"指差"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

キーワード : Point Pointed Finger Pointing

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

And he says, OSHA? Ocean.
指差すな 無礼だ
Don't point!
Can you point to yourself?
They are there to show you. Look there in the coffee maker.
Reproduction of pain is a positive test.
Don't point at others.
It is bad manners to point at people.
Stamp the right foot once and then up One more time Stamp and comes back
My father pointed out one of his wives.
He picked up a butterfly between his thumb and forefinger.
I pointed to the factory.
Point your finger at your choice.
The policeman beckoned to me with his forefinger.
フライアが警官に彼を 指差した途端
Must be the right man, lieutenant.
I'm an immigrant. We make a space. What I tell you?
And then we had dancing. We had everyone dance.
お望みなら... 指輪は差し上げます...
If you ask it of me I will give you the one ring.
Pray tell me in what way I can reward you.
I found that I was lousy at bird watching and couldn't track frog calls either.
I burned my forefinger on fire tongs.
It's not polite to point at others.
It is not polite to point at others.
It isn't polite to point at others.
It was busy, I was in a bit of a hurry.
最初のベクトルを 人差し指で表すとしたら
So let me draw the cross product.
いつも走ってきて 手を引っ張って 私の靴と指差し 自分の靴を指差し そして くつ と言います 笑
And now every time I see her she runs to me and she pulls me down and she points at my shoes and she points at her shoes and she says
だけど人が彼を指差すのが わかったわ
This is the way I want it.
(指差して 何あれ という身振りをする 笑)
They look at Karajan. And then they look at each other.
交差させるように指示しろ 着陸パターン117だ
Send their sunrise flight into an intersecting landing pattern with 117.
人差し指はよく動くので 移動 を表します
This would obviously change the frequency in the gene pool.
指数を差し引きます これは 2 10 5 になります
We also learned that if it was 2 to the tenth over 2 to the fifth, we would actually subtract the exponents.
これは右手座標系です なぜ右手なのでしょうか 親指をx軸に沿って指し 人差し指をy軸に沿って指すなら
If I had to find altitude as the z axis with the arrow coming out of the diagram towards the viewer, this is a right handed coordinate system.
インチキな人差し指が 裏側から抑えています 次に指を閉じるときも同じです
Obviously it's clinging there, not by animal magnetism, but by chicanery, my index finger being there.
With great effort I held his eyelids open with my fingers and dropped in the eye medicine.
She tapped the box with her forefinger.
先生は私を指差し いっしょに来るように言った
The teacher pointed her finger at me and asked me to go with her.
カタツムリを 指差してみましょう 最初は とても単純です
You're helping him discover the garden by just pointing out these snails.
人差し指に 生まれて初めてつくった傷を 感じました
I step off, I'm standing on the platform, and I feel my index finger in the first scar that I ever got, from my umbilical cord, and then around that, is traced the last scar that I got from my surgeon, and I think that, that chance encounter with those kids on the street with their knives
美しい自然の形を描けるのです 親指と人差し指の付け根の つながっている所を
You get the human lungs, you get acacia trees, you get ferns, you get these beautiful natural forms.
日本語版字幕担当 ミシガン大学所属 瀬川恵 矢嶋彩香 ボランティア 東梅ひろみ, M.D. 尺骨神経に損傷がある患者は 人差し指と中指を交差させたり
(English captions by Jade Cheng from the University of Michigan)
反対向きに変わる瞬間 ここの人差し指がこの場所から この様に指さすような形に
In a moment when my hand moves from facing you to being away from you, this finger right here, my index finger is just going to shift from where it is, to a position pointing out like this.
スクリーンを指差し その銃撃戦に加わっています と答えたのです
I said, Where is he now?
あなたは生後10ヶ月として 果物のかごを指差しています
Let's see what your life would have been like if you knew sign language as a baby.
不等な格差が特徴となっています つまり 人種や民族による格差 居住地と性的指向による格差 そして経済社会的地位に基づいた 不等な医療格差です
And the fact is that our healthcare system today is characterized by unconscionable disparities disparities in health on the basis of race and ethnicity, geography, orientation and socioeconomic status.
親指と人差し指で挟んだ紙を引っ張られると 紙を挟んだままでいる事ができません これはフローマンサインとして知られています 前骨間神経に損傷がある患者は親指と人差し指で オーケーサインを作る事ができません
Patients with compromise of the ulnar nerve will not be able to cross the second and third fingers, or hold a piece of paper between their first and second fingers against resistance, known as Frommet's sign.