"膵臓の静脈"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

膵臓の静脈 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

And it generally travels through two major kind of vessels.
これは頭や腕の静脈を集める静脈だ これらの上大静脈と下大静脈を通って全身の血液が心臓に戻される
There's also another one over here called the superior vena cava, and this is bringing back blood from the arms and head.
What is a pancreas anyhow?
So Superior Vena Cava and Inferior Vena Cava.
And this are the abdominal organs.
There is actually a little spot right there that they drain in to.
液体のは フィルターのシステムと 膵臓 肝臓 胆嚢の援助で
Liquid nutrients are then carried... through an elaborate system of filtering... aided by the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder... or collected in the bladder to be expelled at a later time.
一方 静脈からは血液が心臓に流れます
And then you've got the capillaries, you've got some blood kind of from both places the pulmonary circulation and the blood from the systemic circulation again mixing.
This is now going to dump into what we call a venule.
I'll write that right here.
Into the IV, yes.
So you have these arteries right over here, the red tubes. Those are arteries. and then the blue ones are veins.
And it came up in the right atrium from a giant vessel up top called the superior vena cava. And this is a vein of course because it's bringing blood towards the heart.
インスリンは膵臓 すいぞう でつくられますが もし膵臓がちゃんとつくれなかったら
Now the first thing that could go wrong here is What if the body does not produce insulin?
心臓 肝臓 神経 膵臓などがその例外で それらには依然として
And today we can obtain cells from most every organ in your body, except for several which we still need stem cells for,
ここにはもう一本の静脈 下大静脈があります
And at the bottom here, you can't see it because it's on the other side of the heart, but there's another vein called the inferior vena cava.
大きな臓器 脈管
So this is more challenging
And let me actually show you where the blood vessels come from. These are called coronary vessels I just write the word coronary here.
臓器だけではなく組織も衰えて行きます 膵臓の移植や
So, that's a challenge, not just for organs but also for tissues.
下大静脈は下半身からの血液を集める静脈だ こっちには上大静脈というのもある
Inferior vena cava, and this is the large vein that brings back all the blood from the bottom half of the body.
Start a largebore IV. Keep it open.
こっちが動脈 このふたつが静脈です
I could just write artery and vein and essentially they would be behaving this way.
血液を心臓へ運ぶ血管を静脈といいます このように心臓に血液が送られてくれば
And anytime I mention the word vein, I just want to make sure you think of blood going towards the heart.
細静脈はほかのたくさんの細静脈と合流して こっちからも こっちからも細静脈が集まってくる
A venule, and this venule is gonna basically then feed into many, many other venules.
I'm going to do some surgery here.
肺がん 膵臓がん 卵巣がん そして乳がんです
We have more trials planned for lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and breast cancer.
こうした血液は一本の静脈に集まり 心臓の上の部分に流れていきます
let's say dumped into the air and the same on this side, and it's gonna come from their head and all three sources two arms and a head are gonna come together into one big vein
実際はかなり少ないですが 膵臓 肝臓 腎臓などの癌もあります 私たちの治療では患者は
Well, there are other cancer tumors in the abdomen quite lethal, very lethal actually pancreas, liver, kidney.
They would ordinarily support fish and other wildlife.
And fortunately he didn't die.
この2本の静脈が体中の血液を吸い込んで 心臓に送り込んでいるのです 心臓が拍動によって押し出した血液は動脈に流れます
And these two veins, this is also a vein, these two veins are actually dragging blood in from all over the body, into the heart.
And you might say, well that wasn't so difficult. I'll say bronchial vessels, because there are also some veins coming off.
気管の細胞を取り出します 膵臓に問題がある場合は
If you present with a diseased wind pipe we'd like to take cells from your windpipe.
ケブラーの溶液は 例えば末梢静脈や
So you think of alternative mechanical parts.
この画像で見ている 細胞の集合体 膵臓で 人体内でインスリンを 製造している臓器です
This example is a picture of a piece of the pancreas, that's a little gushy organ that sits right here in our abdomen, this cluster that you're looking at of cells in there, are the cells that make insulin in the body.
私 膵臓がんなの お願いだから 早く会いに来てくれない
And I should mention that I have pancreatic cancer, and I'd like you to please be quick about this.
膵臓の細胞を取り出すわけです 理由は 採取する細胞は
If you present with a diseased pancreas we'd like to take cells from that organ.
I ended up with blunt chest trauma.
先ほど動脈 静脈という言葉が出てきましたが
Well, these vessels, all of them, together are called coronary vessels.
So ischemia is deprivation of blood flow and oxygen downstream from this right over there.
A little vein in his head popped, and that was that.
I hope my veins don't pop.
父親が膵臓癌と診断されたとき 痛感しました ボストンでの治療や
And this inadequacy of cancer medicine really hit home when my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
She was being given medicine intravenously.
消化吸収の大部分は小腸で行われる 粘膜分泌酵素が膵臓と肝臓の消化酵素を供給する
Chyme exits the through the piloric sphincter into the Duodenum of the small intestine the major portion of absorbtion in digestion occurs in the small intestine.


関連検索 : 膵臓動脈 - 膵臓 - 膵臓 - 膵臓癌 - 膵臓アミラーゼ - 膵臓癌 - 膵臓癌 - 膵臓の尾 - 膵臓腺癌 - 膵臓疾患 - 膵臓組織 - 膵臓疾患 - 腎臓の弓状静脈 - 膵臓の頭部