"点状"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

There's significant petechial hemorrhaging in the eyes.
Eyes are hemorrhaged.
And what's the brilliant idea he had?
Now, there's only three scenarios here.
状態 は経路の最終地点における状態です
A node is a data structure, and it has four fields.
But here is where the potential ambiguity comes in.
So here is the moment of truth for performing reductions
環状交差点で診察していました まさにこの環状交差点こそが 社会の変革を表す
I like this one from the Belgian field office, where we met in a roundabout, precisely because the roundabout iconified the headless social movement that informs much social transformation, as opposed to the top down control of red light traffic intersections.
唇及び口腔内部に 大量の点状出血
Petechial hemorrhaging in the mucosa of the lips. And the interior of the mouth, the strong odor of bleach,
これからの数時間に 盲点な状態になる
For the next several hours, this is what those in the intelligence community refer to as a blind spot.
5分毎に水槽の... 状態を点検しますだって
The Aquascum is programmed to scan... your tank environment every five minutes?
In K means the correspondence is hard.
生地の起点と終点が論理的に存在しないことです なぜなら トレーラーの形状は
The biggest difficulty on one of these trailers is that when you're designing there's actually no
ある時点から症状が現れるのでしょう 私の場合
I guess Parkinson's kind of creeps up over the years, but at a certain point you start seeing the symptoms.
A navigation problem where there are many choices to start with.
実際 人類が自ら招いた状況は 限界点にあまりにも
So we have to ask ourselves are we threatening this extraordinarily stable Holocene state?
点 点 点と
There's a bunch of numbers here.
点がある状態を探し 大文字のQはこっちで見つけたと伝えます chart 1 で大文字のQの手前に 点がある状態を見つけました
So we're going to go back to states that had a dot in front of a big (Q) and say we have found your big (Q) and we're done with it.
It should. I hope so. amp gt amp gt I think it presently doesn't. It will in the future.
これは最初に赤い点があり 状態0から読み始めています
Let's go through them.
とある地点に到達した 関連無き状態で ただこの直観のみ
Then some beings have come to a place where, in this unassociated state, where only that intuition is there, the sense 'I am'.
点を移動していません これは以前の構文解析の状態です
Over here, we've got the right rule, but we didn't move the dot.
構文解析の状態をリストで保持しそれぞれの状態は 文法規則の途中に赤い点をつけたものです
It's just like our chart for Fibonacci, but instead of holding a single number, it holds a list or a sequence of parsing states, and each parsing state is a rule in our grammar augmented with a single red dot somewhere on the right hand side.
それは確率論的な行動だからです 1つの状態から複数の他の状態に進みます 終着点となるいくつかの状態があります
This is like when we were dealing with belief states where we would move, because we had a stochastic action, from one state to several possible other states.
TV is harmful in that it keeps your mind in a passive state.
3つの状態に分けてみましょう まずは経路の最終地点です
Now at ever point, we want to separate the state out into three parts.
深刻な問題点もあるということです 現在の状況においては
So, there are significant downsides to these changes as well as upsides.
だがこの表現は 彼の健康は状態を表す空間にある点であり
He needn't go anywhere.
1つの地点から次の地点へと 状況を変えようとしています スーダンにはいくつかの障壁があって
People, where they gather, they will change the situation from point A to point B.
Equinoxes and Solstices
Equinoxes Solstices
Two out of twenty.
Ten points for Gaston
推薦状は? 推薦状?
Got a reference?
現時点でまだ 博士の正確な位置と状態が 確認出来ていません
I cannot be certain of his condition or location at this time.
搭乗した際のあなたの健康状態に 若干心配な点がありまして
Uh, we have some concerns about some health exposure you may have experienced during the flight. I'm sorry, I don't...
定常分布は初期状態に依存しないという点です 実際にこれまで初期状態には言及していませんね
One of the interesting things to observe here is that the stationary distribution does not depend on the initial distribution.
I got 80 marks out of a maximum of 100.
One out of twenty.
What is it?
現状から実践的な行動に移すのです 解決策に焦点を当てながら
There is no great central organization that pushes this people just pick up an idea and they run with it, and they implement it where they are.
それは実際に 2a に等しいです これは 楕円状のどの点でも真です
So this d2 plus d1, this is going to be a constant that it actually turns out is equal to 2a.
状態の探索はフロンティアをたどっていきます フロンティアは未探索の経路の 最終地点にある状態の集合で その後ろには探索済みの状態の集合があり
Now, here's another representation of the search space and what's happening is as we start to explore the state, we keep track of the frontier, which is the set of states that are at the end of the paths that we haven't explored yet, and behind that frontier is the set of explored states, and ahead of the frontier is the unexplored states.
その状態を経験する実験をしましょう 終着の状態にたどり着く時 私たちはまた出発点から実行します
What we're going to do is run the policy, have a trial that goes through the state when it gets to a terminal state, we start it over again at the start and run it again and we keep track of how many times we visited each state, we update the utilities, and we get a better and better estimate for the utility.
Geographic Pole