"絨毛萎縮"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

絨毛萎縮 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

The walls are covered with villi where nutrient absorption takes place.
They're intimidated.
萎縮した筋肉を つくりなおす
Your muscles atrophied. We're rebuilding them.
No surprise.
ここに来ると 萎縮してしまうよ
This place makes me feel so insignificant.
筋萎縮性側索硬化症 (ALS) の患者から
Here's an example from Kevin Eggan's lab at Harvard.
萎縮しているように 見える人もいます
You have other people who are virtually collapsing when they come in.
This completes the chemical process of digestion
I saw that in all three conditions, the mitochondria do not work well,
パーマをかけたので 髪の毛が縮れています
Now I have curly hair, because I had a perm.
She's been indisposed. Indisposed?
これらのすべての紫色の細胞をここですか この絨毛そこですか
And you say, OK, Sal, if that's the organism, what's all of these purple cells out here?
ですから私は毎晩そのサイトへ行って 脳が萎縮する病気に関する
I knew that brains afflicted with MS, overtime, shrank.
患者の特定の癌の シミュレーションを行うのです さらに 筋萎縮側索硬化症や
And so we will simulate in that model for your particular cancer and this also will be for ALS, or any kind of system neurodegenerative diseases, things like that we will simulate specifically you, not just a generic person, but what's actually going on inside you.
長い尾を持つのですが ある遺伝子が発現し この尾を萎縮させ
And so we know that in embryo, as the animal is developing, it actually has a relatively long tail.
It's dripping on my new shag.
ヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン というホルモンが尿中にあるかどうかを この紙に流して調べます
In that particular test, urine either, containing a hormone called HCG, does or does not flow across a piece of paper.
歴史をさかのぼれば 子供たちの3分の1が 脳や体が萎縮していたが
And we want to tell our grandchildren that there was a terrible time in history where up to a third of the children had brains and bodies that were stunted, but that exists no more.
大奇形や筋萎縮の形跡がないか 膝蓋骨の並び方が左右対称かどうか
Begin the exam with the patient in the standing position.
奴らの体中の器官は 萎縮しちまってるんだ さあ ベッドに寝てちょうだい
They've got the organ with which one believes atrophied for lack of use.
自分のニックネームが由来だ 髪の毛が縮れ毛(ナッピー)だから 本当はオレの 居眠り(ナップ)が理由さ
he named it napster because itit was his nickname, 'cause of the nappy hair under the hat, but he... it's 'cause i was napping when he stole it from me!
Yeah. I need rug marbles. I know.
私は多発性硬化症に侵された脳が 次第に萎縮することを知っていました
I turned to reading the latest research using podmed.gov
手を回内させた状態で左右の非対称性 筋肉の萎縮 皮膚の変化を観察します
Observe for evidence of finger malrotation, which can be seen with displacement carpal fractures.
人々がインターネットを使って 政府に責任を課す能力を萎縮させてしまいます 世界には今
This has a chilling effect on people's ability to use the Internet to hold government accountable.
彼は ヨルダン? マッシュの絨毯屋でした
He was a carpet layer for Jordan Marsh.
My might would fall powerless
赤毛 赤毛
Redhead, redhead.
Sleeping on a carpet is great.
Recently I've been feeling a bit down.
Living it up on the red carpet.
三毛全集 三毛
And I was inspired to study abroad after reading these.
縮小 一つ縮小
Zoom out Zoom out by one.
The hot sun made the flowers hang down.
盲目において 光受容体細胞は萎縮または破壊されています どうしたら治せるでしょう
In many forms of blindness, like retinitis pigmentosa, or macular degeneration, the photoreceptor cells have atrophied or been destroyed.
統合失調症において萎縮してしまう 抑制系の細胞です この細胞の表現系を変化させずに
So for example, lets sort of consider that basket cell I told you about earlier the one that's atrophied in schizophrenia and the one that is inhibitory.
前方から観察し 左右の肩の非対称性 鎖骨の変形 筋肉の萎縮 皮膚の変化などを評価します
The shoulder exam begins with inspection.
後方からも同じ様に左右の非対称性 萎縮 あるいは皮膚の変化について観察してください
Observe body habitus and look for lower extremity atrophy or skin changes.
The fairest rose is at last withered.
筋肉の萎縮 皮膚の変化 あるいは扁平足 凹足 腱膜瘤 外反母趾 などの解剖学的変異を調べます
Begin with the standing evaluation of the foot anatomy.
脳全体における役割だけでなく 籠細胞が本当に萎縮しているとしたら そのことを明らかにし
Not only can you use this to study what these cells do, what their power is in computing in the brain, but you can also use this to try to figure out well maybe we could jazz up the activity of these cells, if indeed they're atrophied.
ステファン ベリーニの アパートの絨毯からも同じものが
Were found on a carpet in Stefano Brini's apartment.
The most effective anti smoking ad was this one.
抑制細胞という比較的小さな細胞があります これは統合失調症などで萎縮が見られる細胞です
There's a class of cells, a fairly small cell, an inhibitory cell, that quiets its neighbors.


関連検索 : 絨毛 - 絨毛 - 絨毛 - 絨毛 - 萎縮 - 腸絨毛 - 絨毛癌 - 筋萎縮 - 骨萎縮 - 筋萎縮 - 筋萎縮 - 萎縮性 - 脳萎縮 - 絨毛膜サンプリング