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ソフトウェアや天文学 自然科学 幅広い分野の娯楽や文化
And across a whole range of fields from software, astronomy, natural sciences, vast areas of leisure and culture
SETIは科学の全ての分野に関わっています 生物学や天文学はもちろん 地学 化学も そして多くの専門分野を
This allows you to pay it forward by using this subject as a hook to science, because SETI involves all kinds of science, obviously biology, obviously astronomy, but also geology, also chemistry, various scientific disciplines all can be presented in the guise of,
But the price of its dominance is enormous.
One final note
This is the other side of the things that we like.
あらゆる分野 技術者 医用画像科学や基礎分野の科学者
One of the most exciting things about this is that, indeed, it involves multidisciplinary work.
さて 彼は哲学と数学の分野で
Which i think is very very good life advice.
So this is exactly what I did.
知っての通り 数学と哲学の分野で
This right here is a picture of René Descartes
科学 工学 臨床の分野のほとんどが
It's incredibly difficult because it's highly inter disciplinary.
統計学を記述統計の分野と 推測統計の分野に分けます
Statistics textbooks, whether they're in Psychology, or Economics, or Sociology, or
Algebra is a branch of mathematics.
残念ながら ロボット工学の分野で
And we have not been able to do that in a robot.
実験的文学や前衛文学は 欧米作家の分野だと思われています マドリッドの学校で子どものときに経験したことが
You're expected to write informative, poignant and characteristic stories and leave the experimental and avant garde to your Western colleagues.
政治学 経済学 心理学 どんな分野でも
What I would like to see is idealism decoupled from all constraints.
機械学習は AI 人工知能の分野から派生した分野です
So why is machine learning so prevalent today?
Desert ecology is a new field of study.
法曹界から人文科学の分野において 多くの人材を育成しました
And so we began to work on that, for years in the '60s.
プレイセオリー 社会学 霊長類学 認知心理学の関連分野などについての 幅広い多くの文献を調べました
We did an extensive review of the literature in related fields, like cognitive psychology, spatial cognition, gender studies, play theory, sociology, primatology.
医学分野では 狭窄 という
So let's say this is a clump of white blood cells and lipid materials and all the rest
科学分野に 惜しい はない
There's no close in science, Barry.
素粒子物理学や化学を 学ぶことができるでしょう 多分 最も困難な科学の分野は 生物学の野外調査でしょう
And locally there you could build particle accelerators, and learn elementary particle physics and chemistry, and so on.
My special branch of study is sociology.
医学分野では 癌の仕組みよりも
It is the movement from the search for universals to the understanding of variability.
You see, for the first time, an imprint on the global level.
My special branch of study is sociology.
It can't be that hard to find some words!
物理学分野では3649ドル さらに
In chemistry, the average title's four thousand two hundred twenty seven dollars.
特集は 科学技術分野で最も
This is its cover from November 15, 2010.
科学技術分野の偏重です STEM分野は 確かに重要です 科学や数学に反対する 気はありません
One of the effects of No Child Left Behind has been to narrow the focus onto the so called STEM disciplines.
結果の一部は彼らには 予見できませんでした 科学と文化の他の分野が
They did not foresee at least one consequence of their revolution.
It's a big community.
心理学 気候学 ロボット工学 考古学 健康科学 財政学 ビジネスにマーケティング どの分野でも当てはまります 生物学や物理学といったかけ離れた分野でも
Whether you are in social sciences, medicine, engineering, public policy, psychology, climatology, robotics, even archaeology, health sciences, finance, business and marketing, or pretty much any other discipline that you can study.
He is working in the field of biology.
It's worthwhile to think about some different ways of randomly generating graphs.
グーグルのJ. ギルバートに言われました 学問分野の
And problem based learning.
Welcome to the machine learning unit.
研究分野として 比較宗教学や
It's a standard practice in the academic world.
手書き文字認識や顔検出です この分野は
There are 2D problems. Fundamentally 2D problems such as handwriting recognition or face detection.
学生時代はデザインや工学とは 全く違った分野
Other designs I really couldn't afford, like the 1974 911 Targa.
この分野の研究はBerthold Hornの1970年の博士論文です
And it's been worked on from the early days of computer version.
古人類学の分野は 人類の祖先について
This must be who I'm directly descended from.
Now, Galois is a very famous mathematician.
それは統計学の分野で ベイズの分散メソッドと呼ばれます
There are methods to calculate the overfitting error.


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