earth and paths for a garden and Basil came and stood near to watch her. |
彼女は女優というよりはむしろ歌手だ | She is not so much an actress as a singer. |
彼は小説家というよりはむしろ詩人だ | He is not so much a novelist as a poet. |
むしろ彼をリーダーと認めています | And his colleagues don't think of him as a crank. |
彼女は歌手というよりむしろ女優だ | She is not so much a singer as an actress. |
彼は小説を読むために腰を下ろした | He sat down to read a novel. |
彼は詩人というよりむしろ小説家だ | He is not so much a poet as a novelist. |
彼は作家というよりむしろ先生です | He is a teacher rather than a writer. |
むしろアンチテーゼ | They came to me with an idea, I had a better one. |
彼は親切というよりむしろ気がやさしい | He is more gentle than kind. |
彼は政治家というよりもむしろ商人だ | He is not so much a politician as a merchant. |
彼は学者というよりもむしろテレビタレントである | He is not so much a scholar as a TV personality. |
彼は 教師というよりむしろ学者である | He is a scholar rather than a teacher. |
彼はいわゆる天才ではない むしろ彼は努力家なのだ | He is not what is called a genius. Rather, he is a hard worker. |
彼女は美しいというよりはむしろ立派な女だ | She is handsome rather than beautiful. |
彼が欲しかったのは金よりもむしろ名声だ | It is not so much money as fame that he wanted. |
もし彼が死んだらさぞ悲しむだろう | I'll be deeply affected by his death. |
もし彼が死んだらさぞ悲しむだろう | I'll certainly be sad if he dies. |
むしろない | There will be no reporters among them? Reporters? |
いや むしろ... | No, I think I... |
むしろ さあ | Rather, come on! |
彼にどんないろいろと助言をしても 彼は自分の望むことをやるだろう | However much advice we give him, he still does exactly what he wants. |
彼はどんな藁をもつかむだろう | He'll clutch at any straw. |
彼女は冷たいよりもむしろ内気なのです | She is more shy than cold. |
彼女は利口というよりむしろ賢明である | She is more wise than clever. |
彼は先生にむかって舌をべろっと出した | He stuck out his tongue at his teacher. |
彼は政治家というよりむしろ学者である | He is not so much a politician as a scholar. |
彼は賢いというよりもむしろ利口である | He is more clever than wise. |
彼は学者というよりもむしろ流行作家だ | He is not so much a scholar as a popular writer. |
彼は学者というよりもむしろ詩人である | He is not so much a scholar as a poet. |
もちろん 私も彼らを憎む | Of course, I hate them too. |
ミスアイリーン またはマダムは むしろ 彼女のドライブ7時から返します | In two hours we must be on the scene of action. |
僕は落ち込むどころか 彼女に憎しみを覚えるだろう | Rather than getting depressed, I'd probably feel hatred towards her. |
よろしい よろしく頼む | Good. That is good. |