"腹部の壁"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

腹部の壁 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

上腹部の圧痛に... 瀰漫性の腹部...
Well, you would have epigastric tenderness, diffuse abdominal tenderness...
Drew pictures all over the walls of his cell.
胸部と腹部の レントゲンを頼む
Chest Xray and KUB. Notify the O.R. we are on the way.
We've got a gunshot wound to the abdomen.
壁の上部に ポーチのトップへ
On! Comet, on! Cupid, on!
My lower abdomen feels bloated.
I'd like to start with a couple of quick examples.
How it works?
Hey, it's like there's a room behind the wall.
そう 部屋の壁とソファーと天井も
My son is bouncing off the walls! Yes, off the walls, the couch, and the ceiling.
That chin barbel is flashing.
The blow caught him in the stomach.
Nancy papered her room green.
そして 腹部をさすります
I would percuss the chest. I would listen to the heart.
abdominal bruising on the left.
For example, the happy wife.
オックスレイの部屋の壁に書いた 戻すだよね
Return, like he wrote on the walls of his cell.
背部の壁はここで 別の壁はここにあります 底辺は 濃いピンクで
So we'd have kind of a front wall here, and then the back wall would be this wall back here, and then there'd be another wall here.
A marsupial is a mammal with a pouch
We got a juvie male with a gunshot wound to the abdomen.
腹部を触診し腹部筋膜ヘルニアなどを調べます さらに上前腸骨棘 下前腸骨棘
Palpate anatomic landmarks for tenderness including the abdomen to evaluate for abdominal fascial hernia, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, the iliac crests, and pubic symphysis.
In the middle of the wall at the back of the room is a large window.
満腹の20 手前で食べるのを止める ということです 満腹感が腹部から脳に伝わるには
It's simply a little saying these people say before their meal to remind them to stop eating when their stomach is 80 percent full.
部下は腹話術の名人でな... 彼と交代だ
InChi's a ventriloquist, and he'll do the talking for me.
装置や部屋の壁いっぱいに 絵を描き
He turned it into an adventure for the kids.
Everything on that wall has Meant something.
政治的な壁 取引の壁 移動の壁 通信の壁 鉄のカーテンで
And they threw up walls political walls, trade walls, transportation walls, communication walls, iron curtains which divided peoples and nations.
向かい合い 腹部を 曲げて卵を一つ アブラムシの
She stands vis à vis in front of the victim at the right hand side, bending its abdomen and inserting a single egg into the body fluids of the aphid.
車 アパート 照明 壁紙 全部 新しくしたら...
New car, new flat, new lamps, new paint. Everything is new.
The wall is partly covered with ivy.
この部屋に全て特徴が有る 壁 床 天井 ドア
You have to think of all the features in the room, the walls, the floors, the ceilings, the doors.
手術のとき患者の腹部の 内臓が透けて見え
This image was obtained with a real patient's permission .
To hell with it all!
And you can see, it's lumpy bumpy.
右肺と左腹部は 弾が出た形跡なし
Right lung and lower left quadrant, no visible exit wounds.
Below the threshold we perceive things as they are.
Why is this important? Because this is so much more sensitive.
同じことをはじめました 患者の胸部や腹部を叩く診察法を
And so when Auenbrugger became a physician, he began to do the same thing.
患者の容態を調べる為に 腹部の聴診を行う時
I beg of you.
They just removed a burnt body, or half a body from here.
The bookshelves are built into the walls of my room.
And at the slightest sound, they hide back again.
それを覆う壁があるのです 壁の内部には軸があり この周囲を交わり合う繊維の
It had the central fluid, it had the surrounding wall, and the reinforcing fibers in the wall were arranged in crossed helices around the long axis of the skeleton.
話し声が壁に反響してうるさいな この部屋
This room is noisy. The sound bounces right off the walls.


関連検索 : 腹壁 - 腹壁ヘルニア - 前腹壁 - 腹部 - 腹部 - 腹部 - 腹部 - 腹部 - 腹壁手術 - 腹壁欠損 - 胸部、腹部 - 腹部のトレーナー - 腹部のイメージング - 腹部のバインダー