"特に断らない限り "の翻訳 英語に:

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Special Limits
代わりに無限の数の特徴 無限の数の
But it turns out that for some learning problems, what you really want is not to use, like, three or five features.
It's early in the day for a payoff, isn't it?
無限に 無限に高密度の特異点で始まりました 特異点とは質量で適応さえされないものです
So the Big Bang starts with all of the mass in space in the universe, an infinitely, an infinitely dense singularity.
とても独特な特性を持っています 分かっている限り コウモリは約6400万年にもわたり
One fifth of all living mammals is a bat, and they have very unique attributes.
道路を横断する時には 特に注意しなければなりません
You should be very careful in crossing the road.
それらは診断が困難です 特にグルテン過敏症
Food allergies and food sensivities are far more common than we realize.
私がこれから決断を下す あなたには権限がない you have no authority.
I am making the calls now
特に 正の象限で この線上の数字より大きくなります
But we will always be slightly larger than this number.
The privilege is reserved exclusively for women.
何の判断もしていない ただ 君はできる限りのことを
Right now we're not making any judgement between whether any of these possibilties are better than any other possibility.
特に電波を使っています 電波には制限があります
The way we transmit wireless data is by using electromagnetic waves in particular, radio waves.
さらに自分の特権を使い 可能な限り真実を書き換えた 1984年4月4日
Furthermore, I used my position of privilege within the Inner Party to pervert and betray the truth at all times and to suggest, wherever possible, that our traditional allies in Eastasia were, in fact, our deadly enemies...
If you're selling you can leave right away.
私の知る限りレノックス少佐と 彼のチームの決断は 何らとがめられるものではない
And in my experience, the judgement of both Major Lennox and his team, has always been above reproach.
Unless, of course, it happens again.
Be alert when you cross a busy street!
Especially the ones, uh, you know, out around the museum area.
However, all the correspondences are still alive.
今日では 大きな決断は 特にアフリカのことではなく
How does this decision affect our people seven generations ahead?
With everything you do, of course not.
You know, it's not like it's gonna kill me.
テストにパスしない限り ジョーンズは協力しないから
Jones won't cooperate unless I pass the test.
And you can't jump off a building and fly simply by believing you can. Just take my word for that one.
There is no limit to the universe.
It was like i thought if the words didn't come out... then maybe it wouldn't be true.
良く耳にします ガラパゴスに限らず 他の地域も同じです なにも特別な事では ありません
Now this story, we have heard it lots of times on Galapagos and other places, so there is nothing particular about it.
我らがここにいる限り 何事も起こらない
Nothing can happen to her if we all remain in this room.
すぐに 断りますから
Ha Ni.
I don't need a diagnosis.
特定の横断歩道は他の横断歩道よりも 歩行者が多いというルールがあるとします
We sometimes have special rules for this.
Give me the crutches and I'll go do it.
恐れを知らないやり手なのは 脳が特殊だからです その特別な脳について
I believe you may have a very special brain anomaly that makes you ... special, and interested in the predatory spirit, and fearless.
If you're trying to sell me something, I've got four words for you. Donotcall list.
If you're trying to sell me something, I've got four words for you
我々が断固たる行動を取らない限り 突然変異と腐敗の傷跡を 子孫に残すことになるでしょう
Unless we act decisively... we will pass on the scars of mutation and decay... to future generations.
データが十分にあるなら 特定の区域限定の バス停や周辺地域といった
Well, for example, if you have lots of data about places you can take, from a postcode which is like a zip plus four for a specific group of houses, you can make paper, print off a paper which has got very, very specific things about the bus stops, the things specifically near you.
That is, during these three characters, tag should be true.
見る限り ジェイソンに牙はない
Far as I can tell, Stackhouse don't have fangs.
Judging from his accent, he must be from Osaka.
トレードオフという観点を用いるのです この判断に特に正しい答えはありません
That's how you think about security in terms of the trade off.
自分なりに一つ一つ判断して 決断していけばいい...
You can process things. You can weigh them individually and make decisions on a casebycase basis a. k. a.
Especially if it's your dad.
Scofield's squirrelly.