"情欲"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

キーワード : Plum Passion Hypnotic Ardent Charms

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

I need information, that's all I want. Mr. Frobisher, I know!
I want specific information.
おい 情報が欲しいなら...
Now, if you're gonna want... Shut up.
Don't confuse desire with love.
Don't confuse love and desire.
We need everything we can get to fight fiske's motion.
I want more detailed information.
They're my favorite band.
君とバカな母親と 股間の欲情に...
Her stupid frothing loins! I know you're upset,
欲しいだけの情報をやるよ 博士
The machine can only compute the data that you feed into it.
Through me an ardent fire burns
I have information that you need.
We're not looking for sympathy.
It's that simple.
I turn on my desires, I wake up when ...
あの女ったら 昼間から欲情してる
What a dick. She'd do him right here in the daylight.
遅くに悪いが 生徒の情報が欲しい
Sorry to keep you late, but we need some information about a student.
今度 母の股間や欲情を 口にしたら
Mother's loins or their Frothiness to me again, I don't Know what I'll do, but it wi
情報が欲しいとき時があります 次の場所に行くための情報が欲しい 場合もあります
So for example, you could be in a place, you would like to have information about this place without disconnecting from your physical environment.
インターネット上では 欲しい情報にすぐアクセスできる
One can have an instant access to the desired information on the Internet.
Won't happen. Won't happen, and you will die alone. (Laughter)
君に愛情を感じて欲しい そして考える前に行動して欲しい
I want you to feel affection and act before you have time to think.
He is able to subordinate passion to reason.
情報が欲しければ番号案内に 電話しろ
You want information, call 411.
身元を割り出すには もっと情報が欲しい
What about Taft here?
Obviously you don't want to disengage in the physical world and come back.
昨日話した情報が 今すぐ欲しい 分かるか
Listen, I need that information we talked about, like yesterday, you understand?
二つ欲しい コーヒー一杯と 約束してくれた情報だ
Yeah, two things, a cup of coffee and that information you promised me.
そして彼らが欲しい情報を聞くことができ そうです そして情報を得たら......
They're asking me questions. and they can ask about whatever they want...
司令部はコンピュータの情報 を欲しがっている 最重要事項だ
Command deems the information on those computers to be of the highest priority.
欲しいままの情報取得を求めたのに対して 情報の生産に従事していた人々は 情報の囲い込みを行って
Because those people who were hunter gatherers in origin wanted to be free and roam and pick up information as they wanted, and those that were in the business of farming information wanted to build fences around it, create ownership and wealth and structure and settlement.
プロジェクトの すべての情報が欲しい 書類 データ バックアップ 今すぐ私のデスクへ
I want all the information on the development of this project all data, files, backup disks, on my desk right away.
彼は情熱的だった あなたも そうであって欲しかった
Maybe he was mad, but you could see his madness.
あんたが死ぬほど欲しがってる 情報を持ってるんだ
Heh. Well, I got the research you so desperately want.
欲しい 欲しい
Get me all the information you can on this matter.
I had to learn to run some new program,
It was only blah blah answers.
我々は情報が欲しいし あなたは 保護を必要としています
We need information and you need some protection.
それは脳の3つのシステム 情欲 恋愛 愛着がいつも同時にうまくは
However, there's always kinds of complications in this.
力が欲しい お金が欲しい 愛が欲しい
You want power or you want money, you want love, you want...
Grasp all, lose all.
欲しい ゴーギこれ欲しい
Gurgi want this. Go ahead.
それまで経験したことのないほど 情報があふれかえっていました 欲しい情報を見つけるのが
What was happening at that point was there was this huge explosion of content in the web, a bigger explosion of information than had ever happened before.
始めて欲しいのです 情熱を持っているテーマや 伝えたい人のこと
I wanted that wish to actually start now.