"服役"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

キーワード : Serving Served Sentence Sing Serve

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

ステロイド 服役
retirement, unretirement steroids
I'm in jail.
She's in prison.
You know how long a prison sentence you'd be facing?
Where'd you do time?
I heard you was in the slammer.
トムは今 150年の懲役に服役している
Tom is now serving a 150 year prison sentence.
1か月 服役したのです
He got into a fracas in a bar, he called it.
His son is serving his sentence.
Tonight, that call.
'Cause, I was, you know I was definitely in prison, okay?
Four years in.
おじが服役中 恥ずかしいわ
Yeah. It's a major embarrassment, having an uncle in prison.
I did three years in the pen for bank fraud.
懲役70年を宣告されて ケンタッキー州で7年服役しました
William Gregory was convicted of rape and burglary.
Her husband has been in prison for three years.
服役中の息子に イラクに行った息子
! Look. I got a son in prison, another one in iraq.
服役中にアルコール依存症を 治療します
During my incarceration, I will be participating... in alcohol and angermanagement treatment.
1987年と1992年にも服役 現在に至る
1987, 1992. You get the idea. And here he is today.
The inmate was doing time for a burglary conviction.
The prisoner was behind bars for two months.
彼が銀行詐欺で 3年服役したことは
Did he disclose he'd served three years for bank fraud?
1人の為に 巻き添えで服役はイヤだろ
If you're not involved, you don't want to go down with the person who is.
またやる前に サイコ女は服役させるべきよ
But she's going to do this to somebody else. Throw her psycho ass in the brig.
父親が服役中は 1年半を施設で過ごした
He lived for a year and a half in an orphanage when his father was serving a jail term for forgery.
裁判にかけられ 5か月も服役することだ
He does five months picking up litter in an orange jump suit.
現在カリフォルニアで 13年の刑に服役中です アデウエル タイヲ 通称 FeddyBB
And this man with a planetary sized brain is now serving a 13 year sentence in California.
5年も服役する必要はなかった 僅かの過ち
does not deserve five years.
終身刑の宣告後 テキサス州のウェーコで13年服役しました
Calvin Washington was convicted of capital murder.
麻薬や強盗をやり 少女をレイプの罪で 服役したが
Victor dabbled in drugs, armed robbery and assault, spent time... in prison for the attempted rape of a minor.
このせいで もう4年間服役することになるぞ
They're gonna give you another four years for this, you know.
服役 兵役 宗教的あるいは文化的理由で 撮影が許されない女性達などです
They include dengue fever, imprisonment, army service, women not allowed to be photographed for religious and cultural reasons.
ミッチェル 違法な処方箋薬の所持は 実際の服役刑になるぞ
Mitchell, unlawful possession of prescription drugs puts you in line for actual prison time.
懲役47年を宣告されて 7年服役しました トニーの写真が混じった束から 被害者は
He was convicted of rape, kidnapping and robbery, and served seven years of a 47 year sentence.
80年の懲役を宣告されて18年服役しました 被害者は 二人の容疑者の面通しでは
He ended up serving 18 and a half years of an 80 year sentence for rape and robbery.
彼は35年の服役と100万ドルの罰金を 受ける可能性があります
Governments have insatiable desire to control.
少なくとも15年は服役する 彼女が刑期を終るころ坊やは19歳だ
We're talking about her serving a minimum sentence of 15 years. Your son will be 19 by the time she gets out of prison.
殺したとして有罪となり 死刑宣告を受けてから18年服役しました
Charles Fain was convicted of kidnapping, rape and murder of a young girl walking to school.
服を脱げ 服を脱ぐんだ
Take your clothes off, now!
Get my clothes?
What about your clothes?
死刑宣告を受けてから11年服役しました 有罪判決を受ける直前には
Ron was convicted of the rape and murder of a barmaid at a club, and served 11 years of a death sentence.
裁判官が有罪の判決を下した以上 いさぎよく服役しなければならない
The judge pronounced him guilty , and now he must face the music of a sentence in prison.