"牢獄"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

キーワード : Prison Jail Cell Sins Camp

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

So they stormed the Bastille.
From birth they are their own jailers.
A convict has escaped from prison.
This is her head, it was a very bloody revolution.
俺には どこだって牢獄
Oh, God. For me, everywhere is a prison.
I spent half my kid's life in prison.
Sneak into the FBI? Get us thrown in jail?
1862年には ベルギーの 牢獄に 1年いた...
Spent a year in jail, Belgium, 1862
One of the sentences was, Some jobs are jails.
Socrates, a man wise enough to know that he knows nothing.
The Tennis Court Oath was in June.
牢獄で人生を 送ることを心配しろ
The rest of your incarcerated life what you shot.
吸血妖魅考 牢獄の悪夢 これは どこに...
Montague Summers', The Werewolf, where would I...
これが習うのが初めての人もいるかも知れません バスチーユ牢獄は政治犯を収容する牢獄ですが
And this is most famous, when you when you first learn about it or maybe this is the first time you're learning about it.
バスティーユ牢獄の鍵ですね ロシア核弾頭発射キーです
The key that the Marquis du Lafayette sent to George Washington to celebrate the storming of the Bastille.
The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to prison.
Other subjects came up almost never, including
絶対にこの牢獄からは 出られないからな
Because you're never leaving this prison, Geyer.
海外に非公開の牢獄が そこに消えてもらう
Disappear him into a secret prison overseas.
Turns out, Tony's got the philosophy muscle.
兄弟たちを力づけてやりなさい 主よ 牢獄であろうと
And when you have turned back to Me, you must strengthen your brethren.
Jail 牢獄 という言葉は ベーコンの味がするといった具合です
Or they can taste certain words.
牢獄破りはするわ 船を盗むわ トルトゥーガの連中と航海するわ
Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga... and you're completely obsessed with treasure.
その年の7月 バスチーユ牢獄 ろうごく は 混乱につつまれていた
We left off the last video at the end of 1789.
精神の牢獄だ マトリックスが なんであるかは... 自分の目で確かめるべきだ
A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
You wanna... You wanna stay in the tower?
クマール まだ牢屋だ
Kumar! Still in jail, asshole!
locking you up.
He's gonna get my badge taken away from me.
I'm not going back to jail, man.
みな同様に 束縛の中に生まれ なんの感覚も得られない 牢獄にとらわれる
Like everyone else, you were born into bondage born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch.
この砦に侵入してきた海賊たちも 牢獄からスパロウを 助けようとはしなかった
The pirates left Sparrow in his cell, ergo they are not his allies.
そこから逃げ出したわけではありません 革命家達にとってバスチーユ牢獄の価値は
So it's not like thousands and thousands of political prisoners were being held there and there were freed.
数多くの問題において 未来の約束か 過去の牢獄かという選択を迫られます
It is time to leave the call of violence and the politics of division behind.
ファルコーニを 牢に入れたのよ
But he's put Falcone behind bars.
I spent three weeks in a dungeon.
Is this bitch worth going to jail for?
船に乗っている事は 溺れるという冒険を伴って 牢獄の中にいるのと同じである
Being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned.
我々は武器をとり立ち上がらなければ そこで人々はバスチーユ牢獄を襲撃し始めました
And especially if he does it with troops, we have to arm ourselves.
私は牢獄の陰で生まれた 暗殺者の娘として 生まれた時から刑を宣告されていた
I've seen the day through the shadows of the bars born condemned
牢に入れてくれ 警部補
I knew I could count on you. ( exhales )
腕を掴め 牢に入れよう
Grab his arms.
We were building a dungeon down there.
You doing a wrong thing, Mr. Shafter.
Ooh, I get handcuffed first!