"脂っこ"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

これがプラークの中身だ 脂質 コレステロール 脂肪 死んだ白血球
When it ruptures, now it sudden i am doing a simplification of the process right over here.
プラークができてしまった プラークの材料は 脂質とか脂肪
So over time if a person doesn't have the right diet, or maybe they just have a predisposition to it, you can have these things called plaques form on the walls of the arteries.
良い脂肪のほとんどは オメガ3脂肪酸 という脂肪です
Just as all carbs are not bad for you, all fats are not bad for you. There are good fats.
皮脂腺という場所からの脂の 分泌を増加させます しかし 皮脂という脂質は
Cortisol is a major stress hormone involved in making skin cells churn out oily lipids from special glands called sebaceous glands.
I have greasy skin.
You find these, for example, in fish oil.
0 body fat!
You made these with bacon grease.
Now I give you, from our research, a very short claim.
Now, I'm not trying to pick on pancake mix.
What is fat?
Most people think that the humps store water.
That juice is called grease, Dad.
Whale blubber.
I'll nicely demonstrate that for you. (Laughter)
ベーコン脂の瓶を 取ってもらえる
Get me a jug of that bacon grease, will you?
Don't eat greasy food?
じゃあ 低脂肪を
Two. Two.
Even though they were labeled whale meat, they were dolphin meat.
ホットケーキの脂肪分は たったの11 です
Olive oil is 100 fat.
ベーコンの脂と ホット コームした髪を使って
We make postmodern art with bacon grease and hot combed hair.
脂肪を吸い取る手術って 知ってる
Have any of your friends ever been vacuumed out?
タバコ コカイン 脂っこい食生活 ストレス これらが血管を狭くします
It's not so much psychological, it's vascular, and nicotine makes your arteries constrict.
Now, let me draw a plaque there. and we've been studying plaque since the video on heart attacks.
The bacon label still looks greasy.
あたし 低脂肪乳ね
Low fat milk for me.
オリーブ油は100 脂肪です
So, let's go back to our olive oil and pancake mix from before.
And what makes a particular fat healthy or unhealthy is its shape.
何か 脂肪が無い物
What do you have that doesn't have fat in it?
低脂肪の マヨネーズかしら
Is this lowfat mayonnaise in the cole slaw?
脂肪酸です そしてこの鎖の構造の 微妙な違いが 脂肪の性質を決めます
The three long chains on the right are called fatty acids, and it's subtle differences in the structures of these chains that determine whether a fat is,
Big mustache.
脂肪酸は長かったり 短かったりします
One is length.
なるほど マーシィって名前の 低脂肪コンビーフか
Yeah, right, the lean corned beef named Marcie.
トムの体脂肪率は7 だ
Tom has 7 body fat.
Looks like some sort of secreted resin.
体脂肪率は平均で2 37
Is he joking?
脂肪の男 顔に落ちる
The fat guy fall on face.
脂っこくて調味料もたくさんある マックナゲットとかホッとポケットは
By the '70s, home cooking was in such a sad state that the high fat and spice contents of foods
We said, Well, what do tails do?
一方飽和脂肪酸は摂りすぎると 体に悪い脂肪です 飽和脂肪酸については 以上 という感じですが
Now, most unsaturated fats are good for you, while saturated fats are bad for you in excess.
Butter is made from cream.
So you could go in, you could get your tummy tuck.
Others have both single and double bonds.