"理学士"の翻訳 英語に:

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理学士 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

心理学の博士課程学生です 博士課程ですよ
My name is Emily Warren, and I am a PhD student in psychology.
Tendai Mugwagwa My name is Tendai Mugwagwa.
ノーベル賞物理学者 ウォーレス博士がー
Perhaps, that was the right thing to do. Though, I don't know...
児童心理学者 家庭療法士
Child psychologist. family therapist.
He has a doctor's degree in psychology.
The air was fetid, the room a shambles.
So we started doing some repairs.
著名な宇宙物理学者 C リンドストロム博士は
There was no doubt in David Vincent's mind.
Paul Bloom博士 認知および発達心理学
Because then you look at the world and you say, Do you want a pound of gold, or do you want to be totally in love in your life?
まず数学の学士 同様に 電気工学とコンピューターサイエンスの 学士と修士を取得し
Sal earned three degrees from MlT, a Bachelor's in mathematics, as well as a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in electrical engineering and computer science rounding out his education with a MBA from Harvard.
当時私はUCバークレーで 臨床心理学を学ぶ博士課程の学生でした
I saw my very first psychotherapy client.
学士号は ニューメキシコ大学で
I received my bachelor's degree from UNM.
Well, Master of Science.
Dr. Patterson, a psychologist, has tested Koko's IQ.
Is it possible to pass the tax accountant exam by self study?
理学療法士です 私の仕事は義肢を作ること
I work for the Red Cross and I'm a physical therapist.
アルフレッド ホワイト医学博士
None at all. ( ominous theme playing ) ( tires screeching )
Master of Science in Animal Science.
I learned that at officer candidate school.
テンプル グラディン 科学学士 アリゾナで修士号挑戦中で スコットデール飼料場で勉学中
I'm Temple Grandin, a Bachelor of Science, doing my master's here at Arizona State, currently studying in Scottsdale Feed Yards, and I was wondering if I could interest the Arizona FarmerRanchman periodical on a thesis I'm writing on control systems and cattle
理学部を卒業した学生のほとんどが修士課程に進み そのほぼ半数が博士課程に進む
Most graduates of the Department of Science proceed to a master's program, and roughly half of those continue on to their PhD.
いかにして我が校は 理工学部や医学部の博士課程を修了する
And the question is this
This is my science officer, T'Pol.
My master's from the University of Colorado.
数学 論理学 物理学 地質学 そして生 物学
. ..mathematics, logic, physics, geology and bi ology?
心理学 社会学 化学と物理です
It's the science building.
He got a master's degree in law.
私は膝と背中を痛めました 理学療法士を訪ねると
And so we started training and we overtrained, and I developed knee and back problems.
私は かの有名なデルバート ドップラー博士... 天体物理学者であります
I am the noted astrophysicist Dr. Delbert Doppler.
Amit Goswami博士 理論量子物理学者 科学はニュートン物理学から始まり 人間は機械であると説き しばらくの間それが世界観だった
Some tax attorney.
マギル大学のハンズ ラーション博士は
A friend of mine, a colleague of mine,
They said that it couldn't be done.
You ran a floating poker game at STC?
Elisabet Sahtouris博士 進化生物学者 未来学者
Again and again in nature, from the very most ancient bacteria to more recent species, they go through a juvenile phase of hostile competition to establish themselves,
Advanced degrees in hematology and biochemistry.
A Geography Learning Program
歴史 心理学 哲学
But architecture, includes many fields such as engineering, technology of course, history, psychology, philosophy, and many more.
彼女は勉強を続け ホプキンス大学の医学士 博士号を修了しました
There was fire in that belly.
The tallest plants on Earth at that time were less than two feet.
Bruce Lipton博士 細胞生物学者
Over 40 years ago, I was cloning stem cells and one of the first experiments just so blew my mind
90 ニュージャージー州 リンウッド陸軍士官学校
カーネギーメロン大学の博士課程では ロボット工学を学びました
When I was at college, I decided to study engineering, like him.
物理学と地球物理学Advanced URLs description or category
Physics and Geophysics
I've been requested by someone who's starting an economics


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