"感覚器官"の翻訳 英語に:

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  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

感覚器官などは かなり違っているのではないでしょうか
But they could be out there, very easily.
感覚からのフィードバックがありますが その仕組みは身体的特性と 感覚器官によって制御されています
So you send a command out, you get sensory feedback back, and that transformation is governed by the physics of your body and your sensory apparatus.
The sight memory organ is below the hypothalamus.
独特な感覚器官のスペシャリストであるコウモリに注目し 視覚障害や聴覚障害の原因遺伝子に 視覚障害や聴覚障害の原因遺伝子に
So what we've been doing in my lab is looking at these unique sensory specialists, the bats, and we have looked at genes that cause blindness when there's a defect in them, genes that cause deafness when there's a defect in them, and now we can predict which sites are most likely to cause disease.
Most of the time it's a flexible organ.
Եկեք գրեմ այդ բառը
マクルーハンの逆転があります マクルーハンによれば マシンは 人間の感覚器官の拡張的要素である
And the other thing about this embodiment is that there's kind of what I call the McLuhan reversal.
様々なグループの器官は器官系となります 器官系がいくつか集まって
A group of different tissues are called an organ, and a group of different organs are an organ system.
ある感覚器への刺激が同時に他の感覚器の刺激になるという 経験のことです 色聴の人々は実際
Now, synesthesia is the experience of a stimulus in once sense organ in another sense organ as well, such as colored hearing.
植物にも器官があります 様々な違った器官が
Animals aren't the only ones with organs plants have organs too.
細胞小器官の中にある 細胞小器官じゃないんだ
Բայց դա թաղանթային սահման չէ
平均棍と呼ばれる器官だ 平均棍はジャイロスコープのような器官で
One of the most sophisticated sensors a fly has is a structure called the halteres.
体が触れられたとき肌の感覚器官は脳に信号を送り エンドルフィンのような化学物質が放出される
When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins.
人間は マシンの感覚器官の拡張的要素となりつつある のです 私たちはデジタル写真やデジタルカメラを通じて
And I'm saying, Humans are now going to be the extended senses of the machine, in a certain sense.
Glassは全体的にユーザーの感覚器官の ごく近くに でもそれを邪魔しないように 作られています
And one clear example of this is that we decided to actually position the display above your eye.
おそらく私の視覚 触覚 感情は 思考を素通りしているのではないか 感覚器から快楽中枢への経路は
These are the bits, the pleasure centers, and maybe what I'm seeing and sensing and feeling is bypassing my thinking.
Q. To some extent, yes.
Motion detectors.
I'm trying to be good here.
カヴァナー警官 覚えてるな
Remember Officer Cavanaugh?
How does tha' like thysel'?' It made me laugh an' it brought me to my senses in a minute.
味覚 嗅覚 視覚... からだに感じる感覚か 感覚 など 脳に送られる 電気信号にすぎない
If you're talking about what you can feel what you can smell, taste and see then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
バランス感覚と 方向感覚の失調 呼吸困難
Imbalance, disorientation, labored breathing.
完全没入型 仮想現実では ナノ ボットが感覚器官からくる シグナルを遮断し 仮想環境にいたら 受け取るであろう
So, for example, full immersion virtual reality from within the nervous system, the nano bots shut down the signals coming from your real senses, replace them with the signals that your brain would be receiving if you were in the virtual environment, and then it'll feel like you're in that virtual environment.
脳という一番重要な 臓器を守っています 顔にはあらゆる感覚が集中しています 特別な感覚
We have strong skull bones that protect the most important organ in our body the brain.
BL You see this white V shaped mark on the back of the shrimp?
口も 腸も 消化器官がない
And when we cut them open, they didn't have the anatomy of a clam.
The eyes are the most important organ in the body, Roger.
I'm just numb.
Well, no sensations at all?
It feels numb.
感覚は 単に感覚にすぎなかった Q はい
M. Yes, there's still this noise.
Now look at that. That's a real lung.
その結果 針が器官を傷つけ
So it's very common that some of the needles penetrate sensitive organs.
長官の息子を 覚えてる?
Do you remember the Secretary's son...
Hey, you stay out of my life, you lousy cop lover.
Thought y'all couldn't feel pain.
Sensorydeprivation tank.
I'll show you where we are at the moment in working towards that concept.
This stability is called homeostasis.
I don't need you to think so much as I want you to feel it.
知覚 視覚 歩行 感覚のどれにおいても
Here is an M.S. patient.
He has dull senses.


関連検索 : 人間の感覚器官 - 嗅覚器官 - 味覚器官 - 聴覚器官 - 聴覚器官 - 感覚と官能 - 感覚機器 - 官能的な感覚 - 官能的な感覚 - 感覚受容器 - 器官 - 感覚